In this way, you can see how bad her situation must be.

"That's it."

Yang Lei nodded and snapped his fingers.



I saw a mountain of precious gems of various colors suddenly appear out of thin air in the room.

Yang Lei's products must be high-quality products. The quality of these gems can easily reach millions of dollars, and it is British pounds rather than Japanese yen.


Tohsaka Rin exclaimed, and jumped forward to lie on top of Jewel Hill.

"I really can't stand it."

Yang Lei sighed, thinking that the same is true of Rin in another world, because the consumption of gem magic is too much, and life has become more difficult. If he hadn't supported a lot of gems and gold, I am afraid that Rin will be completely in the later battles. No gems available?Not to mention that he had fought against Illya from another world for a long time before.

Don't underestimate the fighting power of Illya in that world, but she is very strong.


Seeing that Rin Tohsaka fell into Qian's eyes, Yang Lei couldn't bear it and said, "No matter what difficulties you have, you can tell me and let me solve it for you."

"Didn't I tell you, you are my woman, and it is my duty to do your business."

In the period from last night to tonight before leaving the Reflection World, they talked a lot, and Yang Lei also confessed his relationship with Tohsaka Rin from another world straight to the point.

Only then did Tohsaka Rin know why he trusted this guy who was only meeting him for the first time. It turned out that he had that kind of relationship with him in another world.

It's just that Tohsaka Rin said that she in another world is not her in this world, and the two cannot be confused.

Yang Lei also said that he was not confused, but he felt that he would definitely not be able to watch 'Tohsaka Rin' fall into the arms of others, so he said that he would launch an offensive against her and chase another Tohsaka Rin to be his wife .

This is very strange, if it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be beaten to death.

But Tohsaka Rin is a magician himself. Although he has not studied the theory of parallel worlds too much, he still knows a little bit.

So she can still accept Yang Lei's unrestrained ideas, but she can't express anything, just follow Yang Lei's own wishes.

It means that if you want to pursue it, you can pursue it. As for whether to agree or not, that is my business.

. . . . . .

That night, Yang Lei and Tohsaka Rin stayed at this hotel, and they were in the same room.

Because Yang Lei said that after they signed a contract, it would be meaningless to sleep separately, as long as he wanted to, he could see the situation on her side at any time.

This is of course nonsense, because Yang Lei has a relationship with the pupil technique, so he can always observe the situation on Tohsaka Rin's side, which other heroic spirits can't do.

But Tohsaka Rin didn't know what was going on. Since Yang Lei said so, she could only pretend to be generous and say that she would live together.

Of course, the three chapters of the contract can't be missed. Tohsaka Rin strongly asked Yang Lei to swear that at least she was not allowed to observe the situation on her side when she was bathing, going to the toilet, and changing clothes.

Yang Lei was directly laughed at, thinking that his character was too worthless, right?As for not trusting him so much?

Later, Yang Lei still swears, but he doesn't understand, what's the use of asking him to swear?Even if he really broke his oath, is there really a punishment from heaven to punish him?

Impossible, well, he is the strongest in this world, and he can blow up the entire Xingyue world with one punch, so what else can punish him.

Well, after all, Tohsaka Rin didn't know about Yang Lei's situation, so she could be relieved, otherwise she wouldn't dare to take a bath in the future, and she wouldn't even dare to go to the toilet.

In fact, it's really scary to think about it. No matter how anyone knows that someone may be monitoring them at any time, they will feel uncomfortable, right?

What's more, Tohsaka Rin is a reserved girl.

. . . . . .

There was nothing to say all night, it was midnight, and it was time to rest.

The next day, after Tohsaka Rin tried to put away the pile of gems that Yang Lei gave her yesterday, he simply put away the things and said that he was going to school.

"go to school?"

Yang Lei looked at Tohsaka Rin curiously and asked, "Aren't you a student of the Clock Tower? Is there a magician's school here in Japan?"

"of course not."

Tohsaka Rin shook his head regretfully and explained: "But, that guy Luvia and I came back to Japan in the name of international students. The purpose is to not attract the attention of ordinary people, so we still have to go to school."

"Also, magicians won't completely abandon science. At least in some basic theories, you need to know 490 things, and you have to learn mathematics. In short, it's best not to waste your studies."

"at last."

Before going out, Tohsaka Rin turned back and blinked at Yang Lei: "Anyway, there is nothing to do during the day, why don't you go and have some fun, what do you think?"

"I'm going out, bye, I'll ask you to watch the house."

Saying that, Tohsaka Rin said that he really left.


Yang Lei sat alone in the 'home', thinking to himself, would he like to find something to entertain himself?


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