0152 One month of penance

Why did the psychic beast sign a contract with the ninja?Are they helping ninjas for free?

It's really not.

Many years ago, in fact, the world of psychic beasts was not peaceful. There were also conquests between races. Is there a law of the jungle?

Fighting, I don't know which race of psychic beasts developed a so-called psychic contract, or it was developed by ninjas, which can make the ninja's family and the psychic beasts sign a contract to form a watch and mutual aid alliance. Once you encounter a situation that requires help, you can summon the other party through spiritism.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the psychic beasts help ninjas for free, nor why there are reverse psychics.

In fact, the contract document is binding on both parties. Ninjas can use psychics to instantly summon psychic beasts, and psychic beasts can also use reverse psychics to instantly summon ninjas.

For example, in the original book, Naruto was once psyched to Miaomu Mountain when he was eating ramen. At that time, he was not prepared at all. He thought that he was eating ramen, but he bit a long bug. Huh, that's disgusting.

Therefore, the Demon Ape Clan will invest in Yang Lei because they see his heaven-defying talent and know that as long as he can grow up smoothly, he will definitely be able to dominate the world in the future, and the Demon Ape Clan can get strong allies. No matter what.

In other words, this is really just a transaction. What Yang Lei paid is a promise. In the future, once the Demon Ape Clan needs help, he will do his best to help.

Also, if he encounters ninjutsu that the Demon Ape Clan does not have, he will also provide one.

. . . . . .

Regarding the results of the conversation, Yang Lei expressed his satisfaction. He was worried that he would owe him favors, so he did not seek the third generation of Ninja Doctor to study, but showed his talent in exchange for the investment of the Demon Ape Clan.

Now that his goal has been achieved, the Demon Ape Clan has reached an agreement with him to take out all the ninjutsu scrolls that the Demon Ape Clan has accumulated over the years. As for how much he can learn, it all depends on his own comprehension.

It seems that the ape demon still underestimates Yang Lei a little, and thinks that the so-called ancient eyes are not so good, it will see if he can really learn it.

In this way, Yang Lei stayed in Huaguo Mountain, and his daily practice was very busy. After the two shadow clones who had stayed in Konoha Village before brought back good news, five shadow clones were sent to a large number of people at the same time. The ninjutsu scroll has been read and practiced thoroughly, and the main body is carrying out another form of practice while wearing a load.

The news brought back by the shadow clone said that Hinata and Sakura had nothing to do with each other. The former successfully broke into the real third exam, while the latter wisely chose to abstain after successfully passing the second exam.

After all, for Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke had to rely on Naruto and Sasuke to pass the second exam, otherwise she really wouldn't have the strength to pass.

Speaking of which, I have to mention Hinata's strength, because the misunderstanding between her and Hyuga Hizu was resolved, and the little girl's character gradually became brighter, and she was no longer as inferior and introverted as before.

After all, her talent is not bad, and she has also been recognized by her father, and since that night, she will receive guidance from Hyuga Hizu every day, and her strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Anyway, all aspects are much better than before. , and is still developing in a good direction.

In addition to the two women, the shadow clone also brought back a message saying that Sasuke's plot has not changed much, and he was still planted with a curse mark by Orochimaru, but unlike the original book, Sasuke did not like the curse mark at all, because he I saw another way to become stronger, and that is self-cultivation.

In the past, Sasuke's cultivation was actually very hard, but no matter how hard he cultivated, his strength could never be improved, at least he could not get a growth that he could clearly feel.

But Naruto is in the same team as him. The guy who was always inferior to him in the past, known as the tail of the Wannian Crane, has grown extremely fast, because Naruto has a plug-in nine tails, which makes Sasuke unbearable. To be honest, The reason why Sasuke in the original work defected was not necessarily without Naruto's thorn (bged).

It is not even an exaggeration to say that Sasuke finally chose to defect because of the stimulation he received from Naruto.

One is that Sasuke's strength was gradually caught up by Naruto and surpassed the past, which made his self-esteem a little unbearable.

