At this moment, Yang Lei found that Asma outside had finally ended the fight, and then he grabbed Kado's head and walked out of the room like no one else. He walked down the stairs all the way, and finally opened the door. go outside.

"mission completed."

Showing the head in his hand to Asma, Yang Lei didn't mention the safe, and asked, "Let me go and call Kakashi-sensei and the others? It's time to get up tomorrow to sort out Kado's belongings. , it is also more comfortable to sleep here than on the bridge."


Asma nodded and agreed with Yang Lei's proposal, and said, "Go ahead, I'll stay and guard the castle, but don't let some fish slip through the net and rob our results. Another one, I just happen to deal with the corpse first. a bit."

In this way, the two separated their troops, Asma stayed behind to guard the castle, and dealt with the corpses on the ground and in the castle, while Yang Lei used the Flying Thunder God technique to return to the bridge where Kakashi and the others were, Tell everyone about the completion of the task, and call them to walk in the direction of the castle.

Originally, Yang Lei could use the Flying Thunder God technique to take them back to the castle, because Asma also had his special kunai in his hand, and Yang Lei hadn't taken back the special kunai he sent out before.

It's not that he forgot, it's that he's embarrassed, but don't forget that he accidentally grabbed a handful of Xiao Ying's xiao long bao before, as long as you mention the special kunai thing, you will definitely think of it, so I won't mention it for the time being. Well, after all, the empress in the palace of his family is still beside her.

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But even if they just use their feet to rush the road, it is not slow. After all, the country of waves is only a small place, and they came to the castle before the sky turned white.

"What a big castle."

The first time I saw Hinata, Sakura, Ino and Tiantian four girls in Kado Castle, they couldn't help but exclaimed. They thought the buildings of the country of waves were so simple, but when they came here, the style of painting suddenly changed. This is almost on par with the palaces of other small countries.


Listening to the amazement of the four girls, Dazna, who was walking in the middle of the team, could not help but let out a long sigh and said with emotion: "From this, you can see how harmful Cardo's atrocities are, and you should also know why I am not afraid. You have to build a bridge to death."


"This country has been difficult because of its small size and weak national strength. Now it has encountered Cardo, which is really worse."

"I built this bridge not just to make it easier for everyone to travel, and it's not just to attract foreign businessmen to the country of waves, this is also a bridge of hope, I want everyone to find and live, and even turn over and call the shots. Hope."

Hearing Dazna's words, Konoha and his party fell silent, and the four girls were embarrassed to go to sigh how magnificent Cardo's castle was. This castle was built by squeezing the blood and sweat of countless people in the country of waves.

Even Yang Lei felt a little embarrassed and wondered if he should hand over the property he had secretly greedily acquired before, leaving only two diamonds, just one for each wife.

"Huh? What the hell is a big and small wife?"

Yang Lei Kabakaba's eyes, looked at Hinata's back and then at Xiao Ying's back, changed the subject and thought about something else, and took advantage of the situation to suppress the conscience that was about to rise just now.

It's not that Yang Lei is not a person, but there is still a lot of property in the castle, enough to be distributed to the people of the country of waves, and enough for Dazna to buy materials for the construction of the bridge.

Another one, if it wasn't for the help of Konoha and his party, Cardo would not have collapsed. Among them, Yang Lei was the most hardworking. Let him take some of it. After all, he is also a poor person who needs financial assistance. I have seen such things. .

0131 Hope Bridge!

After Cardo was killed, the country of Wave finally returned to peace, and the people no longer lived in fear all day long. They were even found by Dazna's grandson Yi, one by one, in Cardo's great castle. A lot of money was distributed in it, and hope finally reappeared on the dull faces, showing a smile of anticipation for the future.

In addition to giving money to the people, Dazner also took a lot of money to buy a batch of building materials in the country of fire. After returning, he started construction again to build his Hope Bridge.

