However, the six-path immortal Datongmu raincoat did inherit the Samsara Eye from her body. In this way, a certain connection was created between the Samsara Eye and the Tenseikan, and there was also a relationship between the White Eye and the Wheel Eye. associated.

Now that Yang Lei wanted to merge the pupil techniques, he thought about it carefully and found the connection between them with the help of the ancient eye, and he couldn't help but have some ideas.

"Based on the Eye of Jian Jigu, it is used to reconcile, or even forcibly combine all the pupil techniques."

"Use Tensei Eye as the white eye, cover it with the Samsara eye, and finally let the wheel eye and the white eye completely merge, you have me and I have you, as for the red eye, its ability only needs to be added to the new pupil art. Okay."

A calculation was quickly made in his heart, and Yang Lei closed his eyes and pondered it again. Seeing that there should be nothing wrong with it, he took a deep breath and started to act.

When he opened his eyes again, Yang Lei was still looking into the mirror to perform a big fusion of the pupil technique with the eyes of the ancients of Jianji. I saw that his eyes began to change, and no longer appeared different appearances with the switching of pupil techniques as before. At that time, I saw that the four pupil techniques were revealed together, which made people seem to have a messy feeling.


The fusion of the pupil technique is not without the slightest danger. During the period, Yang Lei also had his eyes hurt and gnashed his teeth because of the contact of the pupil power. Even if he was not escorted by the escort of the ancient eye, there was a danger of his eyes bursting.

But Yang Lei is not an ordinary person either. He has become enlightened at a young age and has been practicing hard until now. His daily practice will reach the limit, otherwise his progress will not be so terrifying.

After so many years, the pain at this time is really nothing, and I persisted through gritted teeth.


I don't know how long it took, when a crisp sound suddenly came from the house, and Yang Lei fell to the ground in response. He took a deep breath and murmured weakly (to Li Hao): "Finally. , succeeded."

Looking forward with the camera, I can see that Yang Lei's eyes now look very mysterious, and because the content inside is a bit too complicated, people can't remember what they saw at a glance.

I saw that his eyes were still bright purple, while the whites around them turned bright blue. There were five black thin lines on the eyes and the 'whites', and there were nine more on them. The white hook jade makes Yang Lei's eyes look mysterious and complicated.

Among them, the bright purple eyes are naturally the eyes of Jian Jigu, and they are also Yang Lei's eyes themselves.

The bright blue whites do not need to guess to know that it is his Tenseigan.

The black five-circle thin line is the eye of reincarnation.

As for the last nine white gouyu, the white represents the white eye, and the nine gouyu represents the writing wheel eye.

"Finally, my 'Bai. Reincarnation Sharinyan' plan has been successful!".

0198 Ability to strengthen

Three days, since Yang Lei checked into this hotel, it has been three days to wait for news of Terumi Mei.

It wasn't until dusk of the third day that a Kirishima ninja finally came to the door and brought good news to Yang Lei. Tomorrow at noon, the Terumi Mei meeting will go to Yakura under the pretext of discussing matters and ask Yang Lei to kill him at exactly twelve o'clock. past.

"Is it exactly twelve o'clock?"

Yang Lei frowned, suddenly feeling a little wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

After sending the Kirigaze ninja away, Yang Lei went back to the room and sat on the ground to ponder. With his current strength, even if he was designed, he would not be afraid even if he was caught in a trap. In addition, Terumi Mei should not betray him. So, what is it? What's wrong?

"There seems to be something wrong, but I don't know what's wrong."

Yang Lei had a feeling in his heart that there was an indescribable disapproval of Mei Ming's plan, but he just couldn't think of the source of that thought.

"Forget it, I don't want to."

Finally, Yang Lei shook his head and stopped thinking about it. With a thought, he opened a large-scale version of the pupil technique that he named 'Bai. Reincarnation Sharinyan'. He sat on the ground with a mirror and began to study pupil technique.

Three days ago, because he wanted to fuse the pupil technique, he used the eye of the ancients to study each pupil technique carefully. In the end, not only did he successfully merge the four pupil techniques into one, but he also discovered some places that he had not noticed before.

For example, his kaleidoscope ability, the time eye in the left eye and the space eye in the right eye have allowed him to develop some new abilities in addition to the ability to awaken at the beginning.

For example, the Eye of Time, Yang Lei can now see the picture after five minutes at most, which is at least five times stronger than the one minute at the beginning.

In addition, the Eye of Time has added an ability to see through, which can see the screen five minutes ago at most. 610 is also a very useful ability sometimes.

There is also the eye of space for the right eye, which originally could only allow Yang Lei to gain a farther perspective, and use the method of spatial folding to erase the images that he did not want to see from the obstruction of sight.

And now, in addition to this most basic ability, his Space Eye has also added the ability to see through space and open space.

There are actually some unknown spaces in every corner of this world, which means parallel space, which can also be called the inner world.

Originally, these spaces would only be noticed by people unless they encountered a special environment or time, but now, Yang Lei's right eye can easily see whether there is such a space around him, and he has the ability to open it at will.

Although this ability sounds ordinary, it is actually not simple. Just like Obito's Shenwei, Yang Lei can now hide in another space at any time to avoid attacks when he is fighting the enemy.

Moreover, Yang Lei is different from Obito. Obito's divine power is his kaleidoscope ability, but Yang Lei's kaleidoscope is to open up space. That is to say, he can not only travel into other spaces, but also forcibly open Obito's. space, as long as Obito is in front of him and he can see the space of Obito.

In addition to the considerable growth in the ability of the kaleidoscope, the eye of reincarnation has also undergone great changes.

The first is the basic ability of the Samsara Eye. In addition to the attraction and repulsion, other abilities have also been re-studied by Yang Lei, and the control and understanding have improved a lot.

Originally, Yang Lei didn't study these things too much because he didn't want to make any six-path avatars. Only then did he realize that he didn't need the six-path avatars at all, and he could exert all the power of the six-paths by himself.

For example, in the way of beasts, Yang Lei himself can forcibly sign contracts with some powerful psychic beasts, and he does not need to fulfill the responsibility of the contract himself.

Another example is Hungry Ghost Dao. Now that Yang Lei uses it, he can even absorb the ninjutsu he uses with all his strength in an instant. The powerful ones are terrifying.

You must know that he has now surpassed the shadow level and has reached the level of a quasi-immortal. The ninjutsu that he uses with all his strength is very terrifying.

For example, Huo Dunhao Fire Dragon Technique, the average person can make a fire dragon with a length of ten meters and a thickness of three meters.

But if Yang Lei made a full effort, he could instantly summon a giant dragon that was hundreds of meters long and tens of meters in thickness. Those with a bad heart would be scared to death without having to do anything.

However, he doesn't need any other means now, and he can absorb all the fire dragons in an instant when he uses the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao, which is so overbearing.

And because this is his own ability, it is his own pupil technique, and he has already opened the complete six-path immortal mode, so he is not as crippled as Nagato's Payne, but he can even absorb immortal techniques, because he The immortal mode is the most complete version, even the reincarnated immortal mode.

In addition to strengthening the basic power of the Six Paths, Yang Lei's Samsara Eye also gave birth to another ability, which is very similar to Madara's Tomb of Wheels. Boundary, but there are also differences.

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