If it wasn't for Illya's cheating, unless Miyu broke out, then if it was just Rin Tohsaka and Luvia, they really couldn't finish the job.

After all, they didn't know that the career card could also perform fantasy summoning.

From this, we can see how important Yang Lei should be to them.

Think about it, after all, it is said that only Heroic Spirit Servants can deal with Heroic Spirit Servants. It is normal for them to rely on Yang Lei (Li Li Zhao) so much.


Yang Lei turned to look at Illya, especially when he was using the open pupil technique to look at a certain seal in Illya's body.

".ˇMaybe I don't need to take action tonight."

Yang Lei thought to himself, silently, a magic power flowed out of his hands and flowed into Illya's body, and without even being aware of it, he pried the seal open a crack, In this way, as long as Illya is slightly stimulated, she will break the seal.

Anyway, Yang Lei has already established a relationship with Tohsaka Rin, so there is no need to use the excuse of making up the devil to find her.

In that case, he felt that he should also help Illya to open the plug-in.

Moreover, he actually really wanted to see the picture of Illya giving Xiao Hei the magic. It was estimated that the picture would be very exciting, and it was totally worth his drink as a snack.

"Well, then let's do it!".

0953 Hassan of the Hundred Faces

This time, Yang Lei and the others came to the outskirts of Fuyuki City, outside a forest, and Illya and Meiyou joined forces to open the teleportation to the world of reflection.

Then they appeared in another forest.

The so-called reflection world is actually basically the same as the real world. Whether it is a building or an environment, it is the same as the real world. It looks like a reflection in a mirror, so it is called a reflection world, right?

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are trees outside, and there are also trees in the reflection world.

It is precisely because of the surrounding trees, and it is still in the middle of the night, that everyone can't find the enemy quickly.

Of course Rin Tohsaka would not forget the existence of Yang Lei, and asked him if he had found anything.

And Yang Lei, because he had planned before, wanted to take this opportunity to bury the foreshadowing of Xiao Hei's birth, so he shook his head with his eyes open and lied, saying that he did not find the enemy's situation.

Tohsaka Rin had no doubts about him, and now for her, the most trusted person in this world is Yang Lei.

In the end, she definitely wouldn't believe that the person she trusted the most had lied to her, obviously he discovered the enemy's location right away.

And since Tohsaka Rin didn't see that Yang Lei was lying, the four girls naturally couldn't stand here and do nothing, but the five of them walked together. The formation explored and explored elsewhere.

At this time, in the dark place in the woods, in the shadows, 417 black figures were looking at the five people.

There are at least fifty people in these shadows. Could it be that they are all Heroic Spirit Servants?

That's right, they are all heroic spirits and have a common name, that is, Hassan, the Hundred-faced Hassan.

Because Hassan of the Hundred Faces has multiple personalities, and as a result, when projected into the real world as a Heroic Servant, what he gets is a rare Noble Phantasm that allows each personality to become an independent individual.

Among these personalities, there is no primary and secondary distinction, so each can be regarded as the noumenon, and all of them can be regarded as avatars.

That is to say, in the face of a hundred appearances, only by killing all the personalities can he be completely defeated, and it is not enough to defeat only one.

Moreover, because these personalities are all related to noumenon, there is no strong or weak point in their abilities, so there is no such thing as a weakness.

And now, the existence of Bai Miao has not been found by Yang Lei and the others. No, it should be said that (bgcc) has not been found by the other four women. Yang Lei knew their location as early as the first time.

As if the lurking killer was waiting for the moment when the prey revealed its flaws, the hundred faces were all lurking patiently.

Uh... it looks like they are killers, right?

At this moment, their patience finally paid off. At this moment, Ilya seemed to be distracted and thinking about something, so they saw the opportunity to take action.


A light sound came from the forest. When the four girls heard it, it was already too late.


Hearing Ilya exclaimed, she fell back subconsciously and sat on the ground.

"My neck."

I saw that she raised her hand to cover her neck for the first time. Just now in the hurry, she only had time to see something flying in front of her, and then she felt a chill on her neck, as if she had been wiped by something. .

"It's okay Illya."

Ruby quickly reassured: "I have launched protection in time, don't worry, you are all right."

Elijah breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Tohsaka Rin and the others, who had come around quickly, also relaxed. If Illya had an accident here without paying attention, they would not be able to explain it to her family, and they would blame themselves for the rest of their lives.

"Hey, now is not the time to distract him."

At this moment, Yang Lei, the most calm of the five, spoke up and reminded: "Look around, we are already surrounded."


The four women looked around in response, only to find that, indeed, in the surrounding woods, men in black with white bone masks on their faces were walking out.

"What's the matter? Why is there an army here?"

There are more than a few dozen people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the army.

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