"Don't let me catch you two next time."

Yang Lei roared loudly, scaring the two top teammates who had not gone far enough to stumble and almost fell to the ground.

"Well, we won't be hated, right?"

The top teammate on the left asked the one on the right uneasy. Yesterday they really didn't respond and were kicked down. The big brother who called him today is sincere.

Therefore, the two of them are still very worried that they will be targeted by Yang Lei, and then settle accounts in the autumn.

"calm down."

The top teammate on the right pretended to be calm, but there was actually a cold sweat on his forehead under the mask, and said, "Uncle Asma won't watch us be bullied by his son, right?"

It turned out that these two guys are actually members of the Sarutobi clan, that is to say, it is indeed a three-generation arrangement, but I don't know what his thoughts are.

"What exactly is going on?"

After walking out of the gate of the ninja school, Yang Lei hadn't figured out what happened to the third generation. If he didn't want him to participate, he would just say it outright. It hurts.

"I don't want to, go to Grandpa Sandaimu and ask what's going on."

Muttering in his heart, Yang Lei set off for the Hokage office building. Because he didn't need to take the Chunin exam, he simply put on the weight-bearing equipment one by one on the way. .

0150 Ready to go to Huaguo Mountain

Yang Lei trotted all the way down the street and rushed to the Hokage Building. Because he was wearing a weight, he was tired and sweating out, so he should have exercised.

"Boom bang bang."

Arriving at the gate of Hokage's office, Yang Lei smashed the door, and only pushed the door in after hearing the sound of "come in" from the third generation.


Yang Lei was stunned as soon as he entered the door, and saw a tall man with long white hair standing in front of the third generation.

"Little Yang Lei, why are you here? Isn't it supposed to be the first exam now?"

After seeing that it was Yang Lei, the third generation couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't the first exam going on at this time?Why is he here?

"You still ask me."

Yang Lei looked back at Jiraiya. Logically, he didn't know Sanren, so he didn't express too much "five zero zeros". He looked at Sandaimu with dissatisfaction on his face and blamed: "Grandpa Sandaimu, why did you arrange it? Are the two Anbu deliberately making trouble for me?"


The eyes of the third generation froze, and they understood everything in an instant, and couldn't help but scolded, "Those two little bastards, obviously both of them are from Anbu, they dare to say something about the mastermind behind the scenes, look! How can I punish them?"

"Sure enough, did you arrange it on purpose?"

Yang Lei rolled his eyes, but fortunately he was still wearing sunglasses and goggles, so no one could see his eyes.


Yang Lei seemed very puzzled and asked: "Why did you do this? If you don't want me to participate, you can tell me directly."

"This one."

Sandaimu seemed a little hesitant, and after thinking about it, he sighed lightly and said, "It's mainly because Jiraiya also brought back a message that the guy Orochimaru is likely to come back to make trouble during the Chunin exam, so I don't want you to participate. This year's Chunin exam. I'm afraid that you will not pay attention to it. After all, you already have the strength of Shangnin, but Orochimaru is not an ordinary Shangnin, but a quasi-shadow level known as one of the three ninjas. The strong one has even become a movie class."

After talking for a long time, the third generation told Yang Lei all of his plans, that is, there was a dangerous guy coming to make trouble. The third generation was afraid that Yang Lei would be in danger, so he did not want to let him participate.

Then he was worried that Yang Lei, who had just revealed that he already had the ability to kill Shangnin, had a high self-esteem and did not take the reminder of the third generation's purpose to heart. He was worried that if Yang Lei and Orochimaru really met, what would happen if something bad happened things are too bad.

Yang Lei's talent against the sky is really important. The third generation will not allow him to miss the slightest. Otherwise, he will not be treated differently. You know, even Naruto, who is a nine-tailed man, is not prepared to be attacked by Orochimaru. Staring, only Yang Lei made him do this, enough to see his worry.

As for who sent this news back, then there is no need to ask, are you standing here without looking at Ji Lai? Just like in the original book, Ji Lai has also heard some news because of snooping. Although it is not detailed, there are all kinds of signs. It was revealed that Orochimaru might be going to attack Konoha Village, so he came back.

And when he was still on the road, he passed his worries back to the third generation in advance, so that he secretly prepared, maybe Orochimaru has sneaked into Konoha Village, not necessarily, I just hope that the information he inquired is not Exactly.

That's the way, the third generation will make various arrangements to protect Yang Lei from being targeted by Orochimaru, but his arrangements were made in secret, and he didn't tell Yang Lei, this will happen. lift.

And the most embarrassing thing is that the two best teammates sold the third generation directly, making the third generation feel like vomiting blood.

But there is no way, neither can the best teammates. They tried it yesterday, and they really couldn't beat Yang Lei.

"That's it."

Yang Lei sighed helplessly, what else could he do, so he nodded and said, "Then I'll wait until the next time I take the Chunin exam."

The third generation nodded with satisfaction, thought for a while and then suggested: "By the way, don't you want to go to Huaguo Mountain to practice? That side has already prepared all kinds of resources for you, it just happens that the village will not accept too much for more than a month. There are many tasks, you can go quickly."

As I said before, because the Chunin Exam is held in Konoha Village, and many ninjas from allied countries have been dispatched, the village will definitely not continue to accept a large number of tasks as usual during this period, and a large number of manpower must be left to guard against. Just in case.


Yang Lei raised his eyebrows in confusion. Is the third generation chasing him?This is because he is afraid that he will be targeted by Orochimaru, but he also has people who are worried. Hinata and Xiao Ying still don't know what's going on, how can he go to Huaguoshan to practice in peace...  

But looking at the expectant eyes of the third generation, Yang Lei couldn't help sighing, it was all for his own good, he simply nodded and agreed, saying, "I'll go back and bring something, and then I'll go to Huaguo Mountain."

Going back with something is just an excuse. Yang Lei wants to leave a shadow clone to keep an eye on the situation at any time. As long as Hinata and Xiao Ying are all right, he can rest assured, and if they have an accident, he can come back at any time. With the power of Yin-Yang Chakra, as long as they don't die tragically on the spot, they can be rescued.

Who is the yin and yang chakra that defies the sky? One represents vitality and the other represents spiritual power. The former does not seem to play a big role, but it should not be underestimated. Organs made can’t be repaired smoothly either.

But now he has a complete yin and yang chakra nature, that is to say, unless the two women are dead, as long as they still have a breath, even if their heads are pierced, they can be saved.

"go quickly."

The third generation can guess Yang Lei's thoughts after thinking about it, but he can't refuse any more. Everyone knows that this old man has been monitoring Yang Lei a lot over the years, and he knows exactly what he and Hinata have developed. degree.

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