As he spoke, Yang Lei quickly walked back to the big private room and took out the gold brick, handed it to the boss and said, "Do you think this gold brick is enough to compensate for your loss? Of course, but also There is food money."

"Gee, how does this make, too much."

The boss waved his hands again and again to refuse, and said, "At most, about nine-tenths are enough. Don't worry, I will send the remaining one-tenth to you after the reconstruction."

"Then no need."

Yang Lei shook his head with a smile. Although one-tenth was a lot, he was a little rich because of the huge wealth he suddenly obtained, and said: "After all, we are too rude, we should give the extra money to us. Your apology is good, otherwise we're afraid you won't let us in again next time."

Every time Asma brings Yang Lei to eat barbecue, he always comes here. Although there are no other barbecue restaurants in Konoha Village, they have the best business and the most delicious meat. Therefore, Yang Lei and the boss are also acquaintances. Adding a little joke to the apology made the boss no longer angry, and said that when they came back after the reconstruction, they would give them a discount.

"Let's go."

After dealing with the issue of compensation, the group said goodbye to the boss and walked out of the door of the barbecue shop. The upper ninjas praised Yang Lei's old ways and politeness, while the lower ninjas stayed silent for a long time.

There is no way to be silent. Originally, everyone would have half a piece of gold and 0.2 bricks to divide equally. This money can be regarded as a huge sum of money for them, and they can do many, many things.

For example, Ding Ci wanted to use the money to eat and drink every day, and it was estimated that it would be enough for him to eat and drink for more than a month.

The girls also planned to use the money to go shopping.

Well now, it's useless to think about anything, because the BRICs have been left to compensate the rotisserie's losses.

Before, because I didn't know what illness Xiao Li had done, and the Shang Ninjas were not easy to take action, after all, Maitkay was still there. If Maitkay didn't speak, they wouldn't touch other people's disciples easily.

And Yang Lei didn't know what was going on with Xiao Li, and he was able to restrain him, but he didn't want to take action too early, for fear of exposing something, which gave Xiao Li the opportunity to take advantage of this time to demolish the entire barbecue shop. Oh, didn't you hear the boss say rebuilding instead of renovation? .

0137 Sakura's Consciousness

After the dinner, everyone walked together for a while and then disbanded.

"Hinata-chan, I'll take you home."

Yang Lei came to the front of Hinata, took the little hand of Hinata who was pretty blushing, and the two walked forward amid a kind of joking sound behind them.

Behind him, Sakura stood at the back of the crowd, looking at the backs of the two who were walking away, a look of loneliness flashed across her face.

"Jun Yang."

Hanging her head, Sakura held the special kunai tied inside her clothes in both hands, thinking back on the bits and pieces that happened in this mission, she didn't know whether it was sweeter or bitterer in her heart.

"Hey, Sakura."

At this moment, Ino quietly took a few steps behind and came to Xiao Ying's side, bumped his shoulder against Xiao Ying's shoulder, and whispered, "You won't really change your mind, will you? Although Yang Lei is very handsome and his strength is not bad, But I still think Sasuke is better."

"Besides, Yang Lei is already dating Hinata, right? You don't have a chance anymore, why don't you grab Sasuke with me?"

As I said before, Ino is the kind of person who is very gentle and considerate of his friends.

For example, at this time, it was clear that the two best friends had turned against each other for Sasuke, but seeing Xiao Ying so lost at this time, it was very rare for her to say this to comfort her best friend.


Xiao Ying shook her head with a smile, took a deep breath, and said, "After this time out of the village, I understood the importance of strength, and I finally saw my own powerlessness. It turned out that I was the one holding back, everyone Stronger than me."

"No matter whether I like Yang Jun or Sasuke in the future, I must have the strength to stand by their side, and I can't be a drag on him."

After this battle, Sakura finally grew up a lot, no longer the nympho girl who regarded love as more important than ninjutsu, and finally became a big girl.

"Jun Yang."

Looking at Yang Lei with only a little back left, Xiao Ying said to herself in her heart, "Thank you for your previous enlightenment, I have found my way out, I want to become a powerful medical ninja, one who can contribute to the team. useful people, and will never be a drag on you again' 々."

In this mission of the Land of Waves, Sakura has always been the person who did nothing, and explained in professional terms as a jerk who paddled the water.

And other people, even Ino, have cooperated with Shikamaru and Dingji of the new generation of pig deer butterflies because of the spirit of the mountain clan, let alone a few others.

Sasuke has opened the three-hooked jade writing wheel, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Naruto also mastered some tricks of using the nine-tailed chakra because Yang Lei had brought him to meet with the nine-tailed Kurama before, and said without hesitation, his strength is the one who has improved the most.

As for the support members, because they have been together for a short period of time, I only know that the third class is a year older than them, so their strength is much stronger than them.

The three of the eighth class are not weak, at least they are much stronger than Sakura.

In other words, Sakura is the most ordinary, the most ordinary, and the weakest among them, how can she not feel lost.

There is no family secret technique, no blood succession limit, even parents are ordinary people, plus the talent is not high, and the consciousness is not enough, that is to say, there are no better people in this class, otherwise Xiao Ying may not be able to graduate.

If it wasn't for Yang Lei's previous enlightenment, Xiao Ying might have been frustrated by this. From then on, she would have no success at all. She lived mediocrely until she was sixteen years old, and then she could find someone casually and marry her husband.

After all, she is now more stimulated than in the original book. When her arms were cut off, she thought about too many things, and many exaggerated and beautiful things were broken by cruel reality. She is no longer living in fairy tales. The little princess in the story finally saw the fact that she was a Cinderella in the real world.

But fortunately, she woke up in time, and Yang Lei also planned the way forward for her. Since there are no medical ninjas in this class, she can completely develop in the direction of medical ninjas.

Plus she has a much better control of chakra than others, and since she has a small amount of chakra, she has to be careful, which makes her a good habit.

The necessary condition for becoming a medical ninja is that the control of Chakra must reach the most meticulous level, which is more suitable for her than others, which gives her hope.

She should not be a drag, not because she is afraid of being despised by others, but because she is afraid of not being able to stand beside the person she likes, and also afraid of not being able to help the team, or even become a drag on the team.

"Jun Yang, one day, I will stand by your side openly, for sure."

. . . . . .

"Go home directly? Or where to go first?"

After saying goodbye to everyone, Yang Lei took Hinata's little hand and walked aimlessly. The direction was not the resident of the Hyuga family, and he wanted to get along with his beloved girl more.

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