And ah, he is curious about one thing now, that is, if two Tohsaka Rin are pregnant, what will the child be like?

"Will it become the same relationship as twins?"

Yang Lei was thinking about it, but the more he thought about it, the more interesting it became.


And the words of Rin Tohsaka.

"what are you going to do?"

She was frightened by Yang Lei's inadvertent whisper, and scolded Luvia that stupid woman was really going to kill her.

"Don't worry so much."

Yang Lei smiled and reassured, and assured: "Don't worry, I'm not such a man with no style, and I still disdain to do anything stronger."

"That is not bad."

Rin Tohsaka breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder, why did she trust this unknown heroic spirit who didn't even know the name in front of her?He just said casually and she firmly believed it, why is that?

And ah, although she had been resisting all the time, she seemed to be struggling to resist.

But in fact, she didn't look worried, and she couldn't feel the slightest disgust for Yang Lei, which was really strange.

It was as if they were acquaintances, or even, they were supposed to be in this relationship.

"how come."

Tohsaka Rin quickly shook her head to dispel the distracting thoughts in her heart, thinking that if she thought about it like this, she would not be able to raise the idea of ​​resistance.


Letting himself calm down a little, Tohsaka Rin looked at Yang Lei again, and while carefully looking at Yang Lei's appearance, he asked tentatively, "I haven't asked for advice yet, which hero are you?"

This is spying on information. As long as she knows Yang Lei's real name, she can infer what Noble Phantasm or skills the other party has.

"Just call me Archer."

Yang Lei introduced himself with a smile: "It's a pity, I'm not a big hero, at least I don't have any prestige in this world, I may disappoint you."

"But don't worry, I'll cook some delicious food first, and then let's chat while eating. I can tell you anything you want to know, including our relationship."

Uh..., as you can imagine, Yang Lei is about to start nonsense again. .

0940 Easily infiltrate the Magical Girls Team

The next night, at midnight.


A splendid light curtain suddenly appeared in the dark night. Fortunately, this scene only appeared in the reflection world, so there is no need to worry about being seen by others.

"Sister Rin?"

Illya rushed out of the magic circle and went to find the location of Rin Tohsaka right away.

Then, when she saw that in the middle of this reflection world, there was a luxurious dining table full of delicious food, her eyes widened in surprise.

It seems that this is a little different from the picture she made up in her brain, and the scene described by Luvia and Ruby.

"You are here."

Sitting at one end of the dining table was Rin Tohsaka, and at this moment she stood up and greeted her as if she was the hostess of the house.

"What kind of sense of sight is this?"

Even Luvia rarely satirized Tohsaka Rin, but really felt the shock of "Three Nine Seven", and couldn't help asking doubtfully: "Tohsaka Rin, are you really going to have anything to do with that guy? ?"

"What are you talking about, you slutty girl."

Tohsaka Rin blushed, this was angry, and quickly explained: "This Mr. Yang Lei is still very polite, and he is a gentleman, we just exchanged some things, such as some of my confusions about magic, he also helped me. I explained."

For the existence of Yang Lei's level, the level of the magic concept mentioned by Tohsaka Rin is too low, and it can help her to relieve her confusion at will, even if he has not learned the magic of this world, but no matter what power In the end it will all come together.

And what Yang Lei explained to Tohsaka Rin was not the form of power, but the essence of power.

For example, fire magic, he is talking about the fundamental principles of fire law, once Tohsaka Rin can master it, it will definitely benefit a lot.

"Yang Lei?"

Hearing Tohsaka Rin calling out Yang Lei's name, Luvia began to ponder, frowning, thinking about which heroic spirit Yang Lei should be.

First of all, Luvia heard that Yang Lei's name should be Chinese.

Then look for it based on Yang's surname.

As a result, she found that in myths and legends, as well as various historical and romance novels, there seems to be no hero named Yang Lei.

At least there is no hero who can become a Heroic Spirit.

Of course, or her memory is not enough, there may be some loopholes.

"Don't think about it."

Tohsaka Rin had already seen what Luvia was doing, but the wicked person in front of her didn't say anything, and only then did she snicker and say: "Yang Lei didn't become a heroic spirit in this world, so no matter what Neither history nor mythology has him."

"I see."

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