Although it is also his hobby, he had read a lot of books when he was in another Holy Grail world before. I believe that this world and that world still have some things in common, so I don't waste time to slowly identify which ones. Which ones have you seen?

"Then make some love 'husband' bento."

There was nothing to do anyway, Yang Lei thought about it, stood up and planned to get some lunch for Tohsaka Rin or something.

In fact, making bento is second, the key is that he wants to use this opportunity to declare the issue of sovereignty.

If Yang Lei doesn't feel wrong, it seems that there is also that coyote in this world, and even speaking, he is also a classmate with Tohsaka Rin and Luvia.

Then, he had to declare Tohsaka Rin's sovereignty earlier, that was his woman, and others had better be more conscious of him.

"Well, just do this, I want to pin the ownership of Tohsaka Rin under my name Yang Lei now."

0942 Yang Lei's domineering debut

In a blink of an eye, it was past ten o'clock in the morning.

In the hotel, Yang Lei opened the world and cooked a large table of exquisite dishes, and the dishes were all high-grade ingredients, such as some puffer whale meat used for soup, which is very delicious.

There's also the rotisserie steak of Jewel Meat, strawberry rice each the size of a grain of rice, sushi made with squid tail tuna, and more.

In short, this is a table of high-end food that even if it costs hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of yen, even in the gourmet world.

"It's time to go to school and find our family Rin for dinner."

Without coming out of the inner world, Yang Lei just walked out of the hotel in the inner world without asking for directions, and went straight to the school where Rin Tohsaka is currently studying.

When Yang Lei came to the school, there was still some distance before the lunch break, and because there was no one in the corridor, no one saw him appear out of thin air.

In a classroom on the third floor, Yang Lei found Rin Tohsaka leaning against the corridor window.


Standing outside the window, Yang Lei blatantly greeted Rin Tohsaka.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Tohsaka Rin was startled, only to realize that Yang Lei was here.


The teacher on the podium also naturally heard the movement here, and turned his head subconsciously, when he found Yang Lei standing at the window, he hurriedly yelled: "Sir, are you an outsider? Can I trouble you to leave by yourself? Or? Or I'll have to call the doorman."

"Don't be so harsh."

Yang Lei waved his hand with a smile, and said nonchalantly, "Isn't it almost noon, I just came to find my woman to have lunch with her."


Tohsaka Rin exclaimed, Yang Lei was just outside her window, so who is the person he was referring to, needless to say?


There was also exclamations in the room, especially the boys who were the most shocked, and even some acting schools had already performed heartbreaking performances.

I have to say that Rin Tohsaka is such a eldest lady in terms of appearance and temperament, which made her quickly gather a lot of popularity.

Think about it too, if she wasn't so good, Yang Lei wouldn't be so persistent towards her, not only this time, but also in the fifth World War.

"Oh heh heh heh"."

Perhaps the happiest among them was Luvia, and she heard the woman laugh loudly and proudly, and turned to look at the fellow named Emiya Shirou, who was in the same class as her and Tohsaka Rin, and said deliberately. : "Hey, I didn't expect that Tohsaka Rin already had a man."

Having said that, the boys in the class who liked Tohsaka Rin suddenly became heartbroken, but they turned to look at Yang Lei, and after looking around, they found that Yang Lei was not only handsome and handsome, but also had a height of [-] meters. , just a model.

And they are still immature students at school, no matter in appearance or temperament, they are not on the same level as each other, no matter how you think, there is no way to challenge, right?


The teacher was almost mad, slapped the desk hard, and shouted: "Give me peace, now I'm going to self-study, I'm going to have a relationship with that person who doesn't have common sense, and even lacks even the slightest quality of being a human being. talk to Mr.

It's no wonder that the teacher's speech is ugly. After all, it's still his class time. As a result, such a person suddenly came and drove the rhythm of the class crazy. Anyone would be angry.

Just waiting for him to actually come out of the classroom, before he has a seizure, Yang Lei has already begun to slowly turn the double-nine white hooks in his eyes, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye quietly activated, destroying other gods, easily. Hypnotized the sad teacher.

"You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me."

Hearing Yang Lei muttering so softly in a voice that Tohsaka Rin could hear, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but let out a 'puff'.


Unable to let out a groan, Tohsaka Rin turned around, too lazy to talk to Yang Lei anymore.

Originally, she was still very angry, thinking that Yang Lei was here to ruin her reputation, right?What kind of woman is looking for him, what is his own man, etc., she will vomit blood.

But she didn't know what was going on. After such a smile, all the anger in her heart disappeared out of thin air.

Not only that, even Shirou Emiya, who had just been tempted by her during the day yesterday, doesn't care that much in her eyes now.

She had been looking at Emiya Shirou's expression frequently with worry just now, but now, she doesn't look at Emiya Shirou at all.

How is this going?

It was stated in advance that although Yang Lei was Gouyu who rolled his eyes, he only launched the God of Heaven against the teacher alone, and I would guarantee Yang Leijun.

In other words, this is really just a matter of Tohsaka Rin's own mentality.

Maybe it was influenced by Rin in another world. Yang Lei came here directly with the favorability of cheating, and it can even be said that he had a great influence on Tohsaka Rin.

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