This time, Illya and Miyu were no longer just passive defense, but flew up from the very beginning. After escaping Caster's first wave of attacks, they came to the sky behind the magic ball, intending to kill Caster. s attack.

It's a pity that Caster is still difficult to deal with, plus she has built this reflection world into her own magic workshop, and even teleportation and other means can be used instantly.

Just like the one just now, it was clear that Meiyou had the right time to hit a lore, but she still let her escape, and she also hit Meiyou from behind.

"Beautiful tour."

Seeing Miyu being blown away by Caster's magic pulse, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia couldn't help exclaiming.

"rest assured."

Yang Lei quickly reassured the two: "Illya has already gone to catch Meiyou."

Sure enough, as Yang Lei said, before Meiyou fell to the ground, Illya had arrived in time to catch her, and the two magical girls flew up again.

After that, I don't know how the two girls discussed countermeasures. Illya attracted hatred in the front, and Miyu once again hid to the side to prepare.

"It's now."

After dodging another round of Caster's attack, Illya shouted loudly and swiped her wand forcefully to fire countless magic bullets.

"Too scattered."

It's just that Rin Tohsaka was not optimistic about Illya's attack. Those bullets were too scattered to cause damage to Caster at all.

Fortunately, the Caster here is just a blackened heroic spirit who has lost his senses. If it is the real Medea, he will probably laugh at this time.

And it was precisely because he was irrational that Caster did not ignore Illya's attack, but subconsciously teleported away.

It's just that Illya has already calculated that she will dodge, so the bullet rain did not dissipate, but after hitting the magic balls below, they bounced back, actually shrouding Caster in her attack again. .

"In this way, you can't dodge any more, right?"

Illya hummed proudly, thinking that teleportation would definitely have a stalemate for a period of time, and it shouldn't be possible to teleport continuously.

Moreover, she has launched so many attacks, even if it can't cause effective damage, it should be able to produce some interruption effects, at least it will reveal some flaws in Caster.

"It's up to you, Miyu."

Thinking in her heart, Illya raised her head and shouted to a higher place.


Miyu agreed softly, and finally made an attack, waving her wand forcefully at Caster's back, who had appeared not far behind Illya, who was opening the magic barrier for defense.

"Maximum bullet speed, shoot."

In order to pursue the fastest speed and seize the opportunity that may be lost at any time, Meiyou would rather give up some power and choose the maximum attack speed.


I saw a colored light, mainly blue, shoot out from the tip of Miyu's wand, and came to Caster's back in just a blink of an eye.

Sure enough, it is the maximum bullet speed, maybe it has to reach supersonic speed, right?


Caster didn't have a bad premonition until this time, and in a hurry, he only had time to look behind him, but before he could respond, he was hit by Miyu's attack.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the sky, and then, Caster fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.


Ilya snorted softly.

"Not yet, it's not the fatal blow."

Ruby reminds Ilya Road.

"Don't forget our existence."

At this moment, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who had been making soy sauce, rushed over and took out a handful of crystal gems while running towards Caster's landing spot.

"Boom bomb seven bursts." "Blast flame bomb seven bursts."

Because he got a lot of high-quality gems from Yang Lei, Tohsaka Rin finally won't be petty, so he chose seven bursts instead of the previous five bursts.

In other words, although the two women are usually like enemies, they will still work together when needed, and the effect is quite good.

At this time, there is no way to deal high damage by just one person, but if the two of them work together, the magic that they can cast in an instant is very impressive.

"Boom..." "Whoo..."

I saw that a flame erupted at Caster's position at first, and then, another gust of wind swirled around it, not only surrounded Caster, but also made the flames of the flame even higher.

It's a pity that Caster's prototype is after all the witch Medea from the age of mythology. For the magicians of that era, many modern magics are useless.

For example, at this time, even though she was robbed by the two women, she still managed to survive, teleported into the distance, and opened three large magic circles that looked very dangerous.


The four girls exclaimed in surprise.

"Is she planning to destroy this space together?"

From the magic circle, Tohsaka Rin felt the terrifying magic power, and speculated that if Caster was to release the power of the magic circle, even this reflection world would be destroyed.

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