She shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake. She clearly knew that this was an assassination mission that could not be missed. How could she not take all factors into account.

But it is because the assassination mission this time is too important and can't be missed. She needs to consider too many things, and there are too many things to arrange. As a result, many things are arranged properly, but it is at the lowest level. The level of the place is sparse.

After all, this is the assassination mission of the shadow of a village. It is a top-notch power change. To put it in a bad way, it is very likely that there will be a major earthquake in Wuyin Village because of this. All political positions will have to be reshuffled and planned. Things are so simple.

Although Yang Lei didn't understand this and was too lazy to study it, he could think of something, so he just satirized at the beginning and stopped talking nonsense, but discussed the business with her.

"Can't you leave early?"

Yang Lei frowned, feeling a little tricky.

The reason why he helped Terumi Mei so much without even needing her to come forward was that Terumi Mei could successfully take over the position of Mizukage of the Five Generations of Kiriyin Village, and they had already reached an agreement to form an alliance and agreed terms.

But once the Hidden Kirishima Village knows that Terumi Mei actually participated in the assassination of Mizukage, no one knows what bad effects will happen, but don't let the Hidden Hidden Forest Village disintegrate, or fall down to the altar. From the level of the five major ninja villages to become kittens and dogs.


Terumi Mei sighed lightly. She had also said that since Yakura wanted to have lunch, she would leave first and come back in the afternoon, but Yakura ignored her and walked away as if she hadn't heard it. Ming didn't know what to do. Could it be that her methods have been discovered by Yakura?

Because of worry, Terumi Mei really did not dare to leave easily now.

"In other words," Yang Lei looked at Terumi Mei speechlessly and said, "Actually, Yakura didn't let you wait for him here at all, you were just scaring yourself?"

Is this silly girl really the Cheng, Shu Yu, and Sister Terumi Mei from the original book?

What Yang Lei didn't know was that Yakura at this time was really a terrifying existence for the people of Wuyin Village. Since he became the fourth generation of Mizukage, Wuyin Village was under his high-handed politics. After a period of bloody years, he even called himself the village of blood fog.

It is not without resistance, but unfortunately, those who resisted all died, and even those families who had not resisted and possessed the boundary of blood were also wiped out. Such a bloody iron fist made the people of Wuyin Village not. Dare to easily offend Yakura's majesty.

Terumi Mei is already an outlier. Didn't this girl curse Yagura outside the village before, how dare anyone else.

But even Terumi Mei, now she is afraid of Yakura, unless Yakura is allowed to rest for two years after her death, so that the shadow in her heart can be slowly adjusted.

"never mind."

Yang Lei shook his head helplessly. Since Terumi Mei didn't dare to leave easily for fear of being scared by the grass, he was also afraid that if he couldn't kill Yakura, it would bring a devastating blow to himself and his family, so she would do it.

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"It's not that there is no other way to clear the charge of assassinating Mizukage."

In a blink of an eye, Yang Lei thought of a countermeasure, and explained to Mei Mei: "After I kill Yakura, you will tell outsiders that Yakura is under control, and the bloody policies of Wuyin Village over the years are all that person behind the scenes. He was forced to kill him as a last resort."


Terumi Mei can become the fifth generation of Mezukage, and she can restore some vitality to Wuyin Village in a short period of time. She still has her own unique insights. Who should we turn to to carry the blame of this man?"

It's not good for an idle and unknown person, because Yakura is also a shadow-level powerhouse, plus he is still a three-tailed person, let alone full control, who dares to say that he can easily defeat him?


"Uchiha Madara."

But Yang Lei easily found a suitable candidate, and this is the truth.

"Uchiha Madara?"

Terumi Mei subconsciously let out an exclamation, and looked at Yang Lei with wide eyes, looking very incredible.

Despite the fact that Kirikin Village has been closed to the country for many years, Terumi Mei still knows some information about Madara Uchiha, especially what makes her more concerned: "Isn't that a legendary character who has been dead for many years? Take it. Will anyone believe it?"

Yang Lei said that this is the truth, I really didn't teach you to lie.

"Do not worry."

Yang Lei gave up after thinking about it and wanted to tell Terumi Mei a story called Naruto, and guided him: "Just say a man who claims to be Madara Uchiha, there is a masked man with a kaleidoscope who is using a kaleidoscope to control Yakura. The decrees were all reviewed and approved by that person, because you discovered this fact, so you violently murdered."

"By the time."


Suddenly, the opened door interrupted Yang Lei's words. The two were so engaged in their conversation that they didn't notice anyone approaching.

"By the time."

I saw a man wearing a windbreaker and a mask on his face walking in outside the door. He smiled and continued Yang Lei's words and said to Mei Ming: "You can turn into a hero of Wuyin Village, not only will you not bear the burden of killing the shadow. Infamy, but will get everyone's support, sit on the water shadow position."

"First meeting, Yang Leijun, I am the Uchiha Madara you just said!".

0200 is surrounded!

"Obito? Why is he here?"

Yang Lei muttered to himself in his heart, but he didn't say it smartly. He didn't want to be feared or studied because he exposed his knowledge of the plot. As if he didn't know him, he deliberately shouted: "Sure enough, there is a person like you."


Obito didn't doubt that Yang Lei knew him, he just thought that he had leaked his whereabouts, and said to himself: "It seems that Wuyin Village can only give up. However, it is also a good result to be able to block you. ."

After a lot of inquiries, Obito finally confirmed that Yang Lei had indeed awakened the Samsara Eye, but he didn't know which bloodline he came from, so why did it spread outside the country of fire?

The fact that Yang Lei is not from Konoha Village can be found out as long as someone who has the will to check it out. Otherwise, the three major Ninja Villages will not be moved by people from Xiao. It is because Yang Lei is an outsider that they see hope that they can recruit. .

"Two Seven Zero" also made Obito a little puzzled. Could it be that there is a Uchiha bloodline outside the country of fire?

Itachi doesn't know the secret of Samsara's eye yet. He can only realize that Obito is not a matter of spots. If there is more, there will be no more, so there is no such thing as "Yang Lei is from the Uchiha tribe". idea.

Because Obito is very afraid of itachi, otherwise, he would not have sent a group of ghost sharks and itachi.

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