Suddenly, the ghost shark interrupted everyone who was about to speak with a big wave of his hand, only to hear him say: "In addition to the nine-tailed man Zhuli, we also got a very interesting information, that is, Konoha also has Samsara eyes!"

"Reincarnation eye? It seems that there are some changes in the plan!".

0175 Akatsuki's lobbying!

Two days later, in the territory of the Land of Earth, I saw two people in Xiaofeng coats walking slowly towards Yanyin Village, the one with yellow hair on the left was none other than Deidara, and On his right is his partner Scorpion.

"I hope the old stubborn can know something in general."

Walking on the road, Deidara seemed very worried. The purpose of their visit to Yanyin Village was to negotiate, but his identity was the rebellion of Yanyin Village. To encircle them both would be bad.

Although they are not afraid of encirclement and suppression, but in this way, the task cannot be completed.

"Didn't you do something unforgivable to Yanyin Village? Then why worry."

Scorpion didn't look at Deidara's muttering, and said in his heart that I was the one who couldn't go back to his village, at least not to negotiate, because he did the unforgivable thing, that is, he killed three generations. Fengying also made him a puppet.

"finally reached."

After walking forward for a while, the two of them could already see Yanyin Village when they looked forward.

Now that he has come here, Deidara must no longer choose to give up, and he continued to walk forward unhurriedly, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the gate of Yanyin Village.

The ninjas in Yanyin Village had discovered them long ago. Unlike Konoha Village, which was in the middle of the Chunin exam, the defense of Yanyin Village was still very strict, and it would not be easily mixed in by strangers.

"400 Who?"

At the gate, the two guards looked at them in a defensive posture, especially Deidara. Although these two guards may not know him, they still knew the Yanyin Village Rebellion Protector that Deidara wore on his head. .

"I'm Deidara, I went to tell the old man Tuying, and said that I have important information to share with him, which is related to the future situation of the ninja world, which is very important."

Deidara said how terrifying he was, the purpose was to bluff the guards not to delay.

Sure enough, the two guards glanced at each other, seeing that Deidara and Scorpion had no intention of rushing in, they nodded, and one of them turned around and ran, rushing back to the Tuying Building in the center of the village at the fastest speed, and found the Tuying handle Deidara's words were repeated.

"Oh? Did that bastard from Deidara say that?"

Three generations of Metokage was silent for a moment, finally made a decision, nodded and said, "Then bring them in, I want to hear what they want to say."


The guard hurried back to the gate, and soon brought Deidara and Scorpion over.

"Stubborn stinky old man, are you still refusing to come down in the position of Tuying?"

As soon as he entered the room, Deidara laughed uncontrollably.

"Whoosh." (bgdg)

Suddenly, a series of soft noises sounded in the room, and I saw a group of rock ninjas suddenly appear, aiming their weapons at Deidara, and their faces were full of unhappy hostile expressions.

"It's just a joke," Deidara hurriedly raised his hands to make a harmless appearance, and said to the third generation of earth shadow Onogi: "Old man, I'm your disciple anyway, so you don't need to be so defensive about me, right?"

"You have been expelled from the teacher's door long ago."

Without waiting for Oh Yemu to speak, a good-looking woman with a delicate appearance hurriedly scolded: "Didara, why did you betray the village?"

This woman is Oh Yemu's granddaughter Heitu, because she has been practicing with Oh Yemu, Deidara can barely be regarded as her senior brother, right?

"For many reasons."

Deidara shrugged at the black soil and casually responded, and then said to Oh Yemu: "Old man, let's get people out, let's talk about business."


Onogi snorted softly, and with a wave of his hand, he drove all the rock ninjas out of the house, even the black soil. In a blink of an eye, there were only three of them left in the house.

"Say your intentions."

Onogi went straight to the subject, and as soon as he came up, he asked the two of them for the purpose of coming this time, and the meaning of what they said before.

"Is such that."

Deidara hurriedly told it, not mentioning that Itachi and Oni Shark went to Konoha Village to inquire about the information about Naruto, the nine-tailed man, only that they accidentally discovered that a ninja in Konoha Village had awakened the eye of reincarnation, and He was very young, maybe fifteen years old at most.

Then he bewitched Ohnogi and said that if the child grows up, the situation of the ninja world will definitely undergo major changes in the future. Konoha, who is the first ninja village in the ninja world, will be stronger. At that time, there will be no other villages to survive. space.

"This is real?"

Dayemu frowned. He also knew what the reincarnation eye was. He knew that it was the eye of the immortal that only the immortals of the six paths had awakened. Except for the immortals of the six paths, there had been no reincarnation eyes for countless years.

Now when I first heard the news of the birth of the Eye of Samsara, Ohnogi really felt troubled and worried.

He had experienced the period when Konoha Village had Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, so Ohnogi knew better than everyone else that sometimes, individual combat power can really turn the tide of a war.

Just like the Konoha Village at that time, even if it fought against the Shinobi Village of the other four big countries at the same time, and even other small countries wanted to fish in troubled waters, but the result was not only not destroyed, but defeated all the enemies, and established the first place in one fell swoop. The foundation of Ninja Village.

In the first Ninja World War, the reason why Konoha Village was able to become the final winner was entirely due to the strengths of Chishou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, both of whom could resist alone. The attack of a big country can even be defeated, and its strength is evident.

Therefore, at this time, Onogi was easily bewitched by Deidara's words.

The main reason is that the current Xiao has not shown his fangs, and many people do not even know about this organization. Only some well-informed people know that this is a group of mercenaries that do not belong to any force.

In addition, Deidara has never caused any harm to Iwatoshi Village, so Ohnogi can calmly listen to Deidara's story from an 'objective' standpoint.

Otherwise, if Da Yemu knew Akatsuki's ultimate goal, and if Deidara had hurt Yanyin Village, you can see if he would still chat with them peacefully.

It is estimated that Deidara will have to go to the prison and talk to Ohnogi.

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