Yang Lei suddenly remembered the original plot in the later period. Since Naruto can produce black sticks from the jade, Liudao Obito and Liudaoban can also give birth to the six fairy sticks, which shows that the jade has strong moldability, but no one has developed it. It's over.

"Just let me try it out."

There was an idea in Yang Lei's heart, and he couldn't help showing a grin on his face. He saw that the three Daoist jades were suddenly stretched into three big nets under his control.


As soon as he heard a loud shout from the bottom of the water, the three large nets were lifted up to the surface of the water.


Unlucky five Chunin were caught by the big net, and their bodies were cut into countless pieces in an instant, and they fell into the water crackling, dyeing the surface of the water red.

"He's underwater."

After all, there are only three Taoist jade, and the coverage area is too small. More than half of the people have not been attacked, and they have also found Yang Lei.

"All out of the water."

At this time, he heard Lei Ya shout angrily. He didn't expect that his previous offensive could be easily resolved by Yang Lei, and he took advantage of the situation to hide under the water and attacked them in a sneak attack, almost blowing his lungs out of anger.

I saw that he held the knife in both hands and started to seal quickly, just reminded him to ignore others, and shouted: "Lei Dun. Walk away."

Lei Dun's walking on the ground is more conducive to combining with Shui Dun. At this time, Lei Dun was used by Lei Ya on the water. In addition, his pair of blades were the thunder knives among the seven large knives, and Lei Dun's formidable power was increased by a lot. .

At this time, except for Lei Ya, that is, everyone else left as soon as possible, otherwise, I am afraid that the remaining rebellion will be wiped out.

Of course, I'm talking about those who only have the strength of Chunin, those three Shang-nin-level rebels are still very powerful.


Yang Lei frowned, he just temporarily left a backhand for himself when he landed on the water, but there is no special kunai in the rest of the place. It seems that he can only choose to fight hard.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."


As Yang Lei stretched out his hands to use Shen Luo Tianzheng, the river was bounced open to reveal the ground and Yang Lei came, and at the same time, Lei Dun who came to him bounced away.

"Water escape, water chaotic waves."

Water Lunbo is the simplest water escape ninjutsu, and the effect can only be used to wash away the enemy, unlike other water escapes with various attack powers, which are not threatening at all.

But at this time, being used by Lei Ya really has a feeling of turning corruption into magic.

Don't forget that his Lei Dunke is still going on, it's just that the water that acts as a conductor is bounced off by Yang Lei, so it can't hurt him.

But now, he saw that the charged water was controlled by Lei Ya to hit Yang Lei, and if it didn't work, it would come again. He didn't believe that Yang Lei's unknown protective shield could last forever.

Really called Lei Ya guessed right, although Shen Luo Tianzheng can continue to open, the consumption of chakra is a bit too much, especially Yang Lei is now in the water, the pressure is not small, even if his chakra recovery speed is very fast. You can't keep going indefinitely.

Another, Shen Luo Tianzheng is a pupil technique attached to Tenseigan, and the consumption of mental power is not low.

However, Yang Lei has not reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

"Seeking the jade."

The three Taoist jades that were condensed into a big net before were recruited back by Yang Lei, and their thoughts turned into a film to wrap themselves up, and while they put away Shen Luo Tianzheng, they flew into the sky.


With Shen Luo Tianzheng being turned off by Yang Lei, Lei Ya's Thunder Dun can finally hit him, but Lei Ya is more disappointed that although Lei Dian played a nice rhythm on Yang Lei, it didn't actually give him Take a little damage.

Just kidding, the Qiu Dao Jade is formed by the changes of the seven chakra properties. In theory, it can offset all ninjutsu except the immortal art.

"It's my turn to attack."

Because he was wrapped in the Daoyu jade, Yang Lei temporarily gained the ability to fly. He commanded Lei Ya with a sneer, and quickly formed a seal with his hands, shouting: "Xianfa, Lei Dun, go!".

0112 Yang Lei's strength

Regarding the use and development of Qiudaoyu, Yang Lei had doubts and confusion before crossing.

Since Naruto can think of turning the Gudaoyu into a disc to carry him and Sasuke, why can't they wrap their bodies?Wouldn't that make it free to fly?

Maybe it's because the Gudaoyu is just Naruto's power, and others can't control it freely, but at least Naruto himself can do it, right?

Just like Yang Lei at this time, except for his head, the three jade jades stretched together into a thin film and wrapped him, like a layer of black clothes on the outside, giving him the ability to fly temporarily. strength.

"It's my turn to attack."

Yang Lei condescendingly sneered at Lei Ya, his hands quickly formed a seal, and shouted: "Xianfa, Lei Dun, go to earth.~"


Hearing a piercing screeching sound in this forest, the rebels were startled, and the two support teams that Yang Lei didn't know about were separated. The red team was coming here with all their strength.

"What a big thunder group."

On the surface of the water below, Lei Ya couldn't help but exclaim, it was the Lei Dun released by Yang Lei that was many times stronger than him, and he watched the huge thunderbolt slowly fall down, as if he was stupid. dodge.

It's not that Lei Ya suddenly became stupid, don't forget that his weapon is the Thunder Saber, which not only allows him to use the powerful Thunder Ninjutsu, but also helps him absorb the Thunder Chakra, which is why he dares to lose his mind. , relying on his own pair of weapons.

It's a pity that Lei Ya is too careless and too short-sighted. Is this an ordinary Lei Dun?This is an immortal technique that Yang Lei used in the reincarnation immortal body mode.

"not good."

Fortunately, behind Lei Ya was carrying a young boy with a red-eyed pupil technique called the Blood Continent.

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