Because the country of wave used this bridge as an opportunity to attract the reinforcements of Konoha, they got rid of the tyranny of Kado, and the country of wave rekindled hope. Therefore, Dazna named the bridge after careful consideration. For the Hope Bridge.

It was originally planned to be called Konoha Bridge or Fire Bridge, but it was changed to Hope Bridge because of constant complaints by Konoha ninjas.

This time, because Cardo was dead, when Daz "[-]" Na returned with a large number of building materials, the people of the country of Wave spontaneously walked out of their homes and took the initiative to join Daz Na on the construction site of the bridge. Working hard, the completion of the bridge has been greatly accelerated.

In particular, Yang Lei brought Konoha's twelve shinobi to help, and regarded this as a kind of cultivation.

This is really cultivation, don't forget, Yang Lei's weight level is close to a ton, and others can't lift it just with his weight, not to mention having to do physical work all day.

In this matter, Yang Lei did not hide his secrets, and he eloquently explained his practice method of wearing a weight all over his body, so that the four Shangnin and other lower ninjas always figured out why he is so powerful today. Strength.

In this way, under the guidance of Yang Lei, the lower ninjas also practiced.

It's just that this is not a village, and the weight-bearing equipment is really difficult to obtain. Only Xiao Li has a pair of weight-bearing leggings on his ankles. He is also carrying out weight-bearing training, but it is not as comprehensive as Yang Lei.

Don't look at Yang Lei and Xiao Li who are both wearing weights to practice, but the situation of the two is different. Xiao Li's practice focuses more on speed and strength on his feet.

On the other hand, Yang Lei is more comprehensive. In addition to exercising the strength and speed of his feet, after all, the whole body is borne by his feet. He can also exercise the strength of his hands, as well as the endurance and strength of his body.

The most important thing is that if the whole body is wearing a weight-bearing exercise, the joints of the body can also be exercised, such as waist strength, wrist strength, etc. The benefits are much better than that of Xiao Li's practice.

However, Xiao Li's cultivation is not useless. Because of his single-mindedness, it will be much more refined and faster than comprehensive development.

Let's put it this way, without the help of system data, Yang Lei might not be faster than Xiao Li.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that the reason why Yang Lei has such strength is not just because of his hard training, nor just because he took a step earlier than others, and the infinite system that has never appeared again has also helped him. very busy.

Because the attributes have been digitized, Yang Lei will not decrease as long as he increases his strength a little. The same is true for other attributes. As long as they increase, they will not decrease back. The results of cultivation are simply multiplied.

For example, as long as Yang Lei does ten push-ups in a row, he can gain a little strength, and then he will never lose this strength.

And if it is Xiao Li, even if he does ten push-ups in a row, he can gain a little strength, but as long as he slacks off, if he doesn't continue to practice hard for a few days, that little strength will be lost.

Another, because he can see the growth of his attributes most intuitively, this makes Yang Lei a lot more convenient. As long as he finds that even though he has been cultivating all day, his attributes cannot be improved, he will know that he should increase the load. .

But others are different. Take Xiao Li as an example. His cultivation intensity is not weak at all. If there is no Yang Lei, he can even be said to be the hardest among his peers.

But he doesn't know what his attributes are, which causes his cultivation results to not be maximized. Sometimes it's time to increase the load, but he doesn't know this, and he wastes a lot of time. It's just twice the result with half the effort. not proportional.

Therefore, it is really not accidental that Yang Lei can get such strength at a young age. It is caused by many reasons, a big reason is related to the infinite system, and it has a lot to do with the eyes of the ancients.

The Eye of the Ancients of Jianji has the ability to "see through the essence of everything that can be seen at a glance", not only for learning, but also for cultivation.

For example, Yang Lei once saw his own reflection when he was taking a bath, and found that the ancient eyes of Jianji could see through his muscles and some principles of maximizing his strength. In this way, he only needed to use the mirror to see his own research. After a while, you can know which training items you need most, and you can maximize your training effect.

This is also the reason why his cultivation program has not changed.  …

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