'Lunhua. Transcendence. '

This is the name of this pupil technique, which allows Yang Lei to separate two clones that are exactly the same as himself, and are different from those ordinary clones. These two clones have exactly the same abilities and strengths as Yang Lei, which can be regarded as Yang Lei's external incarnation.

Although there are not as many clones as Madara, Yang Lei's clone is stronger. First of all, the clone is physical, and can be infinitely far away from Yang Lei, even if it is separated to the end of the world.

The most important thing is that Yang Lei's clone will not bring the damage back to the main body, and Yang Lei can cancel them at any time and call out a new clone.

"This is a very buggy ability, and the degree of defying the sky is simply breaking the sky (bgei)."

At that time, after Yang Lei had thoroughly researched Lunhua's detachment, he couldn't help taking a breath.

He knows his own strength the most. Although the clone cannot share information like a shadow clone because it cannot bring back feelings, don't forget that the clone can also use the shadow clone. At that time, won't the main body receive the information?

After all, the three of them are the existence of the Trinity, and the shadow clone can be regarded as the shadow clone of three people.

Another, the chakra consumed by the clone is not Yang Lei's own, but their own chakra.

How should I put it, it's like Yang Lei can summon his future self to help. Apart from generating help, he doesn't need to consume anything at all.

Simply change to T.

In addition to writing Wheel Eyes and Samsara Eyes, the abilities of Baiyan and Tenseiyan have also improved a lot.

First of all, because the white eye has been integrated with the writing wheel eye, there has been an earth-shaking change in the aspect of insight. First of all, the distance of farsightedness has been increased many times, and the angle of view has also changed from the previous [-] degrees. There are no blind spots in all directions, and you can even see the ground beneath your feet.

In addition, it may be the ability of white eyes, or it may not. Anyway, Yang Lei found that he could release chakra from every sweat pore of his body without knowing it. This discovery surprised him.

For ordinary ninjas, there are only three places that can release chakra, namely feet, hands, and mouth.

Some of these special ninjas may be able to use chakra from other places, such as knees and elbows, after they have been trained.

And like some ninjas of the blood and the limit, such as Hyuga's secret technique Huitian can release chakra from more acupoints.

However, even the people of the Hyuga family can only release chakra from various acupoints, while Yang Lei can release chakra from the sweat pores of the whole body, which is essentially different.

Because compared to the number of acupuncture points, the pores of sweat are like the stars in the sky, and like the gravel on the ground, it is really countless.

Now I can't see any great benefits of this ability, but at least it can let him cover the whole body with thunder attribute chakra to drive away mosquitoes, just like an electric mosquito coil?

Finally, let's talk about Tenseisen. After careful research this time, Yang Lei suddenly realized that he was a little underestimated by Tenseisen.

As famous as the Samsara Eye, it has many secrets that Yang Lei doesn't know. He doesn't even have a complete grasp of those basic abilities, let alone some abilities that are exclusive to him.

After all, the time he got was too short, and Yang Lei never thought that he could observe himself with the eyes of the ancients, so he wasted a lot of time.

Fortunately, he did not waste this time, otherwise he would really regret it.

I won't go into details about Tenseisen's ordinary abilities. Anyway, everyone just knows that they have been strengthened to varying degrees, especially the trick that can summon the stone statue of Otsutsuki Yumura. Until now, Yang Lei really understood that he not only You can summon the stone statue of Otsutsugi Yu Village, and you can also create a stone statue of your own.

In addition to those known basic abilities, Yang Lei also awakened an exclusive ability, just like Lunhua.Transcendence of Samsara Eye, and like Madara's Tomb of Wheels.Border Prison, everyone who awakens Tenseigan has the potential to awaken himself Ability.

Element manipulation, this is the exclusive ability of Yang Lei's awakening.

As the name suggests, Tenseigan has a more rogue move in addition to extracting chakra from a distance, manipulating the power of elements!

Why do you say it's rogue?

You think, the two of them had a good fight, but suddenly, the ninjutsu you used was turned around and hit you with a snap of your fingers. Are you a rogue?

(PS: The exclusive nemesis of the natural fruit is also considered a full-attribute natural fruit? Pfft... Three thousand chapters for support!!!).

0199 Planning error!

The next day, Yang Lei ate a breakfast prepared by the hotel in his room after washing up, and then waited quietly.

After lunch.

"It's time to get ready to go."

Opening his eyes, Yang Lei was already dressed neatly, but what was different from the last few days was that he first put on a ninja bag on his back, and at the same time wore an Anbu mask with the logo of Hidden Mist Village on his face. This was before~ he got it from Shiro.


Then he took out the Kusanagi sword from the personal space and held it in his hand, Yang Lei Yuyin used the technique of flying thunder god, and suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Terumi Mei-.


Yang Lei was taken aback, and Terumi Mei was also taken aback.

"Don't do it, it's me."

Seeing that Terumi Mei was about to raise her hand to call subconsciously, Yang Lei quickly took off the mask to reveal his true face, making Terumi Mei relieved and put down his hand.

"Why are you still here?"

Yang Lei glanced at Terumi Mei in confusion, then turned his head to look around, and found that this should be the Mizukage office, but what made him wonder is, where did the fourth generation Mizukage Yakura go?

"Forget it."

Terumi Mei rubbed his temples with a tangled face, and muttered, "I plan to come to him on the pretext of discussing matters, and then find an opportunity to keep the special kunai you gave me."

"But who would have thought of running into the stall where that bastard is going to have lunch, I can't turn around and leave, so I can only wait here."

After listening to Terumi Mei's explanation with a strange expression on his face, Yang Lei finally understood in his heart what was wrong with him yesterday. Yes, isn't twelve o'clock the time for lunch?Even workaholics take a lunch break, right?In the end, Terumi Mei asked him to come now, can he not miss the air?

"It's a perfect plan."

Yang Lei gave a speechless sarcasm, which made Terumi Mei blushed.

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