This is a technique developed by Yang Lei on a whim. It condenses the expansion seeking jade and the spiral pill together, and finally such a product appears.


The Gudao Spiral Pill flew forward and collided with the incoming tail beast jade, only to hear a buzzing sound, the tail beast jade was actually absorbed by Yang Lei's Gudao Spiral Pill?

After absorbing the tailed beast jade, the Gudao Spiral Pill continued to fly forward quickly.

"Hide away."

Obito in the distance saw something bad, and he shouted loudly despite revealing his identity. The current Six-Tailed People's Zhuli is still a big help for them, and it can't be lost so easily.

The person in the tailed beast mode is the six-tailed man Zhuri. I saw that he hesitated for a while, and then he may have felt the crisis on the Gudao Spiralan, and finally retreated and hid elsewhere.

It wasn't long after the Rok-Tails Zhuri dodged.


The Qiudao Spiral Pill suddenly exploded, and the black energy exploded into a huge sphere with a diameter of at least ten meters. In an instant, the ten-meter range where the six-tailed human Zhuli stood just now was wrapped in it, as if it was swallowed by an unknown creature. As it fell, there was a large piece missing from the ground silently.

Not only the ground, but more than half of the nearby houses were swallowed up, which shocked the Rok-Tails Juri and Obito.

"what happened?"

The Shuiying Building's momentum was loud and lasted for a long time, so that the Kirigaze ninjas could no longer pretend to know nothing.

The main reason is that the battlefield has come outside. If they don't come out again, once Yakura is allowed to stabilize the situation, no one will be able to settle the account after the autumn.

"That girl Terumi Mei is really unreliable."

Such a voice suddenly came from the crowd. Many people knew about the relationship between the Rok-Tails and the Terumi Mei family. Seeing that the Rok-Juri seemed to be helping Yakura at this time, there was a misunderstanding.

"Let's go too."

The Kirigakura ninjas looked at each other in dismay, and in the end they all sighed sadly. It seems that this time, Yakura's regime cannot be overthrown again.

Seeing that the six-tailed person Zhuli actually produced such a joint effect, Obito almost didn't laugh out loud, this is Wuyin Village, even if the people from their Xiao organization are all present, they would not dare to fight with all their strength, not to mention Yang Lei still has to fight them. Xiao's people fought, and this time Obito's heart finally stabilized.

At this time, Obito didn't know how miraculous Yang Lei's pupil technique was, and he didn't see some kind of light flashing quickly in Itachi's eyes, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"I'll see if you're not going to die this time!".

0204 Fell Payne

"Tsk, is the Kirigakushi ninja also attracted?"

Yang Lei frowned, glanced at the six-tailed man Zhuli who was rushing here, turned his head and rushed towards the Xiao people again, and the two clones rushed in the middle of the Xiao people, fighting hard.

Although Xiao has a large number of people, because they are too close to each other, some powerful means can't be used, and they can't hold Yang Lei even for a while, but they are rushed by him.


In the end, Nagato became angry, and it was not an option to fight like this. He issued an order: "Leave one for us, and you will distribute the other two to other places."

In fact, he wanted to do this for a long time, but Yang Lei didn't give him a chance at all, and everyone in Xiaoxiao had the backbone of a strong man, and wanted to take him personally, so he didn't cooperate to let Penn Liudao form a form for Yang Lei. Encirclement trend.

Not only Payne Liudao, but they also cooperated with each other, but the fight with Yang Lei was too messy, so they couldn't play it out.

The main reason was that the people present had never seen the real avatar, and thought it was just two shadow avatars. They thought they would break up after a while, and then they could surround Yang Lei in the middle and destroy it.

But until now, the two clones have not disappeared, and gradually some people have noticed that something is wrong.


The strong people are no longer entangled in the issue of integrity, and spread out according to Tiandao Payne's instructions.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

When I saw Tiandao Payne aiming at a Yang Lei, he beckoned to lead him to the encirclement of Payne Liudao.


The one who was selected was one of the clones, only to hear him take the initiative to greet him with a sneer, and he came to him in a blink of an eye through the gravity of Tiandao Payne.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

But before Penn's Six Paths could form a siege to him, he saw the clone stretched out his hands and shouted loudly, and the huge repulsion instantly sent the surrounding Payne's Six Paths flying.

"It really is the eye of reincarnation."

Nagato tried to find out the result, and he had some doubts before to confirm it. Now that he has resorted to Shen Luo Tianzheng, it must be true.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

On the other side, I saw Yang Lei's body and another avatar raising his hand together, and like Tiandao Payne, he planned to use gravity to pull out two people from the enemy alone. Is this a one-by-one defeat?


Xiao people collectively exclaimed, they were originally going to create opportunities for Payne, but Yang Lei saw the opportunity instead, and it was too late to go back and surround Yang Lei.


Just listening to Feiduan exclaimed, Yang Lei took away the one who spilled a large amount of blood along the way.

In addition to Feiduan, Jiaodu is also one of Yang Lei's goals, or it should be said that he is actually the main goal.

In the original book, although Asma died in Feiduan's hands, the real culprit was Jiaodu, who took a fancy to the bounty from Asma and Dilu.

Therefore, at this time, he will not let the corners get away no matter what, even if he doesn't kill Feiduan, he has to kill the corners here.

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