Of course, not only the male high school students were staring at Yang Lei with complicated eyes, but there were also many female high school students staring at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia.

With a height of [-] meters, a perfect figure, an unparalleled handsome appearance, decent casual clothes, and the faintly revealing temperament of an undefeated king, Yang Lei can easily gain the favor of the opposite sex.


After walking out of the school gate, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but let out a long breath. Before, she always had a feeling of coolness on her back, and I could guess that many girls were looking at her with murderous eyes, and some people wanted to give her a knife to replace it. lose her position.

"Don't come tomorrow."

Even Lu Weiya didn't complain at Yang Lei "[-]" angrily.

Obviously she was just walking with Yang Lei and Tohsaka Rin, why should she be attacked by those inexplicable girls?Very innocent.

After all, Luvia likes Emiya Shirou, so she feels wronged.

"talk later."

Yang Lei shrugged and responded casually, so he wouldn't promise easily.

Anyway, he has nothing to do now. Naturally, he can do whatever he wants. Why should he listen to her mercy?

At the gate of the school, there was a long commercial car waiting there. This is the driver of Luvia's family who came to pick her up.

The three of them got into the car one after another, and finally no longer had to be stared at by those students.

"Let's go back."

Luvia greeted the driver, and there was nowhere else to go, so she went home.

Originally, Tohsaka Rin also said that if she wanted to go back to the hotel to pack her things, at least she should bring out the gems that Yang Lei gave her.

As a result, Yang Lei said that when he came out, he took everything he should have with him, so that she didn't have to worry.

That is to say, the law of space is so convenient. If you go to open a moving company, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Without books, the three returned to Luvia's mansion by car.

After that, Yang Lei consciously went to the kitchen. He first found out a variety of sky series fruits from Sky Flower and Garden and made some salad and juice for the two girls. This is to make them appetizers first, and then start busy for dinner. .

Yang Lei's products must be high-quality products.

Needless to say, dinner must be another big table of sumptuous delicacies, and even Meiyou, who had a rather indifferent personality, quietly let go of her hands and feet and started eating.

. . . . . .

We can jump about those messy chores, and soon, it will be midnight in a blink of an eye.

At this time, under the famous bridge in Fuyuki City, Yang Lei and his party of five stood here.

The reason why this bridge is more famous may be related to the frequent appearance of this bridge in the camera during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

"get ready."

Just before twelve o'clock, I heard Tohsaka Rin shout: "Three, two, one, transfer."


Ilya and Meiyou had both turned into magical girls long ago. At this moment, the two magic wands they held in their hands began to glow with dazzling colored light. Then, a magic circle was spread out, and five people were shaped like five people. In a flash, he was transferred to the world of reflections.

"Wait, what is that?"

As soon as she came to this world of reflections, she suddenly heard Eliya exclaim, and raised her hand to point to the sky.


Luvia and Tohsaka Rin were also shocked.

"It seems that the enemy has already prepared in advance."

Illya's wand, Ruby, said it as if it had nothing to do with her, but she didn't feel nervous at all.

So what did they see?

It turned out that the sky of this reflection world has been covered with countless magic balls, and it is conceivable that these must all be the handwriting of the enemy.

And at this moment, it may be that someone has invaded, and the magic balls in the sky are turning one by one, and they also throw infrared rays at five people like an infrared sight.

"Oops, deploy the magic barrier."

In the final analysis, Rin Tohsaka and Luvia have enough experience, knowing that there is no chance to escape now, so they can only resist.

Uh... Actually, if only Miyu and Illya had to dodge, they could still dodge in time, but Tohsaka Rin and Luvia couldn't do anything about it.

As expected, just as the two magic wands unfolded the magic barrier, 'Om...', a piece of magic cannon attacked like rain from the sky.

"No, the magic barrier is about to be broken."

Before long, Ruby suddenly issued a warning, but the enemy's attack power was too strong, causing its magic barrier to be broken.

Fortunately, just before Yang Lei was about to make his move, the offensive that fell from the sky was temporarily stopped, which made the four girls heave a sigh of relief.

If the magic cannon can keep hitting, they will definitely not be able to hold on, it's okay...  

"Say it."

After finally getting the chance to take a break, Tohsaka Rin discovered one thing, that is: "Where did Yang Leijun go?"

The magic barrier that Ruby opened just now was not large, and the range was barely enough to protect her and Illya.

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