Of course, you can also see the cleverness of Asma, Kurenai Yuhi and Matekai from this. He was given such a tricky task. They stayed behind and pretended to be honest. In fact, they are the most slippery.

"I see."

Sandaimu nodded and responded, not in a hurry now, wait for him to go back and take a good look at this mission report.

"By the way, little Yang Lei."

When the dozen or so people were about to turn around and go out, the third generation suddenly stopped Yang Lei and beckoned to call him over.

"Yang Lei, let's go to the barbecue shop to wait for you." 720

None of the people present were idiots, so they said hello to Yang Lei and went out on their own.

"Three generations of grandpa."

Yang Lei came to the desk of the third generation purpose, and asked a little puzzled: "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

"Is such that."

The third generation is no longer in business, and said: "The ape demons of the Demon Ape Clan have already told me that they have agreed to your request, allowing you to go to Huaguo Mountain to find them to practice at any time."


Yang Lei's eyes lit up, and he almost didn't cheer. It was really good news. If he guessed correctly, many of the skills of the third generation of eyes were learned from Huaguo Mountain, because the master of the third generation of eyes, the first generation of eyes. Xueji is bounded by Wood Dun, while his second master and the second generation of Mu Dun are water escapes and a large number of forbidden techniques developed, and his family of Sarutobi are only experts in fire escape. Then, how did the third generation of purpose ninja doctors come?

There are too many ninjutsus in the three generations. It is said that the basic five attributes of ninjutsu are all proficient, and they can use mixed ninjutsu at any time.

So, where did he learn so many ninjutsu skills?

Yang Lei made a bold guess. Many of the skills of the three generations of the purpose were learned from the magic ape clan in Huaguo Mountain, so he was so bold before, and bluntly revealed the truth of the ancient eyes to Sarutobi, that is If you want to bet on the Demon Ape family, you will definitely cultivate yourself.

Now it seems that his choice is undoubtedly correct. .

0133 News of the Chunin Exam

The news of the third generation purpose is actually very outdated, but unfortunately, Yang Lei never thought of summoning a psychic beast when he was out of the house, because he wanted to experience himself, so he didn't know about it.

Before leaving the village, Yang Lei was the only one who could really fight with Sarutobi, which made him not have much actual combat experience at all, so he did not seek help from the Demon Ape Clan.

With Yang Lei's current chakra volume, even the ape demon can be summoned by him, that is a shadow-level powerhouse, and the third generation is an old partner and an old comrade-in-arms.

But once he does this, although it is true that he will be able to solve most of the enemies very easily, how can he let himself get experience?

You know, people can only count on themselves, and only their own strength can become their confidence.

To use an analogy, if one day Yang Lei had to choose a betrayal village and leave Konoha Village, all he could really count on would be himself, and even the Demon Ape Clan who signed a contract with him would no longer be able to count on him, not even at all. If you dare to summon, you have to be careful not to be channeled to Huaguo Mountain.

That's why he would rather fight the enemy to the death by himself, and did not choose to ask the Demon Ape Clan for help.

In the future, Yang Lei will definitely ask the Demon Ape Clan to help him, but not now, the current enemy has no threat to him, and can only provide him with growth experience.


The third generation first made Yang Lei happy for a while, and then said again: "I secretly tell you in advance that this year's Chunin exam is about to start, so don't rush to Huaguo Mountain to practice, or first Study how to take the Chunin exam, after all, there are four chinin in your team, and one person has to give up taking the exam, or temporarily leave the team to form a team with others."

Yang Lei reacted in a jittery way. When he thought that the Chunin exam was coming soon, he had a vague idea of ​​something that was fleeting, but he never thought of what it was.

Now I only understand after hearing the reminder of the purpose of the third generation. Yes, their tenth class has one more person than other teams. That person is him. If they just take the Chunin exam like this, it will be too unfair to others. .

Therefore, he either abstained from taking the Chunin exam, or had to temporarily leave the tenth class and arrange for the third generation to form a team with others.

"I know 〃~."

I saw Yang Lei nodded to show that he knew, and then asked: "Then, if there is nothing else, I will go first."


Sandaimu nodded and waited for Yang Lei to leave before lowering his head and opening Kakashi's mission report.

. . . . . .

Looking at Yang Lei's side again, Yang Lei couldn't help but feel a little awkward when he came out of the Hokage Building.

In fact, for Yang Lei, the so-called title of Shangnin or Chunin is completely useless, just like Naruto in the original book, until the final battle, he was just a Jinnin. As a result, no one in the Ninja Alliance dared to look down on him. ?

Originally, Yang Lei, as a traverser, didn't mind the Chunin exam at all, because his strength was there, and he had killed several even Joinin. Would he still care if he could become a Chunin?

But this year's Chunin exam is a bit too classic. Unless you can't participate, I guess as long as you are a traveler, you will choose to participate, because there are too many scenes that you want to see.

And if you ask Yang Lei which scene in the Chunin exam he would most like to see, he will definitely tell you that it is the battle between Naruto and Inuzuka Ya.

It's not that fart shot, but Naruto's response to crushing Inuzukaya in terms of IQ.

For example, using the transformation technique to become the appearance of Tooth, and then when it was found to be fake, not only did he not unlock the transformation, but also turned into the appearance of Akamaru, so that Tooth was fooled and the real Akamaru was punched away.

This unexpected idea is really wonderful.

It is precisely because of Naruto's influence that Yang Lei would think of something Sarutobi never thought of, that is, when using the transformation technique to combine with King Kong Indestructible, only a part of his body will be changed, such as turning his left hand into a shield, In addition to defense, there is also attack.

If this is Sarubi, it will definitely turn itself into a shield, so how can it fight back or evade?Can't you just be passively beaten?

This is the gap between ideas and inspiration.

I have to say that Naruto's accidental NO1 is really not blown out.

One more thing, don't forget that Orochimaru's infiltration in this year's Chunin exam, and that dangerous guy Gaara, Yang Lei really wanted to protect Dian Hinata all the way, for fear that she would be in danger.

Of course, it's not without worrying about Sakura's psychology. After all, compared to Hinata, the chance of Sakura encountering Orochimaru is a bit too high, basically [-]% of the time.

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