Let's put it this way, if there is another person who appears and becomes her rival in love, Tohsaka Rin will immediately find out that he already likes Yang Lei.

Very surprised?

It doesn't count. In the original book, there was no accident that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia fell in love with Emiya Shirou at the same time, right?

Back to the topic.

Under the influence of Yang Lei's other gods, the teacher really didn't see Yang Lei.

Nonsense, that's Sharinyan and other gods, and this teacher is just an ordinary person. If this doesn't work, Yang Lei will simply turn around and jump off the building to commit suicide, although this is on the third floor, although he can't fall to death no matter what. .

Rin Tohsaka was shocked when the teacher turned around outside the door, said nothing, and returned to the classroom with a blank face.

Others didn't know what was going on, they just thought that their teacher was cowardly, and they didn't dare to speak in front of Yang Lei.

But only Tohsaka Rin knew that it was all Yang Lei's hands and feet.

".ˇKeep it a secret."

Yang Lei arrogantly lowered his head and leaned in from the window, then whispered in Tohsaka Rin's ear, and finally, unable to hold back, he took a light bite on her earlobe.


Tohsaka Rin jumped up directly from the chair, stood there and looked back at Yang Lei, but there was no anger in his expression or the look in his eyes, but his face was blushing because of shyness, and the corners of his eyes were slightly tinged with anger. It was just some tears, and Yang Lei almost couldn't help but want to bully her again.

"Tohsaka (Li Haozhao) classmate?"

The only teacher in the whole class didn't know anything, because he couldn't see Yang Lei's existence from the beginning. Although he was puzzled, he just wanted to finish the class at this time.

But now, because he couldn't see Yang Lei's guilt, he just thought it was Tohsaka Rin who was doing the damage, and couldn't help but scolded with dissatisfaction: "It's only the last few minutes before the lunch break, is it even the last few minutes? Can't stand it for a minute?"

Just as I was talking about this, I heard the sound of 'bell~~~', this....

"get out of class."

The teacher didn't even bother to wait for the student on duty to call a standing salute, so he flicked his sleeves and turned his head away.

"Yang Lei."

Tohsaka Rin burst out in an instant, and he turned his head and ran to the window.

"Come out."

Yang Lei laughed loudly, no one saw his movements, he just felt that Rin Tohsaka had gone out of the window, and was hugged by him in his arms.

"Let's go, Concubine Ai, accompany me to lunch."

0943 I am waiting for you to take the initiative to dedicate

At noon, on the roof of a teaching building, I saw a super luxurious dining table made of pure gold placed in the middle.

How can such a luxurious table not match the same luxurious delicacies, such as puffer whales, gem meat, glittering silk-footed fish, etc., etc., all kinds of food that are rarely eaten by people in the food world. Premium ingredients are available.


At this time, there were only three people sitting around the dining table, namely Yang Lei, Tohsaka Rin, and Luvia.

Originally, Yang Lei didn't plan to call Lu Weiya along, but she followed her, and then Yang Lei really had no reason to drive her back.

After all, Luvia is also a distant relative of Tohsaka Rin, and although the two seem to be enemies, they are actually happy enemies. When it comes to cooperation, he will never be vague, and naturally he will not do it. Such a rude thing to do.

At this moment, I heard Luvia exclaiming repeatedly.

Even the aristocratic daughter of the Edelfelt family, even if their family is rich enough, can use pure gold to make dining tables and tableware, but the high-quality ingredients on the table that she has never even heard of are actually. Couldn't find it.

Luvia and Tohsaka Rin are not people who have never seen the world, so they clearly know that these 553 ingredients cannot be products of this world.

So I ask, even if you have money, how can you buy things that this world doesn’t have?

"good to eat."

Especially when the two women began to taste these delicious foods, they were almost overwhelmed by Yang Lei's cooking skills.

Of course, Yang Lei definitely had no intention of attacking Luvia.

That eldest lady is very awkward, mainly because it doesn't suit his appetite, and most importantly, he already has Tohsaka Rin in his heart.

"Come and try this."

I saw that Yang Lei didn't eat it by himself, and held a pair of large chopsticks over one meter long in his hand to serve Tohsaka Rin. From time to time, he would give her some of this, or some of that, and feed Lu Weiya. A whole lot of dog food.

Tohsaka Rin was very embarrassed at first, but gradually she got used to it, and finally she didn't bother to pick up the vegetables, and only ate what Yang Lei sent was enough.

There is only one thing that makes the two women feel extremely unfortunate, that is, in front of so many rare high-end ingredients, their food intake is really limited.

After all, they are still only human, and their food intake has always been normal. They tried their best to eat today and did not eat much (bgab).

In the end, they saw two women holding a cup of sweet juice brewed with rainbow fruits, and they all stared at Yang Lei's constant movements with unwilling eyes, and his mouth was eating, as if they were doing this. You can also taste the same.

"The heroic spirit is still in good health."

Finally, I heard Luvia sigh.

What Luvia may not know is that Yang Lei is not a heroic spirit because he is a living person.

And his stomach would be resigned even if a heroic spirit came, it would be a bottomless pit.

You think, this guy can swallow the existence of a planet in one bite. He once preyed on Baiyu Tuanzi in the starry sky of the food world, and he swallowed it in one bite.

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