For the past six years, there have been only a few kinds of cultivation projects for him, which are very boring and boring, but he can persevere because those kinds of projects are the most suitable for him.

Others do not have the eyes to see the ancients, and they can only cultivate according to their feelings or the experience of others. Some people are lucky and feel good and can get very good results.

For example, Xiao Li, his luck is very good, and it is printed in the same mold as Matekai, as long as he cultivates according to Matekai's instructions.

But others are different. Everyone has their own path. It doesn’t mean that other people’s paths can’t be taken, but they may not fit your feet.

The same is true of cultivation. Wrong cultivation will not only result in poor results, but may even invalidate a person’s cultivation.

For example, if Maitkay's training method was not used on Xiao Li, but on Neji, it would have been long ago that Neji was abandoned.

Nonsense, Neji is a physique way of soft boxing. If you get a training method of rigid boxing and teach it to others, even if you don't practice it, it must be said that Neji woke up early.

Therefore, the cultivation project still has to be suitable for oneself.

For Yang Lei, there is not only the infinite system that allows him to see the growth of his attributes most intuitively, but also the eye of the ancients that can correct his cultivation projects. .

. . . . . .

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, two weeks had passed.

4.8 In the early morning of this day, in front of the bridge of the Hope Bridge, which was finally fully constructed yesterday, I saw twenty people standing here facing each other. Seventeen of them were Konoha ninjas, and three others were. Three generations of Dazna's grandparents.

"Mr. Dazna will be delivered here. Next time we have a chance, we will come to see you. You can also visit Konoha Village."

On behalf of everyone, Kakashi and Asma waved goodbye to the Dazna family, and called everyone to step on the bridge and walk towards the Land of Fire.

"Thank you so much for your help."

Behind him, Dazner bent down sharply and bowed to everyone, shouting, "If it wasn't for your desperate help, I hope the bridge will not be completed, and everyone's hope will not be found."

"You all have the kindness of Konoha Village and the Country of Fire, and our Country of Waves will not forget it!".

0132 Returning to the village, the decision of the magic ape family

"Finally home."

A day later, seventeen people from the four class teams returned to the gate of Konoha Village. Looking at the village they were very familiar with, except for Yang Lei and the four Shangren, Twelve Xiaoqiang felt as if they were from another world.

In fact, the third team and the eighth team are not bad, they only went through the end of the mission, unlike the seventh and tenth teams, they almost died in the country of waves twice.

The most dangerous of them has to be the first time, that is, the time when Yang Lei and Kakashi left alone to assassinate Renin.

Only Asma was left to protect everyone, but the enemy turned out to be a ten-man team led by three Shangin. It was a miserable fight. Shikamaru and Dingji's injuries were better, Naruto's The fingers are nothing, the main thing is that Sasuke was stabbed blind in a writing wheel, and Sakura and Ino had their arms cut off. This experience brought them a lot of growth.

If they hadn't experienced this growth, they wouldn't have performed so well in the second crisis that followed. Except for Sakura's lack of stunts, the others helped a lot.

It's even a bit too much. If it wasn't for the great growth in front of the 16, the lower ninja might not be able to escape. That is more than [-] betrayal ninjas full of blood, and their strength is all at the level of Chunin. One is not good. will fold there.

From this point of view, at least six of the twelve Xiaoqiang are much stronger than themselves in the original book.

"Let's hand in the task first."

It was already the second morning after they set off from the Land of Waves, and the Hokage Building should have gone to work long ago, so Kakashi suggested: "After handing over this task, Aspen and I will be up to you. Ma invite you to have a big meal, this is what was agreed before."

In this mission, the seventh squad and tenth squad received a lot of help from Yang Lei, and the credit he made was not even comparable to Kakashi and Asma. He has a lot of favors, and he was originally going to invite him to a barbecue for one person.

Later, Kakashi and Asma thought that everyone really encountered a lot of crises in this mission, so the two of them simply contributed money to reward everyone, so that the children would not waste money.

After all, eating barbecue meat is still very expensive. Although ninjas are a high-income group, who said that the children have just graduated and have not even done a few D-level tasks at the lowest level. Where does the money come from?

Besides, the mission this time can be said that the two Junin insisted on going on, otherwise they would have returned to the village to estimate the mission.

As a result, there have been so many major crises, and even the two Shangnin almost couldn't come back. Fortunately, Asma was more vigilant at the first time. After hearing Yang Lei say that Naruto and Sasuke were attacked by a group of rebels, I was worried that there would be rebels and ninjas coming over, so I made preparations in advance.

Otherwise, he, the Genin and the Dazna family would have died long ago.

The same is true for the latter, if it weren't for the timely support of Matekai, even if Yang Lei had stayed behind, they couldn't hold on, and at most they would have tried their best to replace the six Shangnin. The children were killed.

Therefore, they may not have no guilt thoughts about compensating for their children.


Ding Ci was the first to respond, and the fat on his happy face trembled three times, causing everyone to laugh out loud.

In fact, Yang Lei also likes to eat. He doesn't even need to eat less, but he is reserved. No matter how much he expects in his heart, he just smiles on his face, and he will show his power when he eats.

That's it, because the next arrangements were made in advance, everyone did not rush to disband, but walked to the Hokage Building under the leadership of the four Jōnin.

"Three generations of adults."

When I came to the mission handover of the Hokage Building, Kakashi was pushed out by Asma and the others. He rolled his eyes helplessly, handed the mission report in his hand and said, "I didn't fill in the mission rating this time. It's up to you to decide."

The mission this time was originally just an ordinary C-level escort mission. The description of the mission was 'escort the bridge-builder Dazna back to his hometown of the Land of Waves'.

But it was such a low-level mission that almost wiped out the entire army of the two squads, and there were two Shangnin among them. The degree of danger was evident.

Especially in the final stage, it is even more involved in the diplomatic issues between countries. No matter how unpopular Cardo is, he is also a dignitary of the country of waves. He may even be the name of the country of waves, but there are no details. Just explain.

As a result, they had to kill him. According to the normal task rating, this is at least an A-level or even an S-level task.

But if you look at the people who have completed the task, it is actually not an exaggeration to be rated as super S grade.

But this has nothing to do with Kakashi, because the mission at the beginning was only a C-level mission. It was him and Asma who were made to cry and laugh by the threat of Dazna, and they didn't bother to come back again, so they simply continued to do so. Well, it turns out I don't know what to do now.

They only have the authority to record the mission report, and they do not have the authority to change the mission level rating. If Kakashi is asked to fill it out, he can only write a C grade.

You can see Kakashi's cleverness from here. He deliberately reminded Sandaimu that I didn't fill it in, and how to calculate it is your business.

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