Tian Tian, ​​who was next to the two of them, sighed helplessly and muttered, "It's really embarrassing that Mr. Kai is seasick. But well, wouldn't it be nice to keep him quiet for a while?"


There are eight people in this group. Obviously, it is not only the third class. In fact, there are people from the eighth class walking aside, but I don't know how they met. Before Yuhika set off, he didn't say that the third class would be better than the third class. Did they arrive earlier?

At this time, I saw Hong Yuhi called Neji aside, glanced at Hinata who looked lonely, and said in a low voice after thinking about it: "I don't expect you to fulfill the so-called duty of separation, but I hope you can. Stop hitting my disciples."


Ningci snorted disdainfully and responded, "Don't worry, I'm not so bored yet to take care of someone who is holding me back."

After speaking, Neji didn't wait for Yuhika's response, and ignored Hinata, whose face suddenly turned pale, and walked a few steps back to the third team.

"It's too much."

Ya Mobu walked up to Hinata's side and comforted him with concern: " Hinata, don't mind the competition on the boat all the time. Isn't he a year older than you? It's okay to win."

Listening to Ya's words, it seems that Hinata and Neji had a battle on the ship of the Land of Waves, and you can guess the result from the attitude of the two.

But think about it, Hinata is different from Neji. If Neji is a genius, she can only be regarded as a diligent ordinary person.

Not to mention that Neji is one year older than Hinata as Ya said, even if they are the same age, she can't beat Neji, because the gap between the two is too great in terms of talent and mood.

Hinata is more like an ostrich and likes to dig his head in the sand to escape reality.

Neji is more like a hedgehog and likes to put sharp thorns on herself as a protective cover.

Although their attitude towards life is somewhat negative, the former always chooses to escape, while the latter chooses to take the initiative to face it. How could Hinata be Neji's opponent.


At this time, Shino also leaned over and reminded: "Why don't you ask your boyfriend to help you out."

Hinata's face suddenly turned red, and he finally regained a little popularity. He bowed his head shyly, and muttered in a low voice, "That's not good, it's a matter between me and Brother Neji."


Hong Yuhi, who was still worried about how to deal with Hinata, was startled, looked at Hinata in disbelief, and asked, "Isn't it? Hinata, is that kid named Yang Lei really your boyfriend?"

In the beginning, the story of Hinata and Yang Lei was widely spread in the village, otherwise you thought that Rixiang Rizu would really make a fuss to target a little kid?

It's not that things are getting worse, and at that time, I haven't been too disappointed with Hinata. Hyuga said that it doesn't matter if you have a child, but you can't fall in love so early, right?This is what makes the means.

Originally, this matter ended when Yang Lei dropped out of school, and the people in the village almost forgot about it, but later, when Yang Lei openly hugged Hina Tian in class, this matter was brought up again, and it was louder. bigger than before.

After all, Yang Lei and Hinata are not six years old, but twelve years old. Although they are still a little young, they can't be regarded as the time when they don't understand everything.

As a result, some interested people will inevitably not have some ideas. Could it be that the Hinata clan wants to marry the Sarutobi clan?

After all, Yang Lei is Asma's godson, and Asma has no son of his own, it is inevitable that others will have some misunderstandings.

You think, Asma is the son of the third generation of purpose, so the direct descendant of the third generation of purpose is Yang Lei except Konoha Maru.

And Konoha Maru is only nine years old now. If you want to get married, besides Yang Leishang, can you find a branch of the Sarutobi family to marry the daughter of the Sun Xiang family?

It's not that Hong Yuhi hasn't heard some rumors, but she wondered that such a young child should not be used as a political tool by the family, but now it seems that the two children should fall in love with each other, so she can't help but feel a little bit. Surprised, are all children so precocious these days?


Just when Hong Yuhi wanted to ask more about Hinata and Yang Lei, suddenly, the four people in the third class who were walking in front all stopped, and they heard Matekai reminding without looking back: "You have Didn't hear anything?"


After all, Hong Yuhi was a Jōnin, so she quickly put away her distracting thoughts and paid attention to her surroundings, and soon she heard some noises.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"Someone is fighting in the distance?"

Kurenai Yuhi raised her eyebrows and looked at Matekai, with a hint of worry and questioning in her eyes.

"Yes, it should be Kakashi and the others who are fighting the enemy."

Matekai said that there was no more sequelae of seasickness on his face, and shouted: "Go to the direction of the battlefield with all your strength, Neji, Hinata, open your eyes to check the situation ahead and set off."

"Whoosh whoosh."

The eight people who had been leisurely and leisurely before rushed forward in an instant, with Matekai and Neji leading the line, and Kane Yuhi and Hinata at the end. This formation can be regarded as the most powerful.


After rushing forward for a long time, Matekai suddenly let out a light hum and shouted: "There are two battlefields, one is in the woods, the other is at sea, Hong, you take your eighth squad to the woods Look, let's go to sea, if it's not our own, try not to cause entanglement, and rush to the other side to support."


It seems that, once the time comes, Matekai is still very reliable.

First of all, let's talk about why he wants Yuhihika's eighth shift to go to the woods, because there are trees in the woods that can block the view. Although it seems that it is easier to ambush, but because there is already a battle inside, there should be no more ambush. Yes, in this way, once the eighth squad can't beat the enemy, there is still a chance to escape.

And if it is at sea, there is nowhere to hide as far as the eye can see. Once you can't defeat the enemy, you will only have a dead end. You can't sink to the bottom of the sea and hide for ten days and a half, right?

It can be seen that Matekai still takes care of Yuhika and others, so I say that he is very reliable.

"I see."

Hong Yuhi was not polite, nodded and led the three of Hinata from the eighth class to the other direction.

Hong Yuhi is very self-aware, even if she doesn't think she can't beat Maitkay, don't forget that the three people under her command are one year lower than the three people in the third class, and their strength is much worse than them, so she should still be able to escape Terrain of opportunity.

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