The opposite Yang Lei grinned. The next method he was going to use was not very complicated. He saw that three of the ten Yang Lei suddenly formed a seal and shouted: "Shadow Clone Technique, drink."


Thirty Yang Lei's shadow clones were suddenly added on the spot, which made everyone in Xiao stunned.

As a shadow-level powerhouse, even if Yang Lei used his best skills, they would not be like this, but Yang Lei made a bad move, which surprised them.

(Wang's) Why do you say that Yang Lei took a bad move?

The shadow clone will equally divide half of the chakra of the main body. In the eyes of everyone, Yang Lei forcibly divided thirty shadow clones in order to gain an advantage in the number of people. What is it if it's not stinky chess?

But what everyone doesn't know is that Yang Lei's shadow avatar is borne by him and two avatars together. Three quasi-immortal levels have [-] shadow avatars. He can still bear this burden.

In addition, Yang Lei has now obtained the chakra characteristics of three tailed beasts, and has a complete fairy physique. The amount of chakra is sufficient and the speed of recovery is fast, so how can you worry about such a consumption.

"Next is the last wave."

Facing the attack of the waterfall technique and the water dragon bomb technique, Yang Lei simply blocked it by erecting a thick wall, making a decision in his heart, and looking at Feiduan and Jiao with a pair of eyes that finally revealed murderous intent. Both, and Yakura. .

0203 Six-Tailed Man Zhuli, Kirigaze Ninja, Joins the War

"It can't be delayed any longer."

In fact, it wasn't just Yang Lei who had the idea of ​​a quick fix, but also Nagato on the opposite side.

"After all, this is in Kirigakura Village. Since that Terumi Mei can find some clues, I believe other people will also have this idea, and kill him before the Kirigakushi Ninja can react."

Nagato made a decision, controlled Tiandao Payne to express his thoughts, and then let Tiandao Payne step out, slowly raising his hands above the top.

"Be careful."

Knowing some of the methods of Payne, the Xiao people quickly retreated for a long distance, guessing that the boss was going to show his power, and they were afraid that they would be affected by Yu Wei.


Behind the wall of the earth formation, Yang Lei took a deep breath, and with a wave of his hand, he was about to launch a general attack on everyone at Xiao, but the moment he just showed up.

"Super. Shen Luo Tianzheng."


Tiandao Payne's big move is not a big one. With Yang Lei's earth formation as the center, he used the super. Shen Luo Tianzheng. I saw that more than [-] Yang Lei were blown away in an instant, and a white mist continued to dissipate. In the end, there were only three Yang Lei was lying in three corners respectively.

"kill him."

Because Yang Lei's earth formation wall was blocking it, everyone at Xiao was not affected at all, and rushed forward again without any urging.

"It's careless."

Yang Lei got up from the ground, scolding 213 secretly in his heart, he was still a little self-confident in the end, if he could turn on the immortal mode earlier, he would not have been hit so badly.

Being blown up by Chao. Shinra Tianzheng, although Tiandao Payne didn't let go of his full strength because of some scruples, Yang Lei didn't take any precautions. This is really painful enough.

"Should we go all out this time?"

Seeing that everyone rushed over, Yang Lei squinted his eyes slightly, and mocked himself in his heart. He raised his hand and tugged at the goggles. The pupil technique is exposed.


Others haven't noticed yet, Itachi and Nagato, who have pupil skills themselves, have subconscious attention to their eyes, so they were shocked when they saw Yang Lei's weird eyes for the first time.

What did they see?

A pair of purple eyes and blue white eyes not only have the thin black lines of Samsara eyes, but there are even nine white gouyu?what is this?

"Reincarnation eye plus writing wheel eye?"

In the end, the two of them could only make such a guess, but they didn't expect that Yang Lei's blue eyes were Tenseisen, and the nine bgabs were white because of the power of the white eyes.

"Six Paths Reincarnation Immortal Body Mode, open."

Now that they have decided to go all out, Yang Lei and Lun Hua. The two detached avatars looked at each other and saw that huge chakra erupted from the three of them at the same time, and finally turned into a chakra coat and turned into a suit. The light blue robes were draped over the three Yang Lei's bodies, with a gossip-style pattern on the back, and [-] pros and cons of jade on the bottom, and the same in front of them.

Not only the changes in the clothes, but the three Yang Lei are also surrounded by eighteen jade jades, like a circle of the moon revolving slowly around the earth, making the three Yang Lei look amazing. .


After turning on the immortal mode, Yang Lei no longer had any plans to keep his hands. The three of them kicked on the ground and rushed out quickly.

Yang Lei's speed was already very fast. In this state, he still had some blessings on all aspects of his body, and his speed was even faster. Even in the eyes of the powerful Xiao people, he felt that he was approached by them in the blink of an eye.


In particular, the first few people exclaimed in their mouths and prepared their hands to prepare for the first wave of attacks.


But at this moment, a sound came from a distance.

The three Yang Lei frowned together. Those with pupil skills could clearly see that in the distance there was a person in tailed beast mode posing here in a weird pose, and in the air there was a huge stream carrying a huge amount of energy. The power of the momentum is coming fast.

"Tailed beast jade?"

Yang Lei recognized what that power was, and also saw its principle.

"Continue to attack, and give priority to killing the undead duo."

After the main body explained it, he turned around and greeted the tailed beast jade. While flying up and down, he quickly condensed a spiral pill in his hand. Finally, he fused a Taoist jade into it, and he swung forward and shouted: "Expand. Seek the Taoist spiral. pill."

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