"That's one-tailed human pillar power."

Yang Lei turned his head and first read the short answer of Yiwei's chakra characteristics, and then loudly reminded: "You can't let him break out in the village. Find a way to either carry out beheading tactics on him, or drive him out of the village."

Because Yang Lei doesn't wear goggles, it's not easy to use white eyes. He never explored Gaara's body before, and it was only now that he broke out and "two-five-three" got the characteristics of one chakra.

After shouting for a while, Yang Lei stopped paying attention to other directions, and saw that 'Feng Ying' was hijacking the third generation of eyes with the Kunwu in his hand, and the two of them jumped up to the roof of the arena.


Yang Lei didn't dare to be negligent, he first took out a specially made knucklehead with his right hand and threw it behind him without looking back, hitting a sand ninja's forehead. 'Arrived on the roof together with Sandaime.

"Don't act rashly."

'Fengying' gestured to Yang Lei with the Kunai in his hand, and threatened: "You'd better leave here, otherwise."


Yang Lei interrupted him with a sneer. He was about to reveal the identity of 'Feng Ying', but was interrupted by the third generation. Looking at the chaos of the battlefield below, he couldn't help but sighed worriedly and asked: "Feng Ying" Ying, is it worth it for you Shayin Village?"

"Who knows."

'Fengying' shrugged and said irresponsibly, "I'm not Fengying, I don't care if it's worth it or not."


Sandai's eyes widened. He always thought it was Fengying. Unexpectedly, he thought wrong from the beginning.

Maybe Konoha Village doesn't know about Shayin Village's malicious intentions?

Although I don't know the so-called Konoha collapse plan, Konoha Village can feel something, knowing that Sandyin Village came with bad intentions, plus the news of Orochimaru brought back by Jiraiya, I can't help the third generation. Do not treat with caution.

In fact, thinking about it, it was originally just a Chunin exam, but the third generation sent a large number of Anbu to prepare around the arena, as well as many advanced ninjas. It can be seen that he has already noticed it.

It was only because he wanted a peaceful solution that he gave 'Fengying' the opportunity to hijack him, in order to negotiate with him.

But only now did he know that his preparations were all in vain, because this was not Fengying.

"Teacher, it makes me sad that you didn't recognize me."

'Fengying' was too lazy to pretend any longer. He picked up the Fengying cloak on his head to reveal his true body, and it really was Orochimaru.

"Little devil, are you sure you won't leave?"

Orochimaru let go of the third generation of eyes generously, turned the Kuwu in his hand and pointed it at Yang Lei, his face was very casual, it seems that although Yang Lei looks like fifteen years old because he is [-] meters tall, But even so, he was also ignored.

That's right, Orochimaru is a long-established powerhouse. Even if the name of Sannin is known now, it is a well-known figure. How can he care about a little kid.

Yang Lei shrugged, raised his hand and pulled out the Kusanagi sword from his waist, stepped behind Sandaimu, his attitude has been clearly expressed, and he wants to advance and retreat with Sandaimu.

Before, he had not less to bear the kindness of the three generations and Asma's father and son. At this time, he must try his best to keep the old man alive.

"very good."

Orochimaru nodded with a sneer, turned his head to look down, and saw that his two followers below were actually divided into two, from two to four, and jumped up with all his strength. At the four corners of the roof, Yuyin performed ninjutsu at the same time.

"Ninja, enchantment, four purple flame formation."

These four people are none other than the four people of Yinin, and the ninjutsu they used is also the Four Purple Flame Formation of Formation Ninjutsu in the original work. The middle becomes the safest existence.

Originally, with Yang Lei's speed, he could stop the four of Yin Ren, but he couldn't do it. One was because whether it was him, the third generation, or Orochimaru, the three of them wanted to solve some things here. It is said that it was their acquiescence that allowed the four people of Yin Ren to successfully use the Four Purple Flame Formation.

Yang Lei's purpose was also mentioned just now. He wants to repay his kindness. If he can repay a favor, he will repay it first...  

But what Orochimaru and Sandaimu want to solve is each other.

In addition to this reason, there is actually a second reason why Yang Lei can't stop it, that is, if there is no restraint of the Four Purple Flame Array, after Orochimaru uses the reincarnation technique of the dirty earth to summon the first and second eyes, the village will be able to will suffer.

Whether it is the first-generation Mudun or the second-generation Shuidun, as well as secret techniques and forbidden techniques, once the two of them are allowed to break out in the village with all their strength, even Konoha from the first ninja village in the ninja world can't hold it. will be destroyed by both of them.

That's why Yang Lei just watched the four of Yin Ren hold up the barrier without doing anything. The rules are like this. You can only fight with Orochimaru here. Otherwise, don't blame him for being cruel.

Speaking of which, Yang Lei actually felt a little bit puzzled, that is, why didn't Orochimaru send the first and second generation eyes out to make trouble at the beginning?

Maybe his goal is only the third generation?


When the four of Yinin and the others were busy making the barrier, Sandaimu didn't do anything, and saw that he raised his hand and took off the Hokage hat on his head, and then untied the robe on his body, revealing the inside of this morning. Specially put on combat uniform.

So, the third generation actually knew that there might be a big battle today, otherwise he wouldn't be dressed like this.

"If I had known today, I shouldn't have let you go in the first place."

The third generation 0.2 couldn't help sighing in disappointment, and looked at Orochimaru with disappointed eyes. The hatred of iron and steel and the pained look that appeared because the master and the apprentice turned against each other made Orochimaru tight.


Gritting his teeth, Orochimaru suddenly pierced the palm of his other hand with the Kuwu in his hand, offsetting the emotion in his heart with pain, and pretended not to care, saying, "Don't mention the old things from many years ago, I'm not talking about it again. Did you come back to give you a chance?"

"It seems that you still recognize me as a teacher in your heart."

The third generation sighed again, and didn't say anything further. He and Orochimaru looked at each other for a while. Suddenly, the master and the apprentice acted together in a tacit understanding.

"The art of psychic, help me, Ape Demon King."

"The art of reincarnation in dirty soil, drink.".

0163 All parties respond!

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