But now, Yang Lei's speed is [-] meters per second, which is infinitely close to five times the speed of sound, and it's only a little short.

It's just a pity that his physique is the weakest item compared to other attributes, only [-] points.

In addition to affecting the physical quality of the host, physical attributes can also allow the host to obtain a good physical defense, each of which can allow Yang Lei to withstand ten pounds of strength without injury.

Today, Yang Lei's physique can allow him to withstand [-] jins of strength, which means that apart from the martial arts expert Matekai and the violent Tsunade Ji, few fists can hurt him.

Of course, like the fourth generation of Mu Raiking, who is also a master of physical skills, there is still a way to hurt Yang Lei.

But even though Yang Lei's body seems to be strong, he still can't control his speed. If he wants to exert all his agility attributes, at least his physical attributes and agility attributes must reach the same level.

In addition to the above three attributes, Yang Lei's spiritual attribute also has [-] points, which makes his spirit extremely powerful, and his memory is far beyond ordinary people, especially the pupil technique, although many people say that pupil technique consumes Pupil strength can be calculated, in fact, pupil strength is more like another kind of chakra.

Chakra is the energy generated by the combination of cells and spiritual power. In fact, the pupil technique is not much different from Chakra.

It's just that Chakra focuses more on the power in the cells, while the pupil power is more focused on the mental power. Therefore, the strong mental power will still improve the pupil power, and it will also make the duration of the pupil surgery longer.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that mental attributes only represent the size of mental power. In layman's terms, a person will definitely be tired after a day and a night, and a headache will occur after two days and two nights.

This is mental power. People with strong mental power can sleep less. Otherwise, they will show that no matter how long they sleep, they will not get enough sleep. This is a sign of bad spirit.

However, spiritual attributes do not affect the host's IQ. For example, Yang Lei's original IQ is [-]. Even if his spiritual attributes are tens of thousands, he will still only have an IQ of [-], and there will be no increase.

As for why his current attributes have grown so fast, it has only been more than two months before and after, which is much more than the previous six years of cultivation.

How should I put it, do you still remember Yang Lei, who just came to Naruto World, that wild child who had no flesh all over his body, except for his bones and skin.

At that time, Yang Lei really almost didn't starve to death. Fortunately, he met Asma, and only got a small life.

After that, Yang Lei followed Asma to Konoha Village and settled down there, and it slowly got better.

In fact, he had planned his own cultivation goals from the beginning, but his body was too weak at the beginning, and he really couldn't do high-intensity cultivation. Turning into a sick seedling like the moonlight and wind, this life will be over.

Therefore, Yang Lei didn't dare to practice at first, and after the body had recovered a little, he began to exercise slowly, and finally tried to increase the weight a little bit.

But now, as long as he sees that the number on the attribute panel is rising slowly, he will immediately increase the weight on himself, ten pounds, twenty pounds, fifty pounds, one hundred pounds, such crazy hard training, will definitely get high returns.

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What did that sentence say?It's called Heaven Rewards.

Another, there is also the help of the infinite system, and the data-based attributes have greatly benefited Yang Lei.

For example, it is obvious that his only exercises are push-ups and dumbbell lifting, which can exercise arm strength, such as frog leaping and running. These are actually leg strength exercises.

There are even sit-ups, isn't this exercise for waist strength?

But it's not like that on the attribute panel, but it's all integrated into the item of strength, that is to say, whether it is his leg strength or arm strength, the strength attribute has grown in the end. , and then if it is used on the hand, it will look very scary.

In fact, if you really want to subdivide it, Yang Lei's attributes may not be so terrifying.

.... ...

For example, let's use Sasuke as an analogy. Even if Sasuke catches up with Yang Lei in the practice of weight-bearing, the result is completely different.

After Yang Lei practiced, the results he obtained were applied to the whole body.

Unlike Sasuke, who has no attribute data, doing leapfrog and running training will only improve his agility, jumping, and strength on his legs.

Doing push-ups and lifting dumbbells will only increase arm strength.

Doing sit-ups will only increase his lumbar strength.

Unlike Yang Lei, doing all these increases his strength, and then integrates them into the whole body, just like cheating and taking experience medicine.

In addition to the increase in attributes, Yang Lei has also made great progress in other aspects of cultivation.

The first is ninjutsu. This time, he can really say that he has achieved a lot. It is no exaggeration to say that he has learned all the basic five-attribute ninjutsu, unless it is ninjutsu developed by other villages.

In addition, there is also progress in actual combat, even if it is just a shadow clone, it can even resist the siege of more than [-] masters, including the ape demon.

You must know that the ape demon has strength that is almost the same as that of the third generation, and that is a shadow-level master.

Not only it, there are two elders in Huaguoshan who also have shadow-level strength. As a result, the three shadow-level masters brought a bunch of Shangin but could not get Yang Lei's shadow clone. This result made the entire Huaguo Mountain in an uproar. .

Is this too strong?

(PS: You have always said that my pace is slow, and I have surpassed the shadow level and reached the realm of quasi-immortal strength. Is it still slow?).

0154 Before the third exam

In fact, it is not that Yang Lei's strength is too strong. Although his strength is indeed strong, the reason why he can suppress the powerhouses of the demon ape family led by the three big shadow-level powerhouses with only one shadow clone is that there are There are many reasons in it.

First of all, except for the racial talent of King Kong, which is not bad, the Demon Ape family has no exclusive secret techniques that they can take.

Yang Lei was different. Not only did he copy their King Kong not bad, but he also had three hooked jade writing wheel eyes, white eyes, and even Tenseikan, as well as the Bing Eun Xue Ji boundary. These methods were much stronger than ordinary conventional methods.

Again, this is not a life-and-death struggle, but a practice in actual combat.

Yang Lei's is a shadow clone, so he is not afraid of life and death, but don't forget that the powerhouses of the Demon Ape clan are all in person, how dare they try their best.

In the end, it's not that Yang Lei has such a strong strength since he came up, but that "two six three" has grown to be as powerful as he is today after more than a month of practice.

At the beginning, he was also taught by the Demon Ape Clan to be a human being. Later, one of his attributes grew, and the other was to see all their routines with the eyes of the ancients, which is why he is so terrifying now. status quo.

"You're already out of school."

Early this morning, Ape Demon looked at Yang Lei with some envy and loneliness, and said, "Huaguo Mountain has nothing to teach you, and we can no longer provide any help for your cultivation, you can go back."

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