And just when the support of the two teams finally arrived, the battle between the two battlefields basically came to an end!

(PS: Because the heroine hasn’t shown up for a long time, plus there are some foreshadowing to write, don’t scold me... After all, Yang Lei is not Naruto and will not bring a change in mentality to Hinata, if you don’t write more about you I would wonder, when did Hinata become so generous?).

0109 Status of the Assault Squad


Going back for a while, at the edge of the woods, Kakashi and his party finally broke through in a hurry. They also killed the pursuers during the period, and the least died in the hands of Kakashi and Asma. There are also a dozen people.

Among them, Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Dingji, and Ino had cooperated with each other and killed two Chunin, only Sakura had achieved nothing, but as long as she didn't hold back, she would have done a lot to the team contribution.

"What's wrong, Sakura?"

Kakashi pulled down the forehead guard to block the writing wheel eye of his left eye, smiled at Sakura and said, "Are you scared? Don't worry, even if I die, I will protect you, I will never let you My comrade was killed."

Although Kakashi looked back and smiled very handsomely, it was obvious that he guessed wrong.


Xiao Ying shook her head and asked worriedly, "Do we have a "[-]" signal flare or something? Now that we have broken through, can we ask Yang Jun to come over?"

"This one."

Kakashi scratched his face with some embarrassment, and said with a wry smile: "I'm really sorry, I only brought a smoke bomb, although I can also let my ninja dog notify him, but I'm afraid the ninja dog will not wait for it to get close. was killed."

"Don't worry, Sakura."

At this time, Asma, who took the opportunity to light a cigarette for himself, also persuaded: "Let's trust Yang Lei, if he loses, he will definitely escape as soon as possible."

As he said that, he also showed the special kunai in his hand.

"I see."

Although Xiao Ying's face was still worried, she thought that the relationship between Asma and Yang Lei should be more intimate. Even if he said this, she would not be able to say anything about going back to Yang Lei anyway.


The team continued to walk forward. At this time, Ino quietly approached, bumped Xiao Ying's shoulder with his shoulder, and asked in a surprised voice, "You don't really like Yang Lei, do you?"

Xiao Sakura looked at Ino, and then thought about Yang Lei who didn't know what the situation was. She was too lazy to hide anything, so she simply nodded.


Ino exclaimed subconsciously.

"Be careful."

At this moment, Asma shouted loudly, and pushed Sakura and Ino, who were walking together, with a big hand, and saw more than a dozen kunai suddenly flew out of the forest on the left, just in the Sakura and Ino were standing just now.

However, although Asma's reaction allowed the two girls to escape in a timely manner, he himself was pierced by a few kunai piercing his left arm. It was also cut off and can no longer be used normally.

"Feel sorry."

Kakashi, who was walking at the front of the team, apologized as he led the crowd into a defensive camp, and at the same time pulled his forehead away to reveal his wheel eyes again.

He spent a lot of chakra and mental power in the previous breakout operation. He thought he would be safer after coming out of the forest. As long as he was careful, he might be able to escape safely.

Unexpectedly, not long after he turned off the writing wheel, the team suffered a seedling. If it wasn't for Asma's quick response, there would be a situation of attrition, how could he not blame himself.

After all, Kakashi just finished saying such a handsome thing, isn't this a slap in the face?

"Do not mind."

Asma waved his right hand generously, pointed to where Sakura and Ino were standing just now, and said, "It's those two girls who didn't notice that there are traps here, not an ambush."

"is that so."

After confirmation, Kakashi found that Asma's judgment was correct. There were no enemy ambush in the woods, and only some inferior traps were everywhere. I just don't know if there are high-level traps hidden under those low-level traps.

"It seems the road is no longer safe."

Kakashi made a judgment that since someone can set a trap before them, they can't go in this direction, but if they return the same way, they will encounter chasing soldiers, which is really difficult.


Hearing Asma say, while letting the guilty-looking Ino and Sakura help bandage their left hand and expressing their views, I heard him say: "Let's take turns carrying Mr. Dazner's family, we will detour from the sea to the bridge. , I'm sure Cardo and the gang don't think we're going to hide there."

Kakashi's eyes lit up, and then Asma said: "And our reinforcements will arrive soon, as long as it can be delayed until tomorrow."


Asma smiled and nodded. She turned around and saw that the two girls had secretly shed a few tears because of self-blame. She couldn't help shaking her head in a funny way, and comforted: "Okay, how long do you want to cry?"

"This is a battlefield, isn't it a companion's duty to protect his companions?"


Asma glanced at Xiao Ying with some playfulness and some admiration, and said, "As long as Yang Lei gathers with us, he will be able to help me treat my left hand, so I don't need to feel guilty anymore. Let's eat barbecue..."

"Barbecue? Good."

Among the four shinobi surrounding the Dazna family, Ding Ji, who was still serious at first, immediately became aware of his presence when he heard the barbecue, and said with a smile, "Everyone owes Yang Lei a barbecue, plus Xiao Ying. This time with Ino, it will be several barbecues."

"How many times?"

Shikamaru looked at Dingci with a black line. He originally wanted to help him figure out how many meals it should be, but after thinking about it, let it go. Dingci didn't care about how many barbecues he could eat, he only cared about it. There is barbecue to eat.

"Huh? Do we owe Yang Lei too?"

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