Only then did Luvia nodded, and at the same time she was secretly relieved.

Maybe she also felt that this so-called heroic spirit that did not exist in history and legends must be very weak. In this way, they would have more confidence to talk to Yang Lei.

It was precisely because of the relaxation that Luvia showed her essence again, or it was intentional, and she soon quarreled with Tohsaka Rin again.

These two guys are really natural enemies. It can be said that they are on fire, and then they keep fighting each other. After that, they can reconcile and cooperate.

Regarding the quarrel between the two women, Yang Lei continued to sit there and eat and drink very calmly, just treating it as a play.

As for Illya and Miyu, they were completely stupid.

What happened please?How did this situation develop?What to do next?


Of course Luvia and Tohsaka Rin would not forget their business, and while they were fighting, they were still exchanging information when they heard Tohsaka Rin say: "Yang Lei is a heroic spirit who retains his own will, he is not an enemy, and I have already been with him. After signing the contract, he will be mine in the future, do you have any opinion?"

It turned out that Luvia had planned to kill Yang Lei in order to get the job card, but of course Rin Tohsaka disagreed. There are many reasons, so I won't go into details.

Hearing Rin Tohsaka's words, Luvia was of course unwilling, and hurriedly brought up the task they were sent by the clock tower master.

For Luvia, the addition of Yang Lei can only be regarded as the help of Tohsaka Rin, and it has nothing to do with her. Of course, it is best to kill it.

At least for now, Luvia still regards Tohsaka Rin as a competitor.

Moreover, she was telling the truth, their purpose was to collect employment cards, and they couldn't go back without completing the master's instructions.

"Job card?"

Yang Lei suddenly interjected, shook his head as if he had heard some bad joke, and said, "Sorry, I'm not the kind of person who was summoned with the kind of employment card you call as a catalyst, so I don't have a job card. ."

Yang Lei naturally knows the so-called job card, because his main mission is to help Tohsaka Rin collect the job card.

"Main quest: Help Tohsaka Rin to collect employment cards with an archer job, the time limit is three months... Note: Tohsaka Rin's last number of job cards shall not be less than three, Otherwise, it will be counted as failure. The task is completed, and the reward points will be rewarded with [-] points. If the task fails, all reward points will be deducted and the task world will be kicked out forever."

This is Yang Lei's main task in this world.

"Is that so?"

Luvia looked up and down at Yang Lei with suspicious eyes, but thinking about how this guy could keep his will, it showed that he was indeed different from other Heroic Spirits, and maybe he really couldn't reveal his job card.

"so be it."

In the end, Luvia chose to give up.

Tohsaka Rin breathed a sigh of relief, if Luvia chose to be against Yang Lei, then she could only break with Yang Lei, otherwise the Clock Tower and the master would definitely not let her go.

Of course, Luvia would never know, she saved her own life, and if she really wanted to fight with Yang Lei, this guy can really take the air in seconds.

"Then what should I do next?"

Illya and Meiyou didn't speak until then, and asked Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, since Yang Lei became one of them, is it possible to go back?

"Go back first."

Luvia waved her hands tiredly and greeted everyone to go back.

She originally came to save Tohsaka Rin with a great sense of consciousness, but when she came in, she found that Tohsaka Rin not only had nothing to do, but also signed a contract with that heroic spirit.

Good guy, Rin Tohsaka took all the benefits by herself, and she had just sat there eating and drinking before, and there was a handsome heroic spirit talking and chatting with her, so don't be too dashing at 5.5.

Looking at them again, they came running like the third grandson. At this time, they have to go back. I really don't feel good when I think about it.

"Let's go, Yang Lei."

Tohsaka Rin hurriedly greeted Yang Lei, fearing that he would be left behind by everyone.

At present, only the wands held by the two women, Illya and Miyu, can connect the real world and the reflected world. At least Tohsaka Rin has no other way to go back, so I have to count on those two children.

But when Yang Lei stood up, swiped away the world of reflection, and snapped his fingers back to the real world with the four daughters, Rin Tohsaka couldn't help but light up.

Luvia had a look of envy and hatred on her face.

Being able to accept a Heroic Spirit as a Servant is too handsome, isn't it?

Okay, starting today, Yang Lei and another Tohsaka Rin's cohabitation life will begin, so stay tuned. .

0941 You are my woman

"What a surprise."

In the middle of the night, in a hotel, Yang Lei couldn't help but start to complain: "Did you even sell your own manor and villa?"

It stands to reason that the Tohsaka family is still very powerful in Fuyuki City.

But in this world, Rin Tohsaka was reduced to bringing Yang Lei to the hotel, so don't be too sad.

You know, Luvia is rich enough to build a big villa now, which is much taller than staying in a hotel or something.

"No idea."

Tohsaka Rin sighed softly: "I am the only one left in the family. In order to improve my magic achievements as soon as possible and inherit the family business, I have changed a lot of selling properties over the years."

For the magic family, the so-called family business has nothing to do with money, but refers to the achievements in magic.

And Tohsaka Rin is because her parents died early. Although the family used to have a lot of money, in order to reach the point where she can claim to be the head of the Tohsaka family as soon as possible, she spent a lot of money on magic research.

After all, her magic is gem magic, and gems are luxury goods, which cost a lot of money.

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