"Yang Jun is the master."

Hinata rolled her eyes in a somewhat amused and helpless way, thinking that you were always leading the way, and she had already changed direction, and asked me what I was doing.

At the beginning, Hinata was still very shy, often bowing his head and blushing pretty face, daring to look at the eyes of others looking at him and Yang Lei.

But slowly, Hinata turned from looking up at Yang Lei secretly from time to time to looking at him all the time, the blush on his face gradually faded, and his demeanor became much more natural.

Up to now, Hinata has returned to her natural state. There is no way. Who told Yang Lei to bully her since she was very young. As a result, although Hinata is introverted and often shy, she has subconsciously gotten used to Yang Lei's closeness. , so we can get back to normal so quickly.

".ˇAre you full just now?"

Yang Lei didn't see Xiaotian's white eyes. Whoever called white eyes was white, whether it was the whites of his eyes or his pupils, he really couldn't tell if he didn't look carefully.

At this time, Yang Lei raised his finger to the street in front and asked, "If we are not full, we can go to the snack street to taste snacks, such as oden, or meatballs and takoyaki."

"Snack Street?"

Hinata looked at Yang Lei speechlessly, thinking that Yang Jun was too good to eat. Just now at the barbecue shop, he (Zhao Wang's) ate no less than that big fat man Dingci, but now he brought her to the snack street again. Now, are you planning to eat more?

"Don't want to try the snacks here?"

Yang Lei saw Hinata's hesitation, shrugged his shoulders in disappointment, and led her around and said, "Okay, let's go to the movies, shall we?"

The background of Naruto World is really too chaotic. It should be the Warring States period. There are no vehicles such as cars and planes. However, equipment such as electric power industry has developed, such as movies, TVs, refrigerators, fans, lamps and other electrical appliances. There are all of them, even in the late stage of the original work, when Naruto became the Seventh Hokage, there were computers and PSPs....

Therefore, at this time, Yang Lei's intention to take Hina to a movie is not without a purpose, nor is his head confused, but there is really a large-scale movie theater in Konoha Village.

(PS: There is a second chapter in an hour and a half, and the third chapter will be released in three hours...).

0138 The date of Yang Lei and Hinata

Yang Lei took Hina Tian into the cinema around [-]:[-] in the afternoon and chose a love movie. Don't get me wrong, it's not that kind of love action movie.

"The heroine is so pitiful."

At about three o'clock, the two came out of the movie theater. Hinata was crying with tears in her eyes. Yang Lei put her arms around her and comforted her. At the same time, he didn't forget to scold the author. No, it's the screenwriter.

After a while, Hinata was a little better, and embarrassedly broke free from Yang Lei's arms, and the two quickly walked out of the door of the cinema. They were almost surrounded by people.

"Where should we go next?"

Walking on the street, Yang Lei was thinking about the direction to go next. Since they met, it was the first time they walked together freely. It could be said that they were dating. Tian a perfect date.

"Go to the playground."

Suddenly, Yang Lei's eyes lit up, he pointed forward with the hand holding Hinata's hand, and suggested to Hinata: "Look there, Hinata-chan, go to the playground to play?"

Not far from the cinema, there is an amusement park of average size. Except for those large equipments, such as Ferris wheel or roller coaster, the general amusement facilities are quite complete.

For example, the carousel, the fairy tale city, and the haunted house are quite comprehensive.

"Yang Jun is the master."

Hinata nodded obediently, as if it was entirely up to Yang Lei.


In this way, the two went to the playground to play for a while, and didn't come out of it until after five o'clock in the afternoon.

Then the two went to a sushi restaurant with a good reputation for dinner, and their first date was over here.


After dinner, the two held hands and ran down the road. This time, they were really walking in the direction of the Xiang family residence. On the way, Yang Lei said, "This is our first date, right?"

Hinata didn't expect Yang Lei to make it clear, and she couldn't help but blushed. After all, she was still an introverted and shy little girl, especially when her master made it clear, she was even more embarrassed. .


With a whimper, Hinata was really embarrassed to admit it, nodded in a panic, then lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Yang Lei again.

"How about it?"

Yang Lei stopped, turned around and stood there face to face with Hinata, and asked, "Are you still happy today? Are you satisfied with my arrangement?"

Hinata nodded again, but what made her wonder was that Yang Lei didn't speak for a long time, and she looked up subconsciously.

"Boom." (bgae)

Suddenly, Yang Lei was caught off guard and kissed her, and he grabbed her lips in one bite, and the two were together.

Hinata only felt that her head was blank, and she had no more thoughts. She could only stand there stupidly, being hugged and kissed by Fang Haoran, her hands unconsciously hugging Yang Lei's waist, and finally she almost forgot how to breathe. .

Fortunately, the time is now more than eight o'clock in the night, and the location of the two is relatively remote, so no one noticed, otherwise they would have been surrounded by onlookers.

"Cough cough cough."

I don't know how long it took, and Hinata, who didn't know how to breathe, choked, and the two finally stopped.


Yang Lei hugged Hinata tightly, unwilling to let go, he took a deep breath, put his chin on her shoulder, and whispered the girl's name against her ear, trying to make this moment into eternity.

"Jun Yang."

Hinata hugged Yang Lei's waist back, feeling Yang Lei's breath, and his face was full of intoxication and happiness.

The two didn't confess or say anything on purpose. They just got together naturally. Maybe it was from the time they met when they were five years old, or the reunion when they entered school at the age of six. Anyway, they have always been together. I knew in my heart that they liked each other.

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