"Just be honest with me."

With the appearance of Ibizi, the first exam is finally about to begin. .

0149 Eliminated!

According to Ibizi's request, everyone in the room submitted their respective applications in order, then got the number plate to find a seat, sat down and waited for the first exam to come.

Not long after, after everyone found their respective positions, Ibishi began to tell the story, writing the so-called rules on the blackboard while speaking, and finally shouted: "Now I announce that the first written test of the Chunin Selection Test will be conducted. Officially, you have an hour to answer."

After speaking, Ibizi showed a cold face with her wrist watch on her back, and stared at everyone as if she was saying cheat, so I can catch him.

According to what Ibizi said before, this is not just a simple written test, but a written test in the name of ninjas. That is to say, literally, it can be concluded that this is an test that tests the means of obtaining information. .

In particular, Ibizi once specially mentioned to everyone that everyone has ten points, and every time they are caught cheating, they only deduct two points, which is to tell everyone that you have at least five opportunities to cheat, and now see who~ React first.

"Those two idiots, please don't act indiscriminately - move."

Yang Lei absentmindedly glanced at the exam paper in his hand, and while he started to write absentmindedly, he quietly opened the writing wheel eye and the white eye. He first glanced at the situation of Hinata and Xiaoying, and saw that they were already very good. It was successfully written in _.

The former Hinata cheated, while the latter Sakura had good academic performance, and even this kind of knowledge that only Chunin can access, Yang Lei couldn't help but secretly praised.

Just after watching the two girls, Hinata and Xiaoying, Yang Lei looked back, and the picture that appeared in front of him almost made him vomit blood. He saw that his two top teammates were stretching their necks and watching from side to side, very afraid. The invigilator could not see the same.

"These two idiots."

Yang Lei gritted his teeth and scolded, and then looked at the Chunin who were sitting in a row, and saw that the name of the top teammate was clearly written on the writing board in one of the Chunin's hands. The two of them were caught cheating twice.

"This is just the beginning."

Yang Lei roared in his heart. He was caught twice just at the beginning. This is too superb, right?

And if he read it right, it seems that the test papers of the two top teammates only wrote a few words, that is to say, they were caught twice and haven't copied a question, which is too much, right?

"Third time, those two bastards."

Before Yang Lei could settle his tone, he saw that Chunin by the wall started to write again, and he added another stroke after the names of the two elite teammates, meaning it was the third time.

"If it goes on like this."

Yang Lei couldn't sit still. If they let the two of them play like this, wouldn't they be hiccups if they couldn't last for ten minutes?


Just when Yang Lei was about to act, but he hadn't figured out how to act, he saw a kunai quickly thrown out of the hand of a chunin by the wall, just in front of one of the top teammates' table.

"You cheated five times and you are disqualified from the exam."

A chunin raised his finger and shouted at the top teammate, and then he heard him say: "His companions are also disqualified and can retire."

"What? How?"

The best teammates are still yelling.

"Sure enough, I couldn't even carry it for ten minutes."

Yang Lei looked at the already written test paper, and his anger surged, and he couldn't help but fix the two of them here.

"What about cheating five times, where is your evidence?"

The best teammates are still clamoring, and I don't know if he is really stupid or fake.

"Don't be embarrassed anymore."

It was really unbearable, Yang Lei shouted angrily: "Hurry out with me, and I'll settle the account with you after I go out."

After finishing speaking, Yang Lei rushed out at the fastest speed, and before going out, he glanced at the grass ninja that Orochimaru was pretending to be, and was very worried about Hinata and Sakura.

That is to say, the pressure of the Chunin exam is too great, otherwise, the other genin at the scene will probably laugh out loud.


Before leaving the ninja school, Yang Lei couldn't help it. He blocked the two top teammates at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, and shouted, "Did you do this on purpose? Didn't I tell you not to act rashly?"

"No way, bro."

The top teammate on the left suddenly spread his hands out of grievance and said, "We also want to successfully advance to the Chunin exam, but we can't, because we are originally Chunin."


· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Yang Lei frowned, some didn't understand what was going on.


The top teammate on the right made a good gesture and said, "You should go to Lord Sandaimu and ask, we don't know the details. That's it, let's go first."

After speaking, I saw that the two suddenly took out two animal masks and put them on their faces, and they disappeared with a swoosh. It turned out to be two Anbu?

"I go."

This time, Yang Lei was really about to vomit blood.

In other words, these two bastards were really playing him on purpose. They were clearly two Anbu, with the least strength and elite chunin level, but they were deliberately caught cheating five times, and then dragged him down. Kicked out in an exam.


One more thing, and the previous call for help, why wouldn't these two bastards be scared by the sound and ninja trio?

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