Yang Lei shook his head in disappointment, and continued to sarcastically said: "Seeing how arrogant you are, I thought you would be so powerful, so that's what it is, the king with a strong mouth?"


Gilgamesh gritted his teeth, but he knew that in the face of the cruel reality, he was indeed suppressed, and it was futile to say anything now. The only way to break the current predicament was to find a way to fight back.

"There's no other way, since you've been forced to this step, then, come out, Deviance Sword.EA, with the prosperous attitude of 'deviation star'."

(PS: The name of this sword is Deviance Sword.EA, and the Deviance Star is its maximum output state, just like Saiyans and Super Saiyans, Saiyans are the name of the race, and Super Saiyans are the name of the race. Demi-humans are the state after transformation, and Chuanchao can't be regarded as typical...).

0936 The King of Nuclear Bombs Appears

"What kind of sky is it to open? What kind of land is opened? What kind of good is it? What kind of star is it?"

In the face of Gilgamesh, who took out his strongest Noble Phantasm, Yang Lei's performance was all disdain.

"A madman."

Gilgamesh scolded coldly, at least for now, he has not lost, and he has not seen the horror of Yang Lei, so he is not desperate, nor does he think that he will lose.

Joke, he is the oldest legendary king of heroes, how could he possibly lose, he has never had such an idea.

Yes, he had been crushed by saber's curry stick, but he thought that it was just the result of his inattentiveness, and he didn't want to hurt the woman he wanted to be the princess.

But now, he has been provoked, and this time he has to do his best, so he doesn't think he will lose to Yang Lei.

And in order for Yang Lei to be unable to avoid it, he also safely used the Heavenly Lock to lock Yang Lei's hands.

The Heavenly Lock is one of the few anti-god Noble Phantasms. As the enemy's divinity is higher, its binding power is stronger.

For example, when facing Yang Lei at this time, the lock of the day wished that he could directly twist his hands, and even Gilgamesh was surprised by the power of the restraint.

"Where the hell are you, this guy?"

To be honest, even Gilgamesh, the owner of the Chain of Heaven, was shocked. It was the first time he saw the Chain of Heaven, after he gave up the follow-up additional control, was still voluntarily locking the enemy with force. What does this mean?

"Your divinity is too strong, isn't it?"

Gilgamesh had to sigh, even in the face of Hercules, who had the same demigod attribute as him, the lock of the sky could be broken free, which showed that although the other party's divinity was strong, he could not resist the lock of the sky. It's not so worthy of serious attention.

But now, the lock of the sky is no longer the level of indifference, but is desperately trying to lock Yang Lei, the gap is not too big.


Yang Lei shrugged nonchalantly, only pretending that the lock of heaven in his hand did not exist, and when he heard Gilgamesh's exclamation, he kindly replied: "Speaking of divinity, I can proudly tell you that I It's the god of death, but it's not the god of death you know, but the god of death from another world."

"In other words, compared with you demigods, I am a real god."


Until now, he has not forgotten to ridicule Gilgamesh, which shows that Jin Shining really annoyed him before.

Come to think of it, this guy Jin Twink not only committed too many evil deeds in the original book that Yang Lei couldn't see, but also dared to be so arrogant in front of him, obviously not even him.

Moreover, even if he was so low-key and modest, he still provoked a verbal abuse and was called a bastard.

Don't forget that he came from an orphan, or an abandoned baby. How could he bear it? He was kind enough to kill Jin Shining with one punch.

Gilgamesh frowned, but said nothing.

say what?He is indeed a demigod, with only two-thirds of the Protoss blood. In the eyes of those true gods, he is indeed a bastard.

And he was the one who provoked first. As a king, he still disdains to escape from this little consequence. It is also the responsibility of the king to bear the infamy.

Of course, you will be angry if you should be angry.

Too lazy to continue to care about Yang Lei's identity, and not wanting to know which world his death god came from, Gilgamesh slowly raised the weird-looking blade in his right hand and took a deep breath.

"Enuma, Elish~~!"

Hearing Gilgamesh shouted, he directly released his ultimate move.

Deviating Sword.EA really deserves to be known as the Noble Phantasm of the World. From the powerful aura it exudes, you can perceive one or two. This is a force that can destroy the world.

It's just that Jin Twinkle is not a god after all, so his damage to the world will not be too strong. If it is converted into actual damage, it will cause a meteorite crater on the surface of the earth.

Well, to say it is an anti-world Noble Phantasm, it means that it does not target many people, nor does it target the city, but it is just a Noble Phantasm that directly attacks the world.

However, it may not be possible to destroy the world.

Just like the Sword of Oath of Victory, although it is known as a Noble Phantasm against the city, it does not mean that it can destroy a city as long as it is used.

And Big Dog's anti-human Noble Phantasm didn't see how many people he dropped in seconds.

Therefore, the scale that can cause a large meteorite crater is not small.

But for Yang Lei, these injuries are really the same as drizzle.

"What is this?"

Yang Lei deliberately took the golden trick, or that sentence, he is a person with a bottom line and will not do anything at will.

But now, since Jin Twinkle dared to shoot at him one after another, he wouldn't make himself feel bad if he fought back.

And EA has also seen it, and Wang Zhibao has also appreciated it. It's time for him to fight back.

"It's so boring, so boring that I almost fell asleep."


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