"alright, do not piffle any more."

Using the technique to eliminate the self-consciousness of the three shadows, Orochimaru smiled and said to the three generations: "Teacher, let me prepare a grand farewell 'banquet' for you.".

0164 The battle between people and pillar forces


On the outskirts of Konoha Village, I saw a group of more than a dozen Sand Ninjas hurrying towards here, and just as they were about to continue fleeing far away, Gaara, who was surrounded by everyone, suddenly ran away.

When he was in the arena in Konoha Village before, Gaara was about to go wild, and in the half-tailed beast mode, he was almost unable to maintain his conscious consciousness.

At this time, because the target had not yet been killed by him, Gaara couldn't suppress the violence in his heart, and slapped a group of people around him with a big hand, even his brother Kankuro and his Sister Temari is not spared.

"I'm about to catch up."

At this moment, I saw a group of people chasing quickly from behind. The leaders were Shangren Asma and Shangren Yuri Hong, followed by Konoha Xiaoqiang except Yang Lei and Dingci.

I don't know what Hyuga and Hizu thought, but they sent Hinata out, that is, Yang Lei didn't find out now, otherwise he would be mad.

In fact, there is no way to do this. There is still a war in the village, and the sand ninja on this side can't be ignored. In desperation, Asma and Yuhi Hong had to convene a group of ninjas to chase them out.

Fortunately, there are no very powerful characters in this group of sand ninjas. All the upper ninjas have been left behind. Among the people here, the most powerful one is the chunin.

"Try to catch it alive."

Because of Gaara's delay, Konoha and his party finally caught up with them. Asma gestured and everyone surrounded them and fought with this group of Shain.

"I'm going to kill you."

At this moment, Gaara roared and finally transformed into her full form.

Gaara's tail beast mode is different from others, at least he doesn't have a chakra coat, there are two forms, one is a half-tail beast mode, and the other is a full-tail beast mode.

By the way, Gaara can also use the hypnosis technique to completely free one tail.

Some people say that Gaara is not in the tailed beast mode, but it's not the case, this is the tailed beast mode, because he is a human column force, and in the full-tailed beastization mode, he is like a small-tailed beast, is it not the tailed beast mode or what?

The so-called tail beast mode is just a name, just like ninjutsu, all ninjutsu is ninjutsu.

The same is true for the tailed beast mode, which is just a general term. As for how to control and use the power of the human column, each has its own karma.

Just like at this time, Gaara didn't use the nine-tailed chakra to make a chakra coat for himself like Naruto, but was wrapped in a large mass of sand, and finally turned into a small one-tailed guard crane, just Consciousness is his own.

"Oops, Gaara-sama has turned into a tailed beast"~."

The people around who were fighting Konoha Ninja were all shocked, how dare they stay here again, remembering the fierce names that Gaara has killed over the years, they all turned into birds and beasts and ran away.


Asma cursed, it was obvious that the village was in urgent need of combat power, but these sand ninjas even dared to trouble him.

"You go after those sand ninjas, leave it to me here."

Naruto stood up and looked at Gaara at this time, red chakras slowly emerged from his body, and in a blink of an eye, he also became a tailed beast mode.

"This is a battle between people and pillars."

Naruto's rare expression became serious, because he seemed to be able to see Gaara's loneliness, loneliness, and sadness hidden under the crazy expression. He felt that he understood the situation of Ren Zhuli being hated by the villagers, because he It's also human strength.

"Naruto, is it okay?"

Although Sasuke is usually noisy with Naruto, he still cares about him at a critical moment, thinking that this guy can't even solve it easily, and he may not even be an opponent. I'm afraid Naruto can't beat Gaara.

"Do not worry."

Naruto smiled brightly, gave a thumbs up like Matekai and Xiao Li often do, and said, "I bet on the name of Konoha Ninja Uzumaki Naruto, and I will definitely win."

Naruto has said so, and it is not easy for others to say anything. Asma made a simple arrangement. He took half of his hands to chase to the left, and Yuhika followed with the other half to the other side.

Before departure, Asma and Hong Yuhi also decided that if they couldn't wipe out this group of sand ninjas in the shortest time, they could only give up.

. . . . . .

"Are you staying alone as a hero? You're really brave enough."

Gaara watched the Konoha ninjas leave without moving at all, as if he didn’t know that they were here to hunt down his fellow villagers. After only he and Naruto were left here, he smiled grimly and shouted: "Since you don't know how to live or die, let me take you on your way."

Without waiting for the words to fall, Gaara started to act. He who had turned into a monster slammed forward and waved his right paw, and grabbed it according to Naruto's head. If he catches it, don't. If it is the head, I am afraid that Naruto will have to be torn apart by him.

"too slow."

Naruto snorted coldly. He didn't know what was wrong at this time. He was calmer than usual. Maybe it was because of what happened today that he couldn't make a fuss.

Whether it was the attack on Konoha Village or the tragic childhood that Gaara may have had, these made Naruto feel bad, but they were enemies, and he couldn't communicate with Gaara.

Obviously the two of them are so similar, they are both members of the village, and they are both feared and hated by the village, and even Gaara is more pitiful, even his relatives have left at this time, you can imagine that he How did the year come.

"..." I don't have time to pity others."

Naruto shook his head and shook off the distracting thoughts in his heart, and said to Gaara who had come to him, "You can't defeat me, because I want to protect my village."

Saying that, Naruto turned away from Gaara's attack, and before Gaara stood firm, he kicked up and kicked again.


A lot of sand was splashing and flying, Gaara flew out far away, and finally stopped after breaking three big trees.

He also practiced with full body weight for more than a month. Compared with Sasuke, Naruto's growth is not bad at all. At this time, coupled with the blessing of Nine Tails Chakra, his strength is really not to be underestimated. (okay)

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