At this time, Yang Lei had already planned to bring the curtain down for the Caster camp. By then, Sasaki Kojiro would surely die.

Since the relationship is still relatively good, there is nothing to do to help.

"The watchdog?"

Medea gets angry when she mentions Kojiro Sasaki.

There is no other reason 753, but she took a lot of risk to summon that guy illegally, but after spending a lot of mana, she got a defective product, and she couldn't leave the mountain gate. What kind of setting is this?Do you want her to carry this mountain gate when she goes out to fight in the future?

Also, Sasaki Kojiro kept calling her a female fox behind her back, and he could always see through her dark nature, which made her particularly unhappy and worried, for fear that Soichiro Kuzaki would hear something.

Therefore, Medea's attitude towards Sasaki Kojiro was really bad to the limit.

However, now that it was the last moment, she asked kindly, and was told by Sasaki Kojiro that his wish was to fight Yang Lei again and die under his sword.

That's right, as a swordsman, his wish is only to fight to the death again. If he can die under the sword of his favorite opponent, it will be his honor.

Well, swordsmen, samurai and the like are like this, they don't care how to live, only how to die.

Especially dying after an equal enemy showed off a great battle, that's really the ideal ending.

"Is the wish to die again?"

Yang Lei felt speechless and shook his head: "Well, since this is his wish, let's make it happen."

"Speaking of which, just destroy Rin's so-called plan to pieces, Medea."

"This time, I'm going to fire at full force, and I'm going to fight with my teammates!!!".

0927 Prepare to fight with me

This afternoon, Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Shirou, Saber, and Lancer, who was already in a spiritual state, walked together and finally came to the foot of the mountain where Liudong Temple is located.

Although it was still in the afternoon, logically, the daytime was not suitable for battles between Servants.

However, because of the special nature of Liudong Temple, there are not many people around here, so they don't care about these details.

"Go up."

Without stopping, the group started to climb directly after arriving at the foot of the mountain.

"The visitor stays."

Just before the group climbed halfway up the mountain, they were stopped by a person on the way.


Tohsaka Rin exclaimed, only to see Yang Lei standing in front of them.

It turned out that what he said before to fight with his teammates was like this, first beat Rin Tohsaka's teammates once, and then turn around and beat his current teammates again, very good and domineering.


Yang Lei greeted his former Master, and kindly reminded: "I am controlled by the Command Spell, so stop treating me as your own, and prepare to fight with me."


Tohsaka Rin's face showed a sad and angry expression, and there was some guilt.


At this time, Saber stepped up to block Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou.

When facing a Servant, only the same Servant can stop the other party.

Otherwise, even if an extremely noble magician comes, it will not be enough to see.

A magician, a person who uses magic.

In the Moon World, magic is divided into two categories, one is magic, and the second is magic.

The so-called magic is also one of the types of magic, but since magic is a realm that can be achieved by science, it has been downgraded.

For example, fire magic was magic before humans mastered the use of fire.

But when ordinary humans can easily make fire, the magic of ordinary fire is downgraded to magic.

In other words, magic is a more mysterious power than magic, and sorcerers are more powerful beings than magicians, so theoretically it is true.

But compared with the legendary heroic spirits, it is not enough to be a human magician.

Of course, one must also consider the issue of their own magic power, as well as the issue of each other's attributes.

For example, if the heroic spirit does not have a master, once the mana is consumed too much, it will even die on its own, not to mention fighting.

There is also the property phase restraint theory and so on.

Generally speaking, we can't say it too absolutely, but relatively speaking, heroic spirits are definitely much stronger than humans.

So at this time, before Lancer appeared, Saber hurriedly stood up, afraid that Yang Lei would suddenly take action to kill Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou in seconds.

Of course, this is because she was a little worried too much, and Yang Lei will definitely not take action on Tohsaka Rin.

As for Emiya Shirou.


Then it depends on his mood, maybe he will take this opportunity to kill that guy.

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