As for whether Deidara will be willing to be arrested, this can only depend on whether his purpose must be achieved. If he takes an indifferent attitude towards his mission, he might be able to escape.

"Tell me, what are you planning to do?"

In the end, Ohnogi made a decision and he took the bait.

In fact, it wasn't just Yanyin Village who came. In Yunyin Village in the Land of Thunder, Jiaodu and Feiduan were also talking to the fourth-generation Raikage in the Raikage Building, and they had already talked about the final stage here.

"Actually, we don't have any purpose, we just don't want to see a one-sided situation."

Jiao is talking nonsense with his eyes open, but the information that Akatsuki is showing now is really just a group of mercenaries.


Jiaodu looked at the fourth generation of Raikage and said, "We will contact Yanyin Village, Wuyin Village, and Sandyin Village respectively. At that time, everyone can put pressure on Konoha Village and let them hand over the one with the Samsara Eye. Young man, otherwise, we will gang up and attack.”

"As far as I know, Konoha Village has just experienced a war, and their third-generation Hokage is about to step down. This time is the most chaotic time. I believe there will definitely be two voices within them."

"At that time, after the provocation is successful, it will see which of your villages can grab that kid."

0176 Raikage's reply

It turned out that Xiao Da's attention was actually trying to force Konoha Village to submit through joint pressure from all parties.


Fourth Raikage narrowed his eyes, suddenly recalling an incident that happened a few years ago.

Not long after the end of the Third Ninja World War, because I heard that the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village died in battle to protect the village, coupled with the scourge of the nine-tailed demon fox, not only did many people die in Konoha Village, but the hearts of the people were also the most. chaotic times.

At that time, the fourth Raikage, who had just assumed office, made a decision, that is, under the pretext of signing a peace document, he dispatched the village's Jōnin to Konoha Village, intending to kidnap the members of the Hyuga clan, and send them to Yunyin Village. Bring back the white eyes that have suffered so much and study them carefully.

Everyone already knows the result of that mission. Yunyin Murakami Shinobu was just about to kidnap Xiao Hinata when he was discovered by Hyuga Hizu, and he was killed with just one move.

By the way, is he really a shinobi?

The matter is not over yet, according to the thinking of normal people, is it that Yunyin Village will not only not publicize it, but must try to hide it as much as possible?After all, it was they who wanted to kidnap the family's daughter, and they deserved to be beaten to death.

But the result was quite the opposite. Yunyin Village not only refused to admit that their Shangnin planned to kidnap Hina Tian, ​​but also bit back and said that Konoha Village had killed their messenger. Like a defeated country, as if they were about to send their troops to fight for another round.

No way, since the Third Ninja World War, Konoha Village has experienced another Nine-Tails Incident. Even the fourth generation who has just taken office has been killed. The morale of Konoha Village can be regarded as the lowest period. , Anyone with discerning eyes knows that Konoha Village cannot afford to fight this battle, nor dare to fight.

Don't look at the fact that Shayin Village has just signed an alliance agreement with Konoha Village as a defeated country. Others such as Wuyin Village and Yanyin Village have also signed a peace agreement, but these are really useless.

Once Konoha Village and Yunyin Village really go to war again, the war that has not subsided for a long time will definitely break out again. By then, Konoha Village will be surrounded by enemies on all sides, even if it is destroyed once it is not impossible.

Because not only was the morale low, and the fourth generation died in battle, at that time, even the biggest supporter Sannin had left the village. What do you want Konoha to fight for?

Therefore, the third generation had no choice but to go to the Hyuga clan. Since the matter was caused by them, it could only be solved by them, and he had no choice.

In this way, as everyone knows, Hyuga Hizu intends to sacrifice his own life to help the village tide over the difficulties, but in the end, his younger brother Hyuga Rizai takes the initiative to take his place. White eyes, but also blocked their mouths, there is no other excuse to fight.

. . . . . .

At this time, when the fourth generation of Raikage heard Jiaodu's words, he couldn't help but move, how similar the situation back then was to now, it's simply a reproduction of the scene.

So, he nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

He is a veteran in this matter. Anyway, he is just messing around and being unreasonable. If you don't agree to my request, I will beat you, and this time, the four major Ninja villages are putting pressure on them together, so I don't believe that Konoha Village will not compromise.

In the end, I believe that Konoha Village will definitely hand over the people they want just like the last time.

Thinking of this, the fourth generation Raikage couldn't help but think about many other things. For example, after the kid with the reincarnation eye was acquired by their Yunyin Village, do you think he should slice and study him carefully, or treat him as a Dumas worked hard to reproduce offspring, okay?

These eight characters haven't been written yet. The fourth generation of Raiying has thought so much, and it is really big. Why didn't he think about it, Xiaozhen would be so kind to give Yang Lei to them?

In fact, at the beginning, Akatsuki didn't even plan to notify the four major Ninja villages, and wanted to go all out to Konoha Village to kidnap people.

It's just because now is not the time to expose, and Akatsuki has to continue to hold back for a while, that's why she exposed Yang Lei's affairs to Lei Ying and Tu Ying.

But well, they have been fully prepared for a long time. Once Konoha Village really wants to send Yang Lei to the Four Great Ninja Villages, they will definitely cut the beard in the middle, which is unnecessary.

As for whether they can do it.

Just kidding, although Akatsuki's plan has only just started, the preparations for personnel have already been completed. Every official member is a shadow-level member, and his eyeliner is all over the world. Not too difficult.

Another one, it is said to be the four major Ninja villages. In fact, what Akatsuki has to deal with is only the two major Ninja villages. First of all, the shadow of Shayin Village died, and there must be no way to deal with the outside world until the new Kazeyage takes over. Maybe even this time, they won't speak up and press Konoha Village with them.

Speaking of Wuyin Village, the fourth-generation Mizukage Yakura is still in power at this time, that is, the three-tailed man Zhuli. Nagato controls Tiandao Payne and directly tells everyone in Akatsuki that the Mizukage of Wuyin Village is himself. People, don't worry at all.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

So, Xiao is just trying to grab people from Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village. Is it difficult?

If you rob people as soon as you come up, it will be a war with the entire Konoha Village, and you have to go inside Konoha Village to rob people.

It's different now, just wait outside and wait for Yang Lei to be sent out before being kidnapped, how simple.

. . . . . .

At this time, in Shayin Village, I saw that the entire office of Fengying Building was changed into a round table meeting. In addition to Fengying consultant sitting in the first place, there were several high-level and prestigious Shangin on both sides. Among them, there were already Maki, who has returned to the village.

"Look at this."

At this moment, I saw the Fengying consultant on the left pushing out a piece of letter paper in front of him, signaling for everyone to circulate it.


"how come."

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