"This side is another child with no dreams at all."

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia felt speechless, the other side was full of unrealistic fantasies, and the other side was without the slightest dream. It was two extremes.

"Humans can't fly?"

At this time, the protagonist who had no sense of existence finally stood up, and while slowly flying up, he said, "I can't pretend that I haven't heard this sentence."

"You step aside first."

Tohsaka Rin angrily shouted at Yang Lei: "You are obviously a heroic spirit, aren't you? Don't take yourself as an example."

It seems that Tohsaka Rin is still complaining that Yang Lei refused to help just now.

It's just that she couldn't blame her face to face, because Yang Lei said that if he didn't have enough magic power, it would disappear if he took any action.

"Then, let's do this next."

After a brief discussion, Luvia made a decision and said, "It happens that the school is on holiday tomorrow, so I will be in charge of training Miyu to master the flying ability, and Rin Tohsaka will teach Illya some offensive tactics and the like. , and then come back to her to settle accounts tomorrow night."

"That's it, disband."

Said to be disbanded, but in fact, the five people finally left together.

This guy is just purely for being cool, obviously four of them live together, and the only one, Ilia, lives across the door from Luvia's house.

. . . . . .

In this way, nothing was accomplished tonight, the five people just came out to let the wind out, and then they went home after being bombarded by the blackened heroic spirit of the Caster agency.

I mean, why are they here, isn't it bad to sleep at home?It's really not reconciled to be beaten like this for nothing.

But fortunately there were no casualties, just a little scratch was quickly healed by two magic wands, just like a wave of experience.

Silent all night, woke up the next day.

After Yang Lei got up early in the morning, he cooked a table of exquisite breakfast to entertain several people living together.

This guy is a super chef comparable to Flozer, the cook of God, and he is also a foodie himself, which makes Luvia secretly satisfied, and feels that her previous decision is indeed right, this heroic spirit has no other abilities, at least in In terms of cooking, it is unmatched in the world.

Uh, Yang Lei Xin said this sentence is not a compliment, right?

As a heroic spirit, he is only recognized for cooking, so if you say it, it will only be a joke, right?

But forget it, Yang Lei is very generous, and in the food world, this is also a compliment.

In the world of eating, it is not only the ingredients and the high-end gourmets who can catch the ingredients that are important, but the chefs who can cook these high-end ingredients are also indispensable.

I think the same, without the cooking of the chef, do you have to eat the ingredients raw?

Moreover, many high-end ingredients are also special cooking ingredients. Just one wrong step may turn into a deadly poison or the like. It should be said that the status of the cook is also very high, in that world of gourmet food.

A bit too far.

Back to the topic, after breakfast, Yang Lei found a few large lunch boxes, packed the lunch box for noon, followed by Rin Tohsaka and the two set off.

Since Tohsaka Rin is responsible for teaching Illya, Yang Lei will follow her wherever he says.


As for Luvia and Miyu, he doesn't care, it has nothing to do with him, he only needs to be responsible for all the messy things of Tohsaka Rin.

Don't say he is indifferent, because the bento he brought is actually five people. If two groups of people can meet, it will not happen that three people are eating, and the two people can only watch the embarrassment scene.

In this way, Yang Lei and Tohsaka Rin came out of Luvia's house one after the other, crossed a small road, and then came to Illya's house opposite.

The two are so close together, if you calculate carefully, maybe not even ten meters, right?


Tohsaka Rin knocked on the door, and Sera greeted him.

This Sera is exactly the same as Sera in the two androids that Yang Lei had rescued before. In fact, they are the same person, but Sera in this world is no longer an android.

After Tohsaka Rin expressed his intention, Sera called out Illya, and the three of them set off to rush out of the city.

After all, the magical girl's strength is still very strong, and it is still daytime. In order not to attract the attention of others, they plan to go to the suburban forest for training.

(PS: By the way, I’ve been obsessed with the old sao man’s game videos recently, and then I often find out, I’m going, how many hours have passed? Poo vomit blood... Yesterday too, it was only after nine o’clock, and I watched it. After a few rounds of video, I found that it was already midnight, my God, I'm a little sorry for everyone's feelings...).

0947 Finally beat the caster

It should be said that Yang Lei's preparations are indeed sufficient. What I am talking about is about the five-person bento.

When Tohsaka Rin took Illya to train outside the city, Miyu suddenly fell from the sky, almost smashing Illya to death on the spot.

It turned out that this guy Luvia used his financial resources to transfer a helicopter in order to let Meiyu master the ability to fly as soon as possible, and then kicked her off after taking Meiyu out of the city.

It should be said that Meiyou is terrible.

Later, the five of them reunited again.

And because Miyu has not yet mastered the ability to fly, everyone had to circle around her, and finally let her fly before the evening.

Although it was not flying at all, it was just condensed under the feet with magic power, and it looked like it was jumping up and down in the sky.

But in general, Meiyou can be regarded as mastering the skills of air combat.

In this way, at twelve o'clock that night, the five people came under the bridge again, opened the copy space of Caster, and they came to challenge again.

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