"You picked the wrong target."

Flying in the air, the horns seemed very calm. Although there was surprise in his heart, he did not wait to die. Instead, he quickly counterattacked, and Yuyin used ninjutsu: "Fire escape, head hard."


A small fireball was spit out by Jiaodu's mouth, and flew towards Yang Lei erratically.

But don't underestimate this small fireball. It is small now. When you wait for it to really explode, it will instantly turn into a tsunami of flames, and the surrounding area of ​​tens of meters will be burned to ashes.


Everyone who knew how powerful the horns were, exclaimed, and the group quickly fled away.

Even Feiduan, who has been arrogant and domineering with his immortality, exclaimed, "Jiaodu, you can't burn me to ashes, remember to save me later."


Jiao Du snorted and did not respond, his hands continued to form seals, and when they came to Yang Lei, they formed seals and shouted: "Wind Dun, crush."

At this point, Jiaodu and Yang Lei finally faced each other, and Yang Lei grabbed Jiaodu's head with the hand that used the Vientiane Heavenly Guide, and asked, "Are these your moves?"

"what happened?"

Jiao Du's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to shout, "Why didn't my Feng Dun succeed? Also, why hasn't my Fire Dun exploded yet?"

The Xiao people who turned and fled heard the sound and turned their heads to look, and they found that the last pressure of Jiaodu did not appear at all, and even the hard work that had appeared before had disappeared. What is going on?

"Could it be that the six corpses didn't tell you about the ability of the Samsara Eye?" Yang Lei pointed at the Paynes who were ejected by the clones with another finger, and said deliberately with a smile: "It seems that you are not a united organization either. , he didn't even tell you that Samsara Eye has the ability to absorb chakra, and you dare to use ninjutsu in front of me, you are too self-righteous."

It turned out that the two ninjutsus that Jiao Du used to fight back disappeared because Yang Lei took away the chakra. At the same time, because he was caught by Yang Lei, the chakra of the five hearts was drained in a blink of an eye, and he opened his mouth and continued. I lost the strength to speak, and instantly aged dozens of years.

"You've been tricked by your companions, aren't you?"

Yang Lei looked at Xiao and everyone who was standing in the distance and said this deliberately, making Penn Liudao's face turn blue and white when he finally stabilized his footsteps.

Obviously Payne's Six Paths are made of corpses, yet he can still change his face?It can be seen how cruel Yang Lei's words must be.

Nagato behind the scenes can almost foresee the scene after returning, he will definitely not be trusted again, either Akatsuki will fall apart in an instant, or he will have to retire.

"Damn bastard."

Tiandao Payne clenched his fists hard, pointed at the clone again and used gravity, and shouted: "Vientiane Tianyin."


"Isn't one enough time? It's really hard to learn."

The clone shook his head speechlessly and did not resist, and flew over quickly following Tiandao Payne's gravity, and then when he reached Tiandao Payne, his hands stretched out again and shouted: "Shen Luo Tianzheng."

"how is this possible?"

Tiandao Payne screamed in disbelief. He didn't care about the posture of flying out. He stared at Yang Lei with wide eyes and shouted, "How can you use Shen Luo Tianzheng one after another? What about the five-second cooldown?"


Even Yang Lei's avatar laughed, and explained in his heart: "Let's not say that your reincarnation eyes are not yours at all, but Uchiha Madara's, but mine are their own. Just say that I still have them. What about the Shinra Tianzheng of Tenseigan, the cooldown time? Don't make fun of it, believe it or not, I can use the Shinra Tianzheng to kill you without a CD."

In order not to reveal too many things that the enemy found to attack him, Yang Lei would not be kind to Tiandao Payne and Nagato, leaving a clone to stand in the back to continue to guard against Payne's six paths, and he was coming here. A large number of Kirigaze ninjas, the main body and another clone behind him took advantage of this opportunity to destroy both the corners and the flying section.

"Isn't he immortal?"

The clone looked up and looked at the body that shook the ashes on his hand, looking very puzzled.

The two did not use any unconventional means, that is, they first drained the chakra of Jiaodu and Feiduan, and then ignited a fire to burn them to ashes.

Seeing how kindhearted he is, even the enemy will cremate them for free, which is simply the conscience of the industry. .

0205 Yang Lei's plan

"No, I have to go back quickly."

In a forest outside Wuyin Village, not long after Terumi Mei was sent out by Yang Lei, she stood there for a while before making a decision.

The Wuyin Village in front of her is her home. If she can ignore it, she can leave Wuyin Village and go to other countries, or even go to the Land of Water Daimyo to ask for an errand or something.

But she can't let go of Wuyin Village, otherwise she will not do her best to improve Wuyin Village in the original book, and help Wuyin Village, which has declined due to years of blood fog village policy, re-establish the power and confidence of the Five Great Ninja Villages. .

Therefore, she would never choose to leave at this time, even if she didn't know that Yang Lei was still fighting with everyone in Xiao, even if she might die when she went back, so what.

"Isn't every coup bloody."

The corner of his mouth outlined a bitter smile that couldn't be more bitter, Terumi Mei let out a sigh, and slowly took off the "[-]" Kirigakura forehead that was tied on his shoulders and tied it to his forehead.

"Success or failure is here."

She can become the fifth-generation Mezukage, and the method used is to overthrow Yakura Shengsheng from him, how can she lack courage, and how can she be afraid of bloodshed.

. . . . . .

Look inside Wuyin Village.

"The chunin and the lower ninja took the villagers to evacuate, and all the upper ninjas rushed to the Shuiying Building. The Wuyin Village is in a huge crisis at this time, so help the Master Shuiying to defend against foreign enemies."

In the village, one by one, Anbu was carrying out the work of summoning and arranging evacuation for the Jōnin in various places, so that the village of Kiriyin, which had just heard the huge noise, would not be in chaos.

At the same time, outside the Shuiying Building, there are already a lot of Shangnin gathered here, there are hundreds of people, and it has to be said that many of them have gone out to do tasks, and they have appeared in recent years. There were some ninja defections, otherwise there would be more.

In any case, it is also one of the five major Ninja villages. How could the number of people be too small, just like Konoha Village, although there are not many people who actually drew it, but in the incident of Payne's attack, at the end, the one who greeted Naruto Needless to say how big the scene is.

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