
Yang Lei glanced at the forehead guards of these people, smiled and nodded: "I'm going to your Yunyin Village."

"We're asking about your identity."

Yun Ren frowned, reminding Yang Lei that they were asking questions now.


Yang Lei suddenly burst out without warning, and instantly came to Yun Ren and his feet, kicked them all at once.

"So strong."

Falling to the ground in the distance, Yun Ren did not react until now, but it was already too late, and none of them could get up again.

"Who the hell are you?"

One of them, Yun Ren, clenched his teeth and tilted his head towards Yang Lei. He wanted to ask his identity, at least to know who the enemy was.

"My identity."

Yang Lei stepped in front of several people, pointed to his eyes and said, "Didn't you Yunyin Village want to get me? Forgot?"

"It's you!"

The Yun Ninjas were startled, finally knowing the identity of this person, they couldn't help but eagerly wanted to sound the standing signal flare.


Yang Lei made a mute gesture in front of his mouth to remind Yun Ren that he was still in front of him.

Yun Ninja's movements froze, and the injuries were so bad that they were kicked down here, and they couldn't even get up. They really didn't have the strength to sound the signal flares on their bodies.

"Do not worry."

Yang Lei smiled and comforted: "I don't have much hatred or hostility towards Yunyin Village, you are not seriously injured, you just got acupuncture points, you can resume operations in half an hour, don't sound the alarm, I just sneak over there. Beat your Raikage violently and you'll be relieved."


0210 Xiaodong, coincidentally met by the wooden man

"That bastard stinky boy wants to beat me up?"

That afternoon, Raikage's office received the information, and the fourth-generation Raikage glanced at the information in his hand, and couldn't help feeling ironic.

But when he thought about it and recalled the news that the fourth generation of water shadows was killed, he had to take some precautions.

"Convey the news of Yang Lei's entry into the Land of Thunder. Since he said he doesn't have much hostility towards our Yunyin Village, try not to kill him, but to capture him alive."

After a while, the fourth Raikage made a decision and instructed his assistant.


The white-haired Azabuyi nodded, turned around and walked out of Raikage's office to pass the news.

. . . . . .

At the same time, in front of a lake in the Land of Water.

"Three tails are here."

Madara Uchiha looked under the water, with a confident expression on his face, "Three Four Seven" said to the Xiao people behind him without turning his head: "The three tails are just a beast now, I'll leave it to you, I'll go The Hidden Mist Village grabbed the six-tailed man Zhuri."

Madara has been resurrected for several days. After several days of recovery and intelligence analysis, he decided to plan ahead.

Unlike Nagato, these reincarnation eyes are Madara's eyes, and they have also carefully studied the infinite moon reading, so there is no need to prepare any more, and now they can capture the tailed beast.

Therefore, they will come to the country of water again today, the purpose is to catch the three tails and the six tails first.

After instructing everyone, Madara didn't plan to stay any longer, so she rushed forward and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Yeah, ah, this aura is really big enough."

Deidara didn't smile, looked at the other people, especially Itachi and Obito who had already surfaced, and Jue, and asked them, "By the way, what is your purpose? Are you not going to tell us?"

Deidara's 'men' include scorpions and ghost sharks.

Obviously, it must be Madara's subordinates, and Obito and Itachi are Uchiha's clansmen, Madara can be regarded as their ancestors.

"In fact, I do not know."

But Itachi said he didn't know, stepped away from the ghost shark, stood with Deidara and Scorpion, and the three looked at the other people.

"The purpose is to create a peaceful world."

Obito hesitated for a while, and finally chose to say part of the plan, such as the ultimate goal, but he didn't plan to say specific details.


Scorpion's thoughts moved, and suddenly remembered that his parents were killed when he was very young because of the war, he couldn't help but nodded and said, "If that's the purpose, I can still stay in Xiao."


Deidara pouted, turned to look at Itachi, and said, "You don't need to ask, you know, you'll stay too."

Itachi didn't answer, but he was thinking quickly in his heart. Sasuke has never planned to leave the village. According to the information he got, the child has found the correct growth path. Perhaps, the eyes that Shishui left him can be used in Elsewhere.

"Do you bring soil?"

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