Don't say that Yang Lei is too much. In fact, he is not a good person in the first place. Don't forget what he did to the five-year-old Xiao Hinata.

As for why he was in such a hurry to shoot at Xiao Ying, it was not because he was worried that he would be betrayed by her, but because he was moved by Xiao Ying at the time.

In order to keep Yang Lei, Xiao Ying said that she could do anything, even after knowing that Yang "[-]" Lei would definitely not stay, she actually wanted to leave her parents and leave the village for him. People are moved.

It was precisely because of this feeling that Yang Lei made a confession-like promise to her. He promised to be with her when he came back. I just hope that Xiao Ying would not blame him for his flowers and hearts, because Yang Lei has already He clearly said that he would not give up Hinata.

After that, while Yang Lei was still moved by Xiao Ying, and Xiao Ying was also excited, everything was so natural, so they hugged each other.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Thinking back to the taste of Xiao Ying now, Yang Lei couldn't help smacking his lips. Does this mean he wants to taste it again when he is greedy?

"Whoosh whoosh."

But at this moment, a faint sound aroused Yang Lei's vigilance, and the expression on his face was instantly put away by him, and he opened the white eye and the writing wheel eye with a thought, but now he opened the writing wheel eye no longer. It is in the state of three hook jade, and what appears in the right eye is the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in the state of the purple hexagonal windmill.

It should be said that the third generation was too eager to make a decision. He only knew that the three hidden villages were going to force them to hand over Yang Lei based on the information provided by Sha Yincun, but he did not ask Yang Lei what else other than the exposed eyes of Samsara.

If the third generation of eyes knew that Yang Lei's Sharinyan had evolved to the level of an eternal kaleidoscope, and even that Samsarayan evolved from Sharinyan, he would definitely not make this choice.

He thought that Samsara and Tenseisen were two other pupil techniques, but he didn't know that Baiyan and Sharinyan could actually evolve. Yang Lei didn't say these, and the third generation didn't know how to ask. As a result, he regarded Yang Lei as a Abandoned son to deal with.

You must know that once Yang Lei fully helps Hyuga develop Baiyan, it will definitely increase the strength of the Hyuga clan to a higher level. At that time, Konoha Village will rise and its strength will be greatly improved.

There is also Sharinyan. Although the Uchiha family has been exterminated, don’t forget that Sasuke is still alive. Now he still recognizes the village very much. Maybe Sasuke alone can revitalize Uchiha. One family, the strength of Konoha Village can be greatly increased again.

Another one, although the Uchiha clan has been wiped out, there are still a lot of writing wheel eyes, can't foreigners really control the writing wheel eyes perfectly?At least Yang Lei doesn't think so.

Anyway, it's useless to say more, Yang Lei has already left the village, what else to say.

. . . . . .

"Is it Anbu?"

After opening the pupil technique, Yang Lei just casually glanced at the surrounding situation and found that there were a group of people wearing black clothes and masks following him in the woods on the left and right.

As I said before, Yang Lei's right eye is the eye of space. At present, there is only one ability he has developed, which is to remove the useless space in the middle and see farther.

For example, if Yang Lei wanted to see the other side of the earth, as long as he thought about it, he could erase the existence of the earth and directly see the picture on the other side.

Of course, the so-called erasing and erasing here are not really erasing, but that he will no longer be obstructed by this space in his line of sight.

At this time, coupled with Yang Lei's [-]-degree angle of view without blind spots, the ability of the eye of space has been maximized, and he can see all the surrounding situations without turning around, as if Look at those men in black at the closest distance.


Because he could observe the group of men in black 'up close', Yang Lei could spot one thing and muttered, "It's not Anbu, but Root?"

The root is originally separated from Anbu, so it is very similar to Anbu in terms of dress.

In order to distinguish each other, the two troops have negotiated and reached an agreement that Anbu wears an animal-shaped mask, while the root's mask is not an animal-shaped mask, as long as it is not an animal, no matter what it is...  

That's why Yang Lei can recognize that this group of people is not Anbu, but Root.

"It looks like that bastard Danzo is going to shoot at me."

Yang Lei first breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed an angry look.

He was relieved because it wasn't Sandaimu who wanted to do something to him, otherwise he didn't know how to face Asma and how to face Sandaimu again.

And the reason for showing anger again is because Yang Lei suddenly recalled that Danzo was about to attack him before. Maybe he wanted to find a breakthrough from him to attack the third generation of eyes. It was Asma who came to survive.

Now Danzo has to deal with him again, and the old hatred and new hatred together make him murderous.

Before Yang Lei was lacking in strength, mentality, or experience, but after this period of cultivation and growth, although the time was short, he already had the confidence to kill Danzo.

Now, he no longer only has Baiyan and Sangou jade writing round eyes, he first awakened Tenseikan, and then he obtained his kaleidoscope from Itachi, and because of his own kaleidoscope awakening, he reached the eternal kaleidoscope in one fell swoop, and even more awakened reincarnation. Eye.

In addition, he has already mastered the basic five attributes of ninjutsu, unless it is newly developed later, or it is a particularly unpopular ninjutsu.

There are also Ice Dun, Wood Dun and King Kong Not Bad 4.7, as well as a lot of secret techniques, the first seven of the eight Dunjia, the shadow secret technique of the Nara clan, the doubling secret technique of the Qiu Dao clan, and the mountain clan’s secret technique. Essence of Mysticism, blah, blah, blah.

Compared with when he first graduated from Ninja School, Yang Lei at this time was many times stronger, even if Danzo had an arm of Sharinyan, he didn't need to be afraid of him at all.

"Since it's you who seek death yourself."

Yang Lei squinted his eyes, a murderous aura emerged from his body, slowly pulled out the Kusanagi sword from his waist, and rushed into the woods.

Yang Lei already knows the root of his pupil technique. Although the information he knows is not detailed, only one reincarnation eye, but he is mentally prepared, so he did not lose his mind because of Yang Lei's sudden attack, and responded immediately. coming.

Immediately, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing in the forest, as well as the screams of ninjutsu and people, and a great battle began. .

0182 Kill the root members

"Are you here to kill me?"

Sneaking into the forest, Yang Lei glanced at the twenty or so members who were surrounded by him, without the slightest expression on his face.

"Come on."

Gen's people don't talk nonsense. Since the action has been discovered, they simply start fighting as soon as they come up. First, they throw a lot of hardships and fly towards Yang Lei in all directions, and a few people are about to use ninjutsu when they are quickly forming seals.

"Tsk tsk."

Yang Lei smacked his lips, and without seeing how he moved, he had already completed the seal, and said softly, "The fire escapes, and the arrogant fire is extinguished."


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