0174 News leaked!

After blocking the attack of the ghost shark, Yang Lei looked forward, but there were still shadows of itachi and ghost shark, and he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Oops."

He thought that his strength was strong enough to kill Shadow Rank in seconds, but he didn't expect that he would be taught to be a man by two Shadow Rank powerhouses as soon as he came up.

First, the ghost shark looked at the right time. Sooner or later, when he came up from the water, a large-scale attack was shot. Not far behind was Konoha Village. Do you think he was defending or not?

And after he managed to defend against the ghost shark's technique, the two of them didn't fight him at all, and they took the opportunity to flee, leaving him with a long sigh. It's really hard to kill them.

As for why he said it was bad, it was because he thought he could kill the ghost shark just now, so he didn't turn off the reincarnation eye and the six-path immortal body mode.

If you add the Tenseisen and Tenseisen Immortal Body modes that he never wanted to hide, apart from Jianji Ancient Eyes, Baiyan, and Sharumyan, it seems that two of the five major pupil techniques have been exposed, and they are Baiyan and Baiyan respectively. If the high-level version of Sharinyan is known to those who know some inside information, I am afraid that my secret will not be able to be kept.

For example, the deceased Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, they knew that the reincarnation eye evolved from the writing wheel eye, so once Obito knew that Yang Lei actually had the reincarnation eye, then think about the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation Immortal body mode, I am afraid that I can find out more of his secrets.

"It seems."

Landing from mid-air, Yang Lei glanced at Asma and Yuri Hong who were not far away, as well as Kakashi who was being supported by them, and sighed inwardly: "It seems that trouble is coming, I really Do it yourself."

. . . . . .

Since the incident had already happened, it would be useless to think about it any more. Yang Lei went back with Asma and Hong Yuhi to escort Kakashi back to the village, and went straight to the Konoha Hospital for treatment before being told, There is nothing serious about Kakashi, but the mental consumption is relatively large.

Look at the corner of the village, inside Danzo's room.

"What 々~?"

Danzang in the room suddenly let out an exclamation, jumped up and ran to a member of the root at the door, picked up his collar and asked anxiously: "You mean, you mean Yang Lei even has the Samsara Eye. ?"

It has been said before that in the current ninja world, there are only legends about the three major pupil techniques circulating, which are Sharinyan, Baiyan and Samsara.

Among them, Sharinyan and Baiyan are the blood divisions of the two giants of Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan.

The reincarnation eye is more mysterious, except that the six-path immortal has the reincarnation eye, there is no reincarnation eye born in the ninja world.

Therefore, the eye of reincarnation is also honored as the eye of the immortal. Except for the immortals of the six paths, Yiyu has no one else who can master this kind of pupil technique.

As a result, the Samsara Eye was born again today, which shocked and excited Danzo.


After being excited, Danzang couldn't help frowning. Yang Lei was the grandson of the third generation, and the adopted son of Asma. No matter how much he wanted to get this kind of power, it was impossible for him to succeed, and he didn't even dare to take action.

Don't forget that Jirai also came to watch him openly before, the significance of which is self-evident, the third generation is telling Danzo clearly, I already know that we can't coexist peacefully, so it is also reasonable for me to guard against you. As it should be, if he was told to seize the opportunity, he might even kill Danzo.

After all, the third generation is about to step down, and Danzo, as his biggest political enemy, is a matter of course to solve him.

"It seems."

Danzang finally sighed again and said to himself, "I can only go outside to find help."

. . . . . .

Meanwhile, at the borders of the Fire Nation.


Taking another step forward, he was about to leave the fire country. The ghost shark suddenly stopped and turned his head to look. He saw his companion Itachi standing there and looking at him coldly. He couldn't help but ask in confusion. : "What's wrong? Did you forget something?"


Itachi sighed, his hands hidden in the windbreaker twitched slightly and put away Kuwu, slowly closed his eyes, and said, "It's just that I suddenly remembered someone who is not very important, let's go."


The ghost shark nodded and didn't ask more, and continued to walk in front, but what Itachi didn't see was that a cold sweat suddenly appeared on the back and face of the ghost shark. He was not a fool, at least as a strong man, he still had a strong murderous aura. of induction.

Just when he was about to step out of the border of the Fire Nation, the ghost shark felt the murderous intention from the Itachi behind him. Although he hid well, the ghost shark was not an ordinary person. It was also killed, and it was easily felt.

It's just that he can't break it, otherwise he can only fight for life and death, so the ghost shark took a gamble, turned his head to look into Itachi's eyes, and gave the choice to Itachi.

Fortunately, Itachi didn't do it, otherwise the ghost shark really doesn't know if he can go back alive.

Others don't know, he has been partner with Itachi for a long time, he knows best, in front of Itachi's eyes, it is better not to make small moves, otherwise it will only bring shame on himself, so he dare not use shadow clone to test Itachi , which will only intensify the conflict.

At the same time, the ghost shark also knows how powerful Itachi's writing wheel is. For so long, Itachi has never encountered an enemy that can make him embarrassed.

So the ghost shark is really a little scared. What does that sentence say? It's not a question of whether you are afraid of death, but if you know that going forward is definitely a life-threatening situation, how many people dare to face it?

What a ghost shark can do is really something that many people dare not do. Even Yang Lei just glanced at Itachi's eyes from the side just now. Reading the space for seventy-two hours is a huge loss.

".Let's go back."

After putting away his murderous aura, Itachi seemed to be fine, he took a quick step to catch up with the ghost shark, and the two walked out side by side again.

. . . . . .

Three days later, Itachi and Ghost Shark returned to Akatsuki's headquarters, which was a cave in a valley of a certain country. At this time, except for Itachi and Ghost Shark, everyone else had gathered here.

"You are finally back."

Nagato didn't show up, and the one who appeared at the top was Tendo Payne made of Yahiko's corpse.

"Okay, it's time for a meeting. Tell me about the information you have collected about the tailed beast and the human pillar."

Tiandao Payne waved his hand straight into the subject, without any intention of enlivening the atmosphere first.

"Wait a moment."

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