The other is that Itachi, who met again after many years, was not looking for him, but because Naruto ventured back, which also became the fuse for Sasuke's defection.

But now it is different, because there is a method of training under heavy load, so Sasuke sees the hope that he can become stronger through hard training.

This is not an exaggeration at all. Don't forget that Yang Lei and him are in the same grade. As a result, doesn't Yang Lei have the strength to kill Shangnin?

As for the bloodline, Sasuke only knows that Yang Lei has awakened Tenseigan, but he doesn't know that he has other boundaries of blood, such as the celestial physique inherited from Ashura, such as the characteristics carried by the nine-tailed chakra, such as the three-hooked jade writing wheel eye And Baiyan, there are even Yin-Yang Chakra and the basic five-attribute Chakra nature, even the Ice Escape Chakra nature and the racial talent of the Demon Ape family, and so on.

Sasuke thought that Yang Lei only had Tensei, so he confidently believed that as long as he could catch up with Yang Lei's [-] jins in weight-bearing training, then he should not be weaker than Yang Lei with the same pupil technique, Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eyes. That's right.

That is to say, as long as he can carry the weight up to [-] jin, he will at least have the strength of Jōnin in the end. As long as he cultivates again, won't he have the strength to compete with Itachi head-on?

Not to mention the whimsical Sasuke, in addition to the situation of these few people, the shadow clone also brought back the list of the third exam, in addition to Hinata, they are Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Temari, Gaara , Shikamaru and Shino, seven people got the quota.

In other words, the third competition will be a competition of eight of them, but it is not known who will win the first place in the end, and who will be successfully promoted to Chunin.

It's just that these have little to do with Yang Lei. At first, he was a little resentful. He felt that if it wasn't for the third generation, he would definitely have the opportunity to be promoted to Chunin. After all, his strength is there.

It's a pity that he was delayed by two top teammates. There is no way. Since it was arranged by the third generation, he can only recognize it by pinching his nose.

But now, as soon as he started cultivating, Yang Lei became oblivious to things outside the window. He focused on arranging his daily practice, filling the twenty-four hours of the day, leaving only four to himself. Six hours are used for rest and sleep, and the rest of the time is busy.

As for his training projects, in addition to the old exercise scrolls and the five shadow clones of ninjutsu practice, an actual combat exercise was added, and it was the Demon Ape Clan headed by the Ape Demon who served him as a sparring partner. the strong.

In this way, in the intensive cultivation, time passed without knowing it. In a blink of an eye, it had been a month since Yang Lei came to Huaguo Mountain. .

0153 Yang Lei's strength

[-] points in physique, [-] points in strength, [-] points in agility, and [-] points in spirit.

This is Yang Lei's current surrounding attributes. After a month of hard training, his attributes have been greatly improved. At the same time, the load-bearing level has also increased by [-] pounds, reaching the terrifying level of two tons.

Before heading to the Land of Waves, Yang Lei's surrounding attributes were: [-] points in physique, [-] points in strength, [-] points in agility, and [-]-[-] points in spirit.

After some training in the country of waves, that is, he helped build the bridge while wearing a weight. After more than two weeks of hard work, his surrounding attributes have reached: [-] points in physique, [-] points in strength, and [-] points in agility. One hundred points, one thousand spiritual points.

At the same time, it also allowed him to carry a load of one and a half tons.

After a month of hard work in Huaguo Mountain, not only did the load increase by half a ton, but also his attributes were improved.

. . . . . .

Today, Yang Lei's physical strength is already terrifying.

The first is strength, each point of strength attribute can make his left and right hands exert ten jins of strength, that is to say, his [-] points of strength can make him hit [-] jins of strength with one punch, really think about it Scary.

Then there is agility. Every point of agility attribute can make Yang Lei's speed reach one meter per second. That is to say, if he doesn't consider the issue of whether his body can bear it, he can already reach one thousand seven hundred meters per second. terrifying speed.

According to the calculation method of the speed of sound, as long as it reaches [-] meters per second, it is already in the category of the speed of sound.

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