"Hey, stupid woman."

But at this moment, Yang Lei suddenly let go.

Tohsaka Rin didn't expect Yang Lei to suddenly let go of her hand, and staggered forward two steps subconsciously. If Yang Lei hadn't reached out to hold her in time, she might have ended up using her face as a brake.

While supporting Rin Tohsaka, Yang Lei didn't stop there, but looked at Luvia and asked, "Do you want to die?"

If it's scolding him, no matter how unpleasant it is, he doesn't need to care, at most it's just a little lesson.

But now, his own woman is being mocked as a beast, which is a bit too much.

As a man, this is totally unbearable.


Luvia snorted coldly, and without warning, there were suddenly two magic cannons behind her.

It turned out that Luvia deliberately angered Yang Lei, the purpose was to make him let go of Tohsaka Rin, so that Illya and Miyu could find a chance to let go of the attack.

But, can these attacks hurt Yang Lei?

The obvious answer is no.


Seeing that Yang Lei didn't turn his head back, he waved back casually, but a gust of wind blew away the two magic cannons.

This is because Tohsaka Rin is still by his side, otherwise, Yang Lei can completely ignore the attacks of these two magic cannons.

"Is it a heroic spirit?"

Seeing Yang Lei's performance, all four people present nodded, guessing his true identity, it must be a heroic spirit, at least human beings can't do this.

As for why they didn't confirm Yang Lei's identity as a heroic spirit until now, that's because Yang Lei is too spiritual, completely different from the purple-haired beauty who was defeated by them before.

Moreover, according to the explanations of Rin Tohsaka and Luvia, as well as the two wands ruby ​​and sapphire, all the heroic spirits materialized with the job card as the root are irrational.

But Yang Lei is different. This guy said that Tohsaka Rin is his woman as soon as he came up, and also asked if she was his Master. It doesn't seem irrational at all, right?

That's why they didn't confirm that he was a heroic spirit until now, until Yang Lei shot.

Now that Yang Lei is confirmed to be a heroic spirit.

The four women inadvertently exchanged glances with each other.

Don't look at the bad relationship between Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, and they always quarrel and fight.

But in fact, the two women are still distant relatives, and there is a pair of sisters in the grandmother's generation who are their elders, and they have a tacit understanding of the overall situation.

Therefore, at this time, they no longer leaned against each other, but decided on a certain countermeasure in an instant, that is.

"Retreat first."

Hearing Luvia shout, she quickly turned around and ran in the direction of Miyu and Illya.


Tohsaka Rin exclaimed, thinking that what she said just now is so beautiful, what is the big picture, what is the distant relative, etc., isn't she taking the opportunity to sell her now?

With Yang Lei by her side, it was impossible for her to escape.

"No way, Rin."

At this time, Luvia had successfully reunited with Illya and Miyu, and when she opened the barrier to return to the real world, she was still saying: "That is a heroic spirit with complete rationality, only by our current Force is absolutely invincible."

"So you're going to sacrifice me?"

Tohsaka Rin ignored Yang Lei's firm hold of one of his own hands, struggled to get to that side, and glared at Luvia.

It's just that Tohsaka Rin himself knew that both Miyu and Illya became magical girls yesterday, after all, they were betrayed by their wands last night.

So, it's only one day, they haven't trained the two girls very much, and it is conceivable how much their strength can be exerted.

So Luvia was also helpless. The best way at this time is to escape with the four of them, and then wait for Illya and Miyu to grow up a little before entering.

It's a pity that Yang Lei is too obsessed with Tohsaka Rin, holding her alive and dead, and he has no choice. Of course, it is better to escape with three people than to destroy the entire army, right?

As for whether Tohsaka Rin will encounter a crisis.

At least it doesn't seem to be the case for now, because Yang Lei just showed a good impression of Tohsaka Rin, but he didn't look malicious.

So, before leaving, Luvia also said: "Hey, Tohsaka Rin, you can stay in this world and live with the legendary hero in peace. I hope that when we come back to see you, you will not even have children. It's all there."

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"Oh heh heh heh."

Finally, amid the various curses of Rin Tohsaka, Luvia left with her trademark big laugh.

Look back at Yang Lei and Tohsaka Rin again.

"Huh? Child?"

Yang Lei tilted his head, suddenly showing a look of interest.

He naturally knew that the Tohsaka Rin that he 'captured' in his hand was not the Rin he had managed to capture before, but another Tohsaka Rin in the parallel world.

But it doesn't matter, since he met him, of course he won't let her go.

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