So, speaking of which, Yang Lei really wanted to take the Chunin exam.

However, why is he so embarrassed to let the pig, deer and butterfly group dismantle? It's not because Shikamaru and the others don't know that he has learned the secret techniques of their family, mainly because everyone is friends, and he is embarrassed to say this idea.

How to say?Dingci is the most gentle to his friends, he is even better than Shikamaru, do you want Yang Lei to say to Dingci: "... Dingci, you don't have any big ambitions anyway, so let me take the Chunin exam for you. Bar"?

There is also Ino, this girl is just like a little adult, she thinks about everything, she is more like an adult than him, Yang Lei is too embarrassed to mention it to Ino.

As for Shikamaru, he didn't even dare to let him feel the slightest sign, otherwise Shikamaru would definitely use the excuse of being too lazy to participate, and just give him the quota.

Yes, Dingji may not be willing to participate, Shikamaru may be too lazy to participate, and Ino may not dare to participate because of the danger, but they finally participated because they did not want to embarrass Asma or their own family.

How can you say he can speak up to replace them?How much do you need to do this?

Besides, pigs, deer and butterflies are a combination after all, so what's the matter with him pushing in.

"It's really troublesome."

The more he thought about it, the more irritable and tangled, Yang Lei couldn't help (good for Wang) and scratched his hair hard, only to find that his hair seemed to be a little long, and it was almost reaching the level of his ears.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little good at getting off topic and crooked."

Speaking to himself, Yang Lei stopped thinking about the troublesome things he didn't know how to deal with no matter how he thought about it now. He muttered about whether it was time for him to design a hairstyle, so he quickly walked towards the barbecue shop.

Just waiting for Yang Lei to arrive at the barbecue restaurant, he couldn't help but be startled. He saw that the entire barbecue restaurant was almost full. Except for the sixteen of them, the family members of the Genin family did not come less often. Seeing more and more people, everyone I simply booked the barbecue shop, and then called some friends over to gather together. In this way, the barbecue shop was almost full.

It's just that, unlike the people in the room who were happily eating and drinking, Asma and Kakashi, who were sitting in one of the private rooms, were getting darker and darker. They both paid for the meal today. Is this to eat poor them? .

0134 Asma Education Yang Lei

Originally, because the barbecue restaurant was approaching lunch time, some people had come to eat in advance.

And because Kakashi and others came over, the family of the four Shimonin squads couldn't hold back and ran to see the children in advance, which made the kebab shop a little crowded.

You can't let adults just leave after watching their children. After all, they're all from the same village, so I'm sorry.

So Kakashi and Asma decided to just wrap up the kebab shop, otherwise there would be too many of them, and the mess would be too disruptive to the boss's business.

But Kakashi and Asma didn't expect that when everyone saw that they had even wrapped up the barbecue shop, in order not to waste it, they simply called everyone they saw, which made the barbecue shop overcrowded and made them both have A feeling of wanting to cry.

They obviously just booked the venue, but they just spent some extra venue fees. When the bill is actually paid, it will still be calculated according to the amount of food eaten.

As a result, it was misunderstood by others, thinking that everything in the barbecue shop was wrapped up. In order not to waste it, I really let go of my stomach and ate it hard.

"Kakashi, Asma, thank you for your hospitality. We still have work to do in the afternoon, so let's go first and invite you next time."

Some people who still had work in the afternoon left after eating. In the end, there were only 237 people from the four classes who had just completed their tasks and returned to the village.

"Looks like I need to save a bit this month."

Asma sighed helplessly, picked up the glass to greet Kakashi and touched it, and said by the way: "Hey, Kakashi, you have to lend me some money later, you usually have nothing to spend, these are Have you secretly saved a lot of money in the year? I can't do it, although I have some savings."

Having said that, Asma subconsciously glanced at Hong Yuhi, and continued: "But there is still some budget to set aside, you know."


Hong Yuhi, who was at the same big table, blushed and couldn't help but spit softly. She rolled her eyes and looked extra cute. No wonder Asma fell in love with her.

In fact, it's not just because Yuhika looks good, Asma and her are still childhood sweethearts, it's just because Asma ran away halfway and left the village to wander around, otherwise they might have been together long ago.

In fact, it's not too late, it seems that they have already made some progress, making Yang Lei really happy for the two of them.


Using chopsticks, he grabbed a piece of freshly roasted beef from Dingci and threw it into his mouth. Yang Lei turned to look at Asma and Kakashi, thought for a moment, and said, "I took a gold brick at Kado's house before. , I originally planned to keep it private, but then I felt a little uneasy about my conscience, so I might as well use it to settle the bill today."

There are truths and falsehoods in this sentence. First of all, Yang Leishun is not just walking a golden brick, but he can't say it.

However, he really felt a little uneasy in his conscience. Although he had left a lot of money for the country of waves, Yang Lei still felt that all the money in Cardo was obtained by exploiting the people of the country of waves. It's a bit too much to take so much away.

But if you don't take him, you won't be able to pass your own level. He's not a bitch, and he feels that he has to pay a little bit, right?

Don't look at the quest report that Kakashi brought back without the quest level. When the third generation reads the report, it may be rated what level, but what if it is a super S-level?The money has to be paid by the mission client, so the village can't make up the money, right?

That is to say, no matter what the final rating of this mission is, and no matter what they have experienced this time, the reward they get is only as little as the pitiful C-level mission, and it has to be said that it is divided equally by seventeen people, otherwise they will not be able to give support. The reward for the task is done by the village, right?Next time, if there is no support, don't blame others.

So, please don't blame Yang Lei for going too far, he's not a bitch, and what he takes away is what he deserves.

I just felt that I took a little too much, so I took out a gold brick, but I didn't dare to take out too much. I briefly mentioned what I had done before, and finally made myself feel better.

It didn't matter if he took a piece, he just thought it was because the child was ignorant, or he was greedy for a while.

But once let others know that he dares to greed for so many treasures, not to mention his personal space, it will be exposed, (bgfg) Just the character issue will be suspected, and his hands and feet will be written on his ninja registration. stains.

Even the village will confiscate his illegally obtained property, and then criticize and re-educate him.

After all, there are professors in the ninja school. Ninjas who do tasks outside must manage their hands, feet and thoughts. First of all, they are not allowed to have any bad thoughts on the client, such as using the client's head for money, or seeing themselves. After the client is a beautiful woman, you want to get rid of it, but this is not acceptable.

There is also the client's property, no matter how rich the client is, or how stingy the remuneration given by the client, at least Konoha's ninjas are not allowed to have bad thoughts about the client's property during the mission. Stealing or robbery is [-]% going to jail.

Not even after the mission is over, unless you won't be found, you'll be caught.

How should I put it, Konoha Village is the No. [-] Ninja Village in the Ninja World after all, and we must pay attention to its reputation.

Besides, ninja robbery and theft can only make individuals rich, but as long as the reputation of the village is good, there are more tasks, and more people are rich. Isn’t this easy to understand?

At this time, although the gold bricks that Yang Lei took out made the four Jounin frown, but thinking about the danger they encountered in this mission, and thinking about the credits Yang Lei made, as well as his potential and current situation Their strength, especially since he was only a twelve-year-old child, finally looked at each other and didn't say anything.

"Yang Lei."

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