A few days later, as the fifth generation Memizukage Terumi Mei came to power and announced that the Hidden Kirishima Village would be reopened to the public, the news of the fourth generation Mezukage Yakura's death spread, and the entire ninja world was shaken.

In particular, one of the names has been mentioned many times. The Konoha Rebellion named Yang Lei turned out to be the main force who killed Yakura, and he was the one who discovered the truth that Yakura was controlled by magic.

This news was known to the outside world, especially when it was passed to Konoha Village, which made Konoha ninjas a little flustered.

Does Yang Lei actually have the strength to kill Ying?He is only twelve years old, and such a genius has become the rebel of Konoha Village. This loss is really too big.

Especially after knowing that he was helping Wuyin Village to get rid of traitors, he was even more shocked. Could this guy plan to join Wuyin Village?


In Hokage's office, because Tsunade had not been brought back by Jirai, Sandaime had to continue to handle Hokage's official business. At this time, he stood at the window and looked out, sighing and regretting in his heart.

Originally, he let Yang Lei leave the village because of Danzang. He was worried that the pressure on Yang Lei by the three major ninja villages would become a political bargaining chip for Danzang, and he would lose his power to designate the purpose of the Fifth Generation.

In the end, before Tsunade could be found, Danzo was killed first, and now there is no second political force to oppose him in Konoha Village.

In other words, if Yang Lei's killing of Danzo hadn't been revealed, he could have gone home.

As for the pressure of the three major Ninja villages, they are completely ignored. If Konoha Village can't fight, they can afford it?

If you want to fight, Konoha Village is not afraid of them at all.

It's a pity.

It was a good plan, but it was completely destroyed because of Danzo's death, so that the three generations did not have the heart to remember Danzo, and they almost hated him.

"Old man, are you looking for me?"

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Asma stepped in with a tired face, and greeted Sandaimu lazily.

"What are you doing here?"

The third generation looked at Asma suspiciously, and asked, "Didn't you rest for the past two days? Why didn't you go home? Didn't you go outside to fool around? Don't forget the three bans of ninjas."

"Cough cough."

Asma's face turned red, and Yuhi Hsun's pretty face appeared in his heart. He didn't dare to answer the question and quickly changed the topic and asked, "Are you looking for me for something?"

"Well," Sandaimu didn't ask any further questions, and changed the subject, saying: "I received a report yesterday that a woman who claims to be Jiraiya's apprentice is coming to the country of fire. I want to come to our Konoha Village to provide some Information, you go and receive it, it should be here."

"I see."

Asma nodded, asked about Jiraiya's apprentice's appearance and left.

. . . . . .

At the same time, on a sea in the distance, a small boat was moving forward precariously.

"Is it almost there?"

On the boat, Yang Lei looked forward for a while with a pergola in hand, and muttered, "I should have gone in the wrong direction, but according to common sense, I should have arrived in the Land of Thunder yesterday."

Not long after leaving Wuyin Village, Yang Lei quickly rushed to the border of the Land of Water. He planned to hire a seaboat to go to the Land of Thunder, but no one wanted to go.

Except for those large merchant ships, the small boats are only fishing boats that are fishing in the nearby waters, but they cannot travel far. One is worried that the sea wind and waves will overturn the fishing boat, and the other is that there is no way to load too many materials on the boat.

As for the big merchant ships, it only took a long time to go. Yang Lei couldn't wait, so he had to ask the direction of the Kingdom of Thunder and set off on his own.

Yang Lei has encountered many things along the way.

First of all, the boat he bought was not big, just an ordinary small fishing boat, because he could use his personal space to load daily supplies, but he didn't need a big boat.

Fortunately, Yang Lei's skills are very strong, and he is not afraid of anything when encountering strong winds and waves. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been knocked over long ago.

Another one, during the period, he also encountered a few pirates. Originally, he wanted to spare their lives because he had seen One Piece, but the pirates sought their own death. Seeing that there was nothing valuable on the ship, he wanted to sink Yang Lei into the sea. '.

Good guy, this is really self-inflicted and can't live. In the end, Yang Lei turned them back and sank one by one, and the things on the ship were also looted.

"It's finally here."

After driving forward for a while, Yang Lei's opened pupil technique could finally see the trace of the land, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

On this vast sea, it would be bad if you really lost your way.

He doesn't have to worry about fresh water and food. There are water tunnels that can make fresh water, and wood tunnels that can grow fruit trees on a boat. It's just that he is too lonely and lonely.

It has only been a few days since the trip, not even ten days, and Yang Lei is completely bored. If he really wants to get lost at sea for another ten days and a half months, he will really collapse.

"Speed ​​up."

Because he saw the land, Yang Lei immediately became active, with a strange cry in his mouth, and the water ninjutsu with his hands controlled the water to push the boat forward quickly. In the end, he even felt slow and abandoned the boat and jumped to the sea.

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"Water escape, the technique of instant water."

In order to get to the land earlier, Yang Lei used the Shunshu technique on the water, stepping on the water and sliding forward quickly, and from time to time he would jump forward a long distance before continuing to slide.

Finally, after a few minutes, he finally landed.


But at this moment, before Yang Lei could stand firm on the shore, a group of people suddenly came out from the nearby woods.

Because this direction is close to the Water Kingdom and Wuyin Village, the Kingdom of Lei and Yunyin Village must be guarded. Usually there is a team of defenders stationed. At this time, they found Yang Lei's trace and jumped out to ask.

"Is Yun Ren?"

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