After all, the Dazna family are just ordinary people. If they were left on the sea like this, they might as well be handed over to Kaduo, so they could die faster.

And the reason why the three of them are useless, let's not mention Xiaoying, everyone understands, first of all, let's talk about Dingci, this is at sea, he is a Qiu Dao clan who has only learned the meat bomb chariot so far. Is there a place to use it?

You see, there is no hard ground for him to grab at sea, and it will sink in a turn?

Besides Ino, her heart-turning technique is not yet at home. It was difficult for even Chunin to control before. At this time, although Kakashi and Asma still can't see that those six people are Joinin, they can choose the survival of the fittest. In the middle, I can only choose Ino.

Not to mention that Sasuke's strength has been greatly increased because of the three-gou jade, and it is not to mention that Naruto's physical skills with the help of Nine-Tails Chakra are still very impressive, and the multi-shadow avatar is still more helpful. Procrastination, but Shikamaru is much stronger than them all.

Don't forget it's still in the dark, even at sea, it doesn't affect his shadow imitation technique, but it is more difficult to defend. After all, who can see in the sea, let Shikamaru easily win the other three.

".we know."

The three of Xiao Ying also knew that the time was pressing and could not be delayed, so they quickly took over the three generations of Dazna's grandparents and continued to rush forward.

"Water escape, the technique of water dragon bombs."

"Wind escape, the art of wind and dust."

Behind him, there was only a sound of shouting ninjutsu, and the battle was about to break out.


After a night of silence, the Dazna family finally spoke up, but they didn’t feel guilty or sorry, they just heard Yi Na, who was carried on his back by Ino, smack his lips, and said unhappily, “Why are you coming, if it wasn’t for you? , how could our family encounter these.”

"I'm there."

The woman on Sakura's back suddenly shouted loudly. It was the first time everyone had seen her show such a side since everyone knew her.

"shut up."

The woman scolded: "The people of Konoha are benefactors, and I don't know if there is a limit. They are now risking their lives to fight with the enemy, aren't they all to help us?"

"I know."

It's not that Yiran didn't understand this, but he asked in a puzzled way: "Why would you rather help us at this point? Just let us die, and let us live forever like walking corpses? "

Saying that, I don't know what to think, but Yi Na's face was suddenly covered with tears.


Ino was still full of anger, but at this time he just sighed and said, "Because you asked us for a mission from Konoha Village, because you want to be friends with us, how can we leave you behind? in spite of."

"That's right."

Suddenly, four people rushed over from a distance, and without waiting for everyone to take precautions, they saw a sturdy man with thick eyebrows and a watermelon head, Okino, giving a thumbs up and showing two rows of white teeth, and praised: "This is what we Konoha ninjas should say."

"Okay, let's move on, and let us handle the rest!".

0111 Seeking the Way

Time went backwards again, just before the Kaiban team and the Hongban team arrived, on another battlefield.

"Little devil, your strength is not bad, let me hold a grand funeral for you."

I saw the black hoe Leiya walking at the forefront, followed by three Shangnin and twenty Chunin, a large group of people surrounded Yang Lei again.

It's also that Yang Lei didn't plan to get out of trouble, otherwise as long as he condensed the Daoyu, he would be able to change his direction in mid-air.

In other words, Yang Lei actually left behind, and did not use all the means as he said, at least not condensed the jade.

Or it should be said that since the beginning of the battle until now, no one has been able to force him to use all the means.


Yang Lei sneered with disdain, and already recognized Lei Ya's identity, after all, he is relatively good-natured, so I heard him reply at this time: "Let's keep it for yourself, or for your subordinates? "

"It's not cute."

Lei Ya grinned and said to Lan Maru behind him: "Lan Maru, confuse his sight. Everyone, hurry up and take him down. It is estimated that the ambush on that side should be successful."

With that said, Lei Ya took the lead and rushed forward, and the battle that had not stopped for a long time broke out again.

237 "Ambush?"

Hearing Lei Ya's words, Yang Lei couldn't help but feel worried. After thinking about it, Yuyin was about to use the Flying Thunder God technique to rush to Kakashi's side, but he saw dozens of Lei Ya suddenly appear around him.

"So fast."

Yang Lei was startled. He didn't expect Lei Ya's offensive to come so fast, and he didn't know when he prepared the means, or whether these were shadow clones or water clones. He quickly jumped up with his feet on the surface of the water.


The rebels and ninjas lit up and quickly made an offensive.

The images created by Ranmaru were exactly the same as the real ones. Originally, apart from Lei Ya, even his own people couldn't tell which one was the real Lei Ya and which one was fake, so he didn't dare to attack easily.

But Yang Lei's sudden jump gave everyone a chance, and saw countless attacks flying all over the sky, both ninjutsu and ninja tools, greeting Yang Lei from all directions.

"Is that red eye?"

Yang Lei didn't even look at the countless attacks that were about to come in front of him. He looked at the basket behind Lei Ya with scrutiny eyes. He was already thinking about it. Although he had made the seal of the Flying Thunder God, he didn't leave this place. Looking for Kakashi and the others to meet, but instantly appeared in the water on the lower (bgdi) surface, where a special kunai was sinking at the bottom.

"This time, I really have to do my best."

Yang Lei was not in a hurry to surface. Seeing that the rebels above did not find him, he tried his best to urge Chakra to produce three black Taoist jades around him.

"Since Qiu Daoyu can be turned into a weapon."

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