In Gilgamesh's treasure of the king, there is a Noble Phantasm called the Omniscient Almighty Star. We don't know how terrifying the details are, but one thing is, once he takes it out and uses it, it can be done easily. To see through the true identity of others, even to the point of Noble Phantasm.

But for Gilgamesh, Yang Lei is an existence that he cannot see through.

No way, Yang Lei does not exist in this world, no matter in the past or in the future, he will not appear in the official history, and will only be spread among a limited number of people.

Therefore, even Gilgamesh didn't know Yang Lei's origin, so he was scornful from the beginning, thinking that this nameless guy was just a pawn, not worth mentioning.


Yang Lei was still looking at Illya's body up and down before, wanting to see how far the Little Holy Grail has reached, wondering whether to take it out first, lest Illya's body have another accident.

But after hearing Gilgamesh's words, he turned around and came here, looked at Gilgamesh with a smile, and asked, "Who is the miscellaneous talking about?"

"The miscellaneous is talking about you."


Gilgamesh's reaction was too fast, and before he could figure out the trap in this sentence, his body had already spoken out automatically, and then the scene became very strange for a while.

"So you admit that you are a miscellaneous practitioner."

Yang Lei smiled, and he was very happy to use word games to make gold glitter.

Just then, he suddenly pulled his face down and sneered: "Speaking of which, you are a bastard of a man and a god, but you call others a bastard every day. You bastard is really funny."

As a demigod, and with two-thirds of the blood of a god, Gilgamesh is indeed a half-blood. Although Yang Lei's words are ugly, he is right.

"You guy."

Gilgamesh's face darkened immediately. Yang Lei had slapped him with words just now, and now he dared to insult himself, it was really courting death.

"I am going to kill you."

Gilgamesh is rarely so angry and depraved as he is now. Originally, he was arrogant and arrogant and narcissistic.

But now, he just wants to kill Yang Lei quickly, or he will explode with anger.


Yang Lei smiled: "Come here, I'll kill you."

As he spoke, Yang Lei stepped forward, but he didn't take out any weapons, he just stood there.

"It's arrogant."

Gilgamesh hated so much that he almost gnawed his little white teeth into pieces. He no longer hesitated, and waved his hand to condense countless golden halos behind him, and summoned countless Noble Phantasm-level weapons one after another. He went straight to Yang Lei's body.

"Boom." "Ding." "Bang." "Dang."

I heard a loud noise coming from Yang Lei's side, but Gilgamesh's attack range was a little bigger. The sound of iron clashing.

Seeing that Yang Lei and Gilgamesh were fighting without a word of speculation, the others around quickly stepped back. Neither of these two guys is a fuel-efficient lamp, so it's better not to get involved.

It's just that they obviously didn't get a stop between them, they just changed the venue, the battle that should come is still confrontation, but it was replaced by Saber vs Berserker, and then Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou joined forces to confront Illya alone. .

Don't mention the scene on that side, just look at Yang Lei's side.

"what happened?"

When the first round of attacks passed, as the smoke dispersed, Gilgamesh was surprised to find that Yang Lei had survived unscathed, and could not help exclaiming.

Although he didn't know Yang Lei's true identity or even who his surname was, Gilgamesh could still see Yang Lei's job description and knew that he was just an archer, and the two had the same job description.

But it stands to reason that the physique of the archers cannot be too strong, which is almost incomparable to Berserker, right?

"What? This is shocking?"

Yang Lei scratched his ears with his hands, and this posture was as if Gilgamesh's attack just tickled him...  

"You guy."

Gilgamesh roared angrily, waved his hand again, first removed all the halos that had condensed before, and then summoned a larger light curtain, and the breath emanating from the reappearing Noble Phantasm was obviously Stronger than the previous Noble Phantasms.

"These are all A, Grade Noble Phantasms, I don't believe they can't hurt you."

Gilgamesh confidently shouted out his method and waved his hand forward.

"Whoosh whoosh."

I saw that it was like rain in the sky, but the rain was not a real drop of water, but a rain of swords.


This time, Yang Lei didn't resist as hard as before. Instead of shaking M, he shouted "Sure", and all the weapons flying from the sky were stopped in front of him.


Gilgamesh was even more shocked. One was Yang Lei's method, he couldn't see it, he didn't know what he did, and all the Noble Phantasms that he could knock out were stopped there and couldn't move.

On the other hand, Gilgamesh found that the relationship between himself and those Noble Phantasms had been severed.

In other words, he lost those Noble Phantasms.

In fact, it's not a loss, just because Yang Lei opened up a different dimension of time and space, so that those Noble Phantasms were trapped in other worlds and could not attack him, and Gilgamesh could no longer sense the existence of those Noble Phantasms.

But this is all because the distance is too far, and as long as Yang Lei turns off this temporary 3.8-turn off-dimensional space-time, those Noble Phantasms should be able to come back.

"Is this all your means?"

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