When Sandaimu and Orochimaru were confronting, Yang Lei glanced at the group of Anbu gathered outside the Four Purple Flame Array, and pretended to put his hand into the ninja bag behind his legs and took it out. In fact, he took out the goggles from his personal space. Take it out.

"The art of psychic, come out, Ape Demon King."

"The art of reincarnation in dirty soil."

Just when Yang Lei put on the goggles, the two of them used their own methods. The three generations of Mu Jieyin channeled the ape demon, and Orochimaru summoned three coffins one after another.

"Oops, he even summoned the third coffin."

Looking at the three coffins with the first, second, and fourth words written on them, the third generation could not help exclaiming.


On the side, Yang Lei glanced at the third generation with a puzzled look, thinking that you will always be able to seal off ghouls?Then you should know, the soul of Namikaze Minato is still in the belly of Death, what's so bad?

Sure enough, after the coffin was opened, the first generation Mesenju Hasuma and the second generation Mesenju Tobirama came out first, and the third one was not the fourth generation Megami Feng Minato, but the fourth generation wind of Sandyin Village. Yingluosha is the father of the three brothers and sisters of Gaara.

"Master Kazekage, the fourth generation, was actually killed by Orochimaru 16?"

I just heard an exclamation sounding outside the Four Purple Flame Array. This time, the nominal leader of the team, Junin Maji, came to the vicinity at some point. He planned to look for an opportunity to help the fourth generation, but the fourth generation did not live. When I saw it, I saw the dead fourth generation, and suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing Maki's voice, the entire battlefield suddenly froze.


In the end, Maki was the first to react, glaring at Orochimaru angrily, and shouted loudly: "Everyone in Konoha Village, our Shayin Village was bewitched by Orochimaru, and this action is all about him pretending to be us. The order from Kazekage of the village, please let us go."

It is still somewhat capable of being entrusted with important tasks, and at the first time, he loudly conveyed to the people of Konoha Village that they were not enemies.

But how can things be so simple.

"If that's the case, then you should surrender."

Outside, Kakashi stood up and said to Sha Ren, if you don't want to fight, you can, but don't say you want to leave, only surrender can prove your sincerity.

How could Maki agree, at least one person Zhuli couldn't fall into Konoha's hands, so he heard him grit his teeth and shout: "Protect Gaara with all my strength and break through."

Saying that, Maki rushed to the middle of the arena while gathering Sand Ninja. There, Gaara had already shown the state of half-tailed beast. At this time, he was fighting with Naruto and Sasuke.

. . . . . .

Not to mention Sha Nin's breakout action here, look at the other side, the ninjas in Yinyin Village, which Orochimaru quietly established, are making a lot of trouble, and several huge pythons are raging in the village. At this moment, the Konoha Village Where there is still the peace on weekdays, the sky has been filled with the sound of fighting and helpless screams.

"It's really okay for you not to help?"

But at this moment, in a corner of the village, Danzo looked at Jiraiya who was sitting at the door of his house holding a bottle of shochu and drinking for himself, pointed his finger outside and said, "I don't need your protection here, you still Go outside and help those in need."

"I'm not here to protect you."

Zilai also put down the wine bottle in his hand, and said with a serious and serious expression: "This is the job that the teacher has arranged for me. Now the village is at war with the enemy, and he doesn't want to see you making small moves behind."

After being assassinated by Geng many years ago, although Sandaimu didn't think much about Danzo, he was still wary of him, and finally realized that although they both wanted to make the village a better place, they were not fellow travelers. On the contrary, it is the biggest political enemy.

Therefore, when Sandaimu knew that Konoha Village was likely to be attacked, he secretly made a lot of preparations, one of which was to send someone to protect precious things, such as the book of seals, ninja information and mission information.

In addition, Sandaimu once assigned Jiraiya a secret mission alone. Once a battle really broke out, he was asked to rush here as soon as possible to stare at Danzo, not to let him leave Gen's headquarters, nor to let him go. He summoned the members of the root.

It seems that the assassination of Danzo that year really hurt the intentions of the three generations, otherwise he would not be so prepared for Danzo.

Even in the minds of the three generations, they might think that Danzo may also be involved in the Konoha collapse plan this time.

"Daily cut that guy."

Danzo squinted his left eye, which was not wrapped in a bandage, and looked very unhappy.

It is not known whether he participated in the Konoha collapse plan, but one thing, Danzo must know about Orochimaru's plan, because he and Orochimaru have always been in touch. From the original book, he sent Sakai to find Orochimaru to steal the once It can be seen in the contact letter incident.

In other words, his original plan was indeed to complete some of his own plans in this incident, such as going to the Naruto office to find something, such as seeing if the third generation would die, such as deliberately showing up to give himself some credit or something .

It's just a pity that Jiraiya's existence makes him unable to do anything, and even his subordinates are not allowed to be summoned, unless he wants to tear his face and fail to succeed.

"never mind."

Finally, Danzo let out a light breath, slowly sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and Jirai also quietly waited for the end of this incident.

. . . . . .

His gaze returned to the roof of the arena.

In the Four Purple Flame Array, whether it was Yang Lei, Sandaimu, or Orochimaru, none of the three were affected by the outside world, whether it was the people from Shayin Village who were shouting and breaking out of the village. , or the ninja of Yinyin Village even summoned a few big pythons on the street. They looked at each other and looked for the best time to attack while being careful.

"Little monkey, I'm really bothering you this time."

Before he lost his self-consciousness, Chu Daimu couldn't help but sigh. He never thought that he, who built Konoha Village from scratch, would turn into an enemy when he returned to the village. It's really unpredictable.

The first generation is okay, at least he can say a word, but the second generation has no chance to even take a look at the appearance of the current Konoha.

Because the technique of reincarnation of the dirty earth was developed by the second generation, in order to avoid any mischief, Orochimaru did not dare to give Qianshou Tobirama the slightest chance.


Four generations of Fengying Luosha glared at Orochimaru, and cursed with resentment in his voice: "You despicable villain, I will wait for you in hell, and then I will settle the account with you."

"Let's talk about it later."

Orochimaru snorted disdainfully, thinking that if I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time, and I'm afraid you won't succeed?

Another, what he pursues and is researching is the technique of longevity, you wait, as long as he succeeds, he will not have to worry about going to hell in this life.

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