And both of them were betrayed by their respective wands, and now they can only count on those two children to help recover the employment card, and they should be closer to them.

"Is Luvia?"

Yang Lei opened his eyes, and just thought about it after a circle in his heart.


With a chuckle, Yang Lei said Lu Weiya's plan: "That girl plans to continue to eat good things from me, and wants to secretly make various things difficult for you after pulling you into their house? "


Tohsaka Rin shook his head with a light sigh, pressed his hand on his slightly aching forehead, and complained: "I don't know what that guy is thinking, it's clear that this task was done together by the two of you, so you have to target it like this. I am enough."

It's as if she obviously took on a team mission, but her teammates treat herself as an enemy opponent, so it's no wonder she has such a headache.

"And what are your thoughts?"

Yang Lei shrugged indifferently, mainly because he wanted to know Rin Tohsaka's plan.

"Then move in."

Tohsaka Rin expressed his thoughts: "Not counting you, there are still four career cards in total. I can bear it for such a short time. Everything is for the task."

Before Tohsaka Rin and Luvia came to Fuyuki City, they got two employment cards when they were at the Clock Tower in London. They were collected by others, one for Lancer and one for Archer. .

And just the night before, before Yang Lei showed up, after defeating the purple-haired beauty, they got another Rider's employment card.

According to the information obtained, there are only seven job referral cards in total, and since Yang Lei said that he was not summoned through a job referral card, that is, there is no job referral card on his body, then as long as he collects four more cards later Employment card, their task can be completed naturally.

It's just that Tohsaka Rin still thinks too naively.

Yang Lei said in his heart that if it was really such a simple task, the Infinite System would not give him three months.

"Then you are in charge."

In the end, Yang Lei closed his eyes again, turned around and turned his head, letting Tohsaka Rin make up his own mind.

Tohsaka Rin stared angrily, thinking that she would not have to come up again if she knew it earlier.

And before, if she knew that Yang Lei was just too lazy to move, and was just lying on the rooftop to bask in the sun, she wouldn't have to waste several breaks here.

Really, it's rare that she wants to come up and chat with him. She's really an elm knot that doesn't understand the style, so she still wants to chase her?

"What a fool."

Standing up, Tohsaka Rin turned his head and left.

Yang Lei didn't move, but the raised corners of his mouth still revealed that he was not an elm knot.

"Purchasing a girl is like fishing, you can't keep reeling the line, you have to rewind it freely."

Just listened to the old man Yang Lei sharing his experience of picking up girls. He deliberately wanted to hang Yuansaka Rin, sometimes getting closer and sometimes estranged. She had to worry about gains and losses, so that she could care about you.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Haven't heard that sentence?Those who are called rushers are not called business, the easier it is to obtain, the less they will be cherished.

Therefore, while there is still free time, he is willing to play a little trick, anyway, he is idle.


After a while, Yang Lei opened his eyes again, opened up his personal space, and searched in the space that seemed to be boundless and vast.

The personal space was originally multiplied according to Yang Lei's attribute points, and after he mastered the power of space laws, he did a lot of research, so that the current personal space is even as big as the real universe.

And he has everything in his personal space. Even the earth was created by himself and thrown into it, thinking about the opportunity to live on it with his wife and children in the future. It is the Garden of Eden that belongs to their family.


Good guy, no matter how rich others are, they can only buy an uninhabited island.

It can only be said that Yang Lei is a local tyrant, and he directly packaged an earth, and the whole earth belongs to his family. Who can compare?

"Since I promised to live in Luvia's house."

I saw Yang Lei rummaging in his personal space while still muttering: "Whatever you say, you have to come up with some real materials to entertain others at night, after all, the purpose of that little greedy cat is these high-grade ingredients on me. Woolen cloth."

For this world, the ingredients in Yang Lei's hands should not be too high-end, even if it's just an ordinary first-class ingredient, it is more delicious than the highest-grade ingredient in this world.

Think about it, like those caviar, abalone, lobster, bear's paw, foie gras, beef eye, etc., how can they compare with the ingredients in the world that can become gods just by eating.

No wonder Luvia took the initiative to invite Tohsaka Rin.

And just like what Yang Lei said just now, Luvia can kill two birds with one stone by doing this. By the way, she can also grasp the dynamics of Tohsaka Rin, and even make things difficult for her.

In short, doing so would benefit her without harm.

And although Yang Lei knew that Luvia had a purpose, he did not refuse. In his eyes, it was just a joke between two distant cousins, and it didn't matter.

And what he has to do now is to satisfy Luvia, at least don't go in on the first day and be kicked out because the owner didn't eat anything delicious, that would be a shame. . . .

0945 encountered a little setback

Soon it was evening and it was time for school to close.

In the bustling crowd, Yang Lei was particularly eye-catching.

Especially with Tohsaka Rin and Luvia walking on the left and right of him, this makes the combination of the three of them even more enviable and jealous.

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