But it's just that no one else said anything, but Asma had to speak. Whether it was for pretense or education, he spoke up.

"Forget it this time."

Asma pushed the gold brick back to Yang Lei and said, "It's your hard work this time, but you have to remember that this is the first and last time."

"A gentleman loves money in a proper way. Your behavior is no different from those thieves and bandits. You will be criticized by others, you will be despised, and you will be punished by the village."

"So you remember that from now on, you can only get the reward of the task, as well as your own trophies, and things that are unowned. You must not steal and rob, remember?"

Seeing Asma's serious look at himself, Yang Lei nodded and said, "I see, but, how can it be regarded as an ownerless thing? I don't count? After all, Cardo is dead, even if so If you look at it, this should be considered my trophy, right?"

"This one."

Asma thought for a while and said, "It's hard to tell because of the crowd. I'll explain it to you alone in the evening."

Saying that, Asma winked at Yang Lei, while the other three Shangin rolled their eyes together. They had already guessed that Asma would never teach Yang Lei to be a gentleman.

But it doesn't matter, they are ninjas anyway, as long as there are no problems in principle, it doesn't matter whether they are gentlemen or not.

(PS: The next chapter will wait for a while, and start writing now...).

0135 Xiao Li who drinks too much

Asma said the phrase 'many people with different eyes' so bluntly, and everyone understood that Yang Lei's piece was temporarily uncovered, and he will educate himself later, so don't worry about it.

As for his gold brick.

"Since Yang Lei is so generous, it's not easy for us to refuse.~"

Kakashi coughed lightly, nodded to Yang Lei and said, "Then you will pay for it after a while. Asma and I will make up for it in a few days - the last meal."


Hong Yuhi couldn't stand it anymore. Logically, this gold brick must be confiscated, and since everyone intends to turn a blind eye, why bother taking advantage of a child.

"Yang Lei."

I saw that Yuri Hong picked up the gold brick and was about to stuff it back into Yang Lei, and said, "Don't listen to them, you have to eat half of the gold brick for this meal. After all, there are so many people. It is estimated that the barbecue in the store will be eaten up, don't underestimate the consumption of the barbecue restaurant, you should save it and spend it yourself."

"Do not worry about it."

Yang Lei smiled and shook his head, thinking in his heart that Aunt Hong was not his godmother, but in the end he defended him like this. It seemed that he had to find a way to get them together as soon as possible.

Yang Lei secretly thought about his own, and said, "I originally planned to divide it with everyone, otherwise I wouldn't take it out, and now there is still half of it left, when the time comes, everyone Break it up again."

"You child."

Seeing that Yang Lei's attitude was very firm, Yuri Hong sighed lightly and didn't want to break up with him again, so she could only say: "The four of us don't want it anymore. As for what your children will do, it's up to you to decide."

"What a big gold brick."

The children on the side have long been dumbfounded. They have seen gold, but they have never seen such a large piece of gold bricks, so they can't help but feel envious.

But at this time, when I heard that Yang Lei planned to share it evenly with them, although it was the gold bricks after paying the bills, it was quite a lot.

Of course, there are also voices of rejection. For example, Neji generously said that she didn't need it, and Hinata also whispered that she didn't want it. She had everything she needed at home, and no one bought it if she didn't. It was really useless for her to ask for money.

"I'm talking about an equal share."

Yang Lei rolled his eyes at Twelve Xiaoqiang, not only vetoing Ningci and Hinata's refusal, but also ruining Shikamaru's plan.

That sentence just now 'Are you really going to give it to us? ' It was shouted by Shikamaru, which has a second meaning, which is also the literal meaning. It is equally divided among them, but Yang Lei also has a share, and I don't know whether Shikamaru was stimulated by gold or just wanted to tease. Make fun of Yang Lei.

Fortunately, Yang Lei is not an idiot. He instantly heard the trap in his words, and then he repeated his previous words, which was a feat.

Listening to the noise of the children, the four adults laughed and drank, and the atmosphere was quite happy.

But when Mattkay got a little over the top, a small episode happened that no one noticed.

I saw Matekai swayingly picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Suddenly he frowned and muttered in a low voice: "Huh? Why is there no wine smell? Did I drink too much?"

As he spoke, Matekai put down the glass, took the wine bottle on the side and poured himself another glass, and then drank it all, and then nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, it seems that I took the wrong one just now. The wine glass, it should be Xiao Li's, right?"

Thinking like this, Matekai looked forward and found that there was no glass in front of Xiao Li, and he pushed his own glass to Xiao Li's front.

Because Yang Lei was still discussing with the rest of the people how to distribute the remaining gold, and then what to buy, so he didn't notice it, otherwise he would definitely stop it.

And now, Yang Lei, the only one who knew the plot, didn't see Matekai's actions, and Matekai didn't know how much chaos the glass of wine he pushed over would cause, and everyone continued to eat and drink.


Because talking and laughing with everyone was very happy, Xiao Li soon became a little dry, turned around and took a sip from his glass, frowned in confusion, and muttered: "This is this What's the matter? The drink tastes weird?"

While he was still talking, he saw Xiao Li's face turned red just in the blink of an eye. It was just because the house was still grilling, so it was very hot. No one had noticed anything unusual about him. At most, he thought he was hot.

"My head seems a little dizzy."

Xiao Li was talking to himself, his body had begun to sway, and this time someone finally discovered his abnormality.


Yang Lei looked at Xiao Li's appearance, and couldn't help shouting to himself, "Xiao Li has been drinking? Is this going to play a drunken fist? Oops."


Although Yang Lei guessed what happened to Xiao Li, he couldn't say it. After all, even Xiao Li himself and his relatives and friends didn't know about his intoxication physique and bad wine. How did he know?

Therefore, Yang Lei could only be on guard in the dark, but he didn't dare to be too obvious, so he could only concentrate on the two girls, Hinata and Xiaoying, as long as they didn't get hurt.

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