A huge flame appeared out of thin air, and instantly burned several members of the roots in front of Yang Lei to ashes.

"So strong."

The others couldn't help exclaiming, even the will of the members was startled by Yang Lei's ninjutsu.


Someone issued an order, and the other dozen or so members quickly dispersed, knowing that they were facing the enemy and not the opponent, and they were about to fight a guerrilla war.

The rule of the root is that as long as you receive an order, you must complete it, otherwise even if you go back alive, it will not end well, it is better to die here.

Therefore, even though the root people felt that they were not on the same level, they did not retreat, and 16 scattered to look for another opportunity and must complete the task assigned by Danzo.

As for how they felt that they were not on the same level, the first was the speed of the seal. They couldn't see how Yang Lei made the seal.

Yang Lei's speed is fast enough. In addition, he has specially practiced the knot seal before, and because he has an eye for seeing the ancients, each time he knots the seal, his proficiency will greatly increase, and he has already reached the level of ecstasy. It's not what they can find.

Even people with pupil skills may not be able to discover Yang Lei's seal. Even if he knows Itachi's accomplishments in seal, Yang Lei dares to say that his achievements in seal can be dignified in the world.

In addition, Yang Lei is not only fast in forming seals, but also the power of ninjutsu is too strong.

Not only those Root members who stood in front of Yang Lei were burned to death, but all the trees in front of Yang Lei were burned to the ground. Seeing Yang Lei burning a mountain road directly opposite Yang Lei, the power of the technique is evident. .

Not to mention only a dozen or so members, they guessed that even if they had all the staff to deal with it, they might not be able to stop Yang Lei's attack.

"Want to run?"

Yang Lei sneered, seeing that the other root members did not take the opportunity to attack him, but decided to flee in all directions, intending to look for the next opportunity.

If they were told to leave, Yang Lei would also feel difficult. After all, a person's energy is limited, and sooner or later, he will be careless.

And Gen is a special operations unit specializing in assassination operations, and it is a good hand at finding such opportunities, so he absolutely cannot let them leave, and wants to destroy them in one fell swoop.

"Wind escape."

Turning around, Yang Lei said with a seal on his hands, "Vacuum waves."

"Whoosh whoosh."

A series of wind blades were spat out from Yang Lei's mouth, and they caught up with the members of the two roots in a blink of an eye, giving them no chance to react, but cut them in half in a blink of an eye.

"Wind escape."

Yang Lei's attack has not stopped yet, the seal in his hand just changed a bit, then he used ninjutsu again, and said softly: "Vacuum Jade."

"Boom bang bang."

As if the sound of a pistol resounded in the forest, Yang Lei spit out dozens of air bombs, covering several members, and finally beat them into sieves.

"Damn, this monster is too strong."

Seeing that it was only two blinks of an eye, the loss of the companions was so heavy that there were only five people left. The five root members who were lucky not to be targeted could not help sweating, that is, they were blocked by masks, so they were not discovered.


But at this moment, before they could continue to flee, suddenly, a person came out from behind a big tree in front of him, and it was another Yang Lei?

"A shadow clone?"

The root members still have a lot of experience, and guessed that this should be a shadow clone.

"kill him."

The root members know that now is not the time to delay, if the body behind them is poured out, they will die here too.

It's not how powerful Yang Lei's attack is, but it's different from the previous Huo Dun. The previous Huo Dun was really too powerful, but the current Feng Dun is too fast, and the root people can't react at all. Come, die without any chance of resisting or dodging.

Anyway, whether it was Yang Lei's Fire Dun or Wind Dun, the root members couldn't resist it, so they wanted to run quickly.

Just a pity.

"You guessed wrong."

I saw the Yang Lei in front of him sneered, and as soon as he snapped his fingers, the Yang Lei behind him suddenly disappeared into a puff of white smoke.

"This is the body?"

The five root members widened their eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

It turned out that the one who killed most of them in seconds in just three shots turned out to be shadow clones?Is this too strong?

"What kind of monster have we provoked?"

The five members dropped their hands and suddenly gave up hope of escape. There was really no hope of escape.

"Since there is no hope of surviving."

But they didn't do nothing. Since they knew they were going to die, they looked at each other and suddenly formed a seal together. They shouted in unison: "Then let's die together, detonate the talisman, drink."


With a huge roar, the huge impact blasted a deep pit in situ.

"It's extreme."

193 At the edge of the woods, I saw a person standing there looking towards the direction of the explosion. It turned out to be another Yang Lei?

How many shadow clones did he release?

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