And Baiyu Tuanzi star is bigger than the earth, who can compare it.


It's really boring to stare at other people's food all the time. At this time, Tohsaka Rin turned around and said to Luvia, "Luvia, have you found the next node on your side?"

The so-called node is where the reflection world is located, and it is also the hiding place for the job card. Don't forget that they still have the task of collecting the job card.

"Of course."

Luvia snorted a little unhappily, and reminded: "Tohsaka Rin, don't forget who I am, I am the daughter of the Edelfelt family. Of course, such a trivial matter is easily captured."

"I'm too lazy to argue with you."

Tohsaka Rin rolled her eyes and just ate a delicious meal that she had never tasted before. She didn't want to ruin her current good mood because of that fool's provocation.

Luvia thought about it too, stretched her waist lazily, leaned back lazily and fell onto the back of the sofa chair below her, now she just wants to take a nice nap.

In fact, she really fell asleep in a blink of an eye.


Tohsaka Rin looked over with a black line, thinking that you are too big, right?

It's just that Tohsaka Rin didn't think about it. She was detained by Yang Lei in the middle of the night the day before yesterday. Although Lu Weiya and the others went back at that time, can you not worry after going back?

Luvia was worried too, so she didn't sleep well.

As for Tohsaka Rin's words, after a round of frank discussions with Yang Lei, she really should eat, drink, sleep, and her spirit is good.

After that, Luvia and the others were delayed for another half night last night, and it was only natural that they would be sleepy now.

In fact, in a nearby elementary school, Illya and Meiyou had already found a place to catch up on their sleep.

"That's right, Rin."

Still eating without a break, Yang Lei suddenly asked Tohsaka Rin without raising his head: "How did you think about the thing I told you yesterday? It's about replenishing the devil."

Why did Yang Lei deliberately sign a contract with Rin Tohsaka?Obviously he doesn't need a master to exist in this world, but why does he have to find a 'master' for himself?

Well, the reason is of course very simple, I just want to find an excuse to push and push Tohsaka Rin reasonably.

That's right, this guy is obviously going to use the excuse of making up the devil to force Tohsaka Rin into submission, but this time it's another Tohsaka Rin.

"what are you talking about."

Tohsaka Rin blushed suddenly, still saying that, as a magician, it is impossible for her not to know what it means to fill the magic, and what it represents, those who don't understand it, go and search for it. . .

"This is at school."

Tohsaka Rin was already a little bit calm, and he didn't care that he would wake up Luvia, and shouted: "You are too much, and this is what I mentioned yesterday, isn't it? Too anxious? "

What Rin Tohsaka didn't notice was that Luvia wasn't asleep at all, she was just resting, and she twitched her eyelids just now.

Yang Lei shrugged and reminded: "I don't care, but there is one thing I need to explain to you. In the case of insufficient magic power, my combat power is very limited."

"And I have a hunch that tonight's battle will definitely not be smooth, maybe you will need my combat power."

"But since you said so, and you still seem very resistant, then forget it, I will wait for you to come to me to dedicate yourself."

Yang Lei is setting up the situation again.

He clearly knew that what Tohsaka Rin and the others were going to deal with tonight was Caster's job card, that is, Medea, who had lost his mind.

And it's not just Medea, there is actually a second Servant in that world of reflection, it is the blackened saber, commonly known as the dumb hairless king.

In terms of the strengths of Illya and Miyu, even if they lost their minds, these two Heroic Spirits were not something they could easily defeat.

By that time, maybe he will be able to win another Tohsaka Rin smoothly. .

0944 Luvia's invitation

After the lunch break, Yang Lei was too lazy to go back, so he just found a place on the rooftop to lie there, not knowing whether he fell asleep or simply resting with his eyes closed, anyway, he made up his mind not to leave.

Tohsaka Rin was very speechless, and then he couldn't ignore him because he was worried.

Well, this afternoon, she wasted every recess time on Yang Lei.

No way, after all, this is a heroic spirit, and it seems that he has a bad temper. Don't forget that he was angered by Luvia yesterday.

Of course, this is because Tohsaka Rin didn't understand the truth. The reason why Yang Lei was angry was because Luvia had insulted her. If he just said that he even scolded him, he wouldn't care. As for beating to death, cough ~ cough....

From this point of view, Yang Lei's temper is still very good. It's better than Athena who turned Medusa from a goddess into a monster because of some trivial matters.

Don't think that Yang Lei can't do it. If nothing else, in Fairy Tail World, among the many magics mastered by his mother-in-law, Irene Berserion, there is the art of transformation, which can turn others into what she wants.

So, don't mess with Yang Lei easily, otherwise he can even turn a good man into a mangy dog.


During the recess before the last class, Rin Tohsaka came up again.

"Jun Yang Lei."

When he came to Yang Lei and sat there, Tohsaka Rin said to himself, "Luvia talked to me just now, and I think it's better for everyone to live together, otherwise, it will be very difficult to encounter emergencies. Unification, what do you think?"

Luvia's big villa was built opposite to Illya's house, and Miyou lived with Luvia, so that only Tohsaka Rin and Yang Lei placed orders outside.

So Luvia invited her and Yang Lei, thinking it would be more convenient to live together.

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