It may be that Yang Lei saw that Tohsaka Rin had been silent and thought she was unhappy, of course, it may also be deliberately teasing her.

But Tohsaka Rin took it seriously, and hurriedly hid his left hand in his pocket, rolled his eyes and snorted softly, "Since it's all given to me, do you want to take it back? There's no door."

"Also, since you said so, I'll take a little responsibility for you for now."

"So, are you not honest? Say, how much money do you have? You hand it over to me, but I'm dead poor."

Tohsaka Rin is really welcome. After the two had just raised their relationship to this level, they wanted to take the financial power into their own hands for the first time.

At the same time, she did not forget to ask Yang Lei: "Also, should you explain everything to me?"

"Of course no problem, I'm planning to do it too!".

0952 Prepare to open a plug-in for Illya

In the evening of the same day, Yang Lei didn't wait until the next day, he directly smashed a gold mountain and threw it into the lobby on the first floor of the Toban family's ancestral house, telling the person who bought the Toban family's ancestral house that the gold would be put there for sale. They take whatever they want, he just wants the house.

The final result was that the entire Jinshan was moved away, and at the same time, the family also left.

Money really can make 'ghosts' grind the mill.

The fact that the family can afford such a large villa shows that they are also very rich.

But in front of Yang Lei's Jinshan, in the end they didn't give a shit, they just chose to compromise.

One is that this money is really too expensive, it may be worth more than billions of pounds, not to mention a large villa, even a hundred buildings can be easily bought. They have no reason to buy such an easy-to-get property. Jinshan pushes out, right?

The other is Yang Lei's aggressive attitude, which really makes them not dare to offend easily.

After that, the two stayed here that night, cleaning up all the things that should not be left, and leaving only the things that belonged to this family.

After all, Rin Tohsaka just did that yesterday, so he definitely won't be able to act tonight.

And Tohsaka Rin is also afraid that if she needs to use Yang Lei's power again, she can't bear the attack, demand, and take of Yang Lei's two consecutive parrying.

In this way, everyone chose to repair it today, and talk about the battle tomorrow night.

Of course, Yang Lei didn't forget to explain what he should say to Tohsaka Rin at night. Anyway, this has to be faced sooner or later, so don't delay it to the end.

Like Rin Tohsaka in another world, Rin in this world also chooses to accept it, whether it is Yang Lei's true identity from another world, or whether he has a wife or even children in other worlds, and whether he will sooner or later. Take her out of this world or something.

Well, as the saying goes, marrying a chicken follows a chicken, marrying a dog and following a dog, it's all like this, she has no other way, right?

And again, women in love are blind.

What's more, Tohsaka Rin is only sixteen or seventeen years old, so he is more blind, that is, it is better to fool.

By the time we finished talking about these things, it was getting late, and it was almost midnight.

The two quickly packed up their moods, and then went to rest.

Yang Lei didn't do anything tonight. He said that Tohsaka Rin would definitely not be able to hold it. He couldn't just give Rin to eat fairy beans just for that, right?Is that too hungry and thirsty?Not really.

And once Xiandou is exposed, I am afraid that Tohsaka Rin should be suspicious.

Obviously, don't you have fairy beans that can be replenished?Then why do you need to make up for it?It can't be explained.

. . . . . .

After a night of silence, it was the next morning.

After Tohsaka Rin woke up early in the morning, he thought and thought, and finally chose to ask for leave from the school again according to Yang Lei's words.

Yang Lei's idea is very simple. You can see that he can't stay in this world for much time. Do you want to spend more time with him?

And the relationship between the two has just been established, and it is the time when they need to be more gentle. Going to school or something should be thrown aside, it doesn't matter anyway.

It really doesn't matter, after all, they will definitely leave this world in the future. At that time, no matter what they have learned in this world, don't they have to adapt to the new world from scratch?

In this way, after the two greeted Luvia, who was already seriously dissatisfied, they went out for a date again.

In fact, what made Luvia the most uncomfortable was that after Yang Lei left, she found that her food had dropped by more than one level.

No matter in terms of cooking skills or ingredients, their chefs can't compare the food they can produce with Yang Lei, which makes her complain about the two of them very much.

Fortunately, Tohsaka Rin didn't forget his mission. After playing happily for another day, Luvia didn't need to remind him at night, and he came back with Yang Lei early.

Now, there are only two employment cards left to collect. At the last moment, in order to make it easier for them to move around, they are not in a hurry to go back to their ancestral home to live their small lives, but continue to live in Luvia. Family.

There are only seven employment cards in total, and two of them were originally collected by others, and together with the three they collected later, there are only the last two left.

Moreover, according to the calculation of the career cards that have been obtained in the hand, the last remaining two career cards are Assassin and Berserker, that is, the assassin and the berserker.

"I must go to another city tonight."."

When leaving, Luvia did not forget to mobilize everyone, mainly looking at Yang Lei.

They saw Yang Lei's strength. Not only could this guy shoot down Caster who was hiding behind the magic circle with a bow and arrow, but he could also take out two big knives and fight Saber in a [-]-[-] fight, and even in the end he even got out. A holy sword collided with Saber with a Noble Phantasm.

This guy really wants to provide him with enough magic power, God knows how strong he can be.

Therefore, the role of Illya and Meiyou is not enough in front of Yang Lei. Now Luvia and Tohsaka Rin are confident that as long as Yang Lei is there, they can easily collect all the cards.

To be honest, this job is not easy. Even if those Heroic Spirit Servants lose their self-awareness because of the blackening, they just fight instinctively, which makes them feel difficult.

In fact, they came only when they realized that they might die here.

Really, if it wasn't for Illya, who was hanging up, in the original book, they wouldn't know how many times they would die, at least in Saber, there was nothing they could do, and there was a Berserker with the same bug behind.

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