That Yun Ren glanced outside, and when he saw that it was Yang Lei who was leaping, he couldn't help but be startled, and shouted, "That's right, it's him. No, why did he rush over?"


Outside the window, Yang Lei shouted loudly and said, "Get out of here, I'm going to beat you up."


Lei Ying squinted his eyes, his forehead jumped with blue veins, and he rushed out with a loud shout.

"Stinky brat, you are too arrogant."

"Bang." "Wow."

The floor-to-ceiling windows shattered immediately, and Lei Ying came to Yang Lei in an instant, clenched his fist with his right hand and rushed towards Yang Lei's head.

"It's so fast."

Even Yang Lei had to give a compliment, but well.

"However, in terms of speed, I'm still better."

Hearing Yang Lei muttering, he turned sharply to avoid Lei Ying's attack, and at the same time came behind him and kicked forward.

"The armor of thunder."

Lei Ying was shocked, Yang Lei's speed was even faster than him, but his reaction speed was not weak, he shouted and released a large amount of chakra, condensing a set of lightning armor on his body.

"The armor of thunder."

But suddenly, there was a voice behind him, Yang Lei actually condensed a set of lightning armor on his body like him, and because Yang Lei can use the pores of his body to release the chakra relationship, the speed and sturdiness of the armor of thunder escape. It's stronger than Raikage's.


The next moment, Yang Lei's foot finally kicked on Lei Ying's back, stepping on him and landing heavily on the ground in front of the Lei Ying Building, a loud 'bang' caused a big shock.

"Lord Raikage 々'."

Nearby Yun Ninja all rushed over, but because a large cloud of dust blocked their sight, they couldn't help Raikage, and could only stand around and wait.

"Damn you bastard."

Lei Ying's angry shout came from inside the smoke, which made the Yun Ninjas outside breathe a sigh of relief, which showed that Lei Ying's condition was still very good, at least he didn't have to worry about his safety.


But the next moment, there was another heavy noise inside, which made Yun Ren's hearts tighten again, for fear that after the smoke dissipated, they would see the last picture they didn't want to see.

"It hurts to death."

Fortunately, Raikage's voice sounded again.

"Blow the smoke away with the wind."

Finally, Yun Ren thought of a countermeasure. He greeted Yun Ren, who would be able to escape from the wind, to blow away the smoke and dust that was in the way. After the scene was clear and clear, he looked forward. Yun Ren couldn't help but be stunned. The adults were actually being stepped on by Yang Lei, unable to move.

"Tell you to put pressure on Konoha Village."

Yang Lei not only stepped on Lei Ying's back, but also squatted down and slapped Lei Ying's head again and again with his palms, mumbling in his mouth. .

"Damn brat, you'll pay for it."

Lei Ying's anger was terrifying, but his heart was extremely cold. The armor of the thunderbolt on his body had long since been removed, not by him, but because the chakra was sucked away by Yang Lei and forced to remove it.

It's not just the armor of Lei Dun, whenever Lei Ying wants to exert his strength to break free from Yang Lei's control, he will feel that the chakra on his body will be sucked away. In addition, Yang Lei's strength is not small, so he can't break free at all. In the end, he could only scream and scold a few times to vent the anger in his heart, otherwise he was really afraid that he would vomit blood.

"You dare to murder me?"

Yang Lei laughed, stomped Lei Ying's back with his foot, and pumped a few more strengths on his hand, and yelled at Lei Ying, "Didn't you provoke me first? Didn't I come here? Why? Don't you welcome me?"

After the previous test on the six-tailed person Zhuli, Yang Lei found that as long as he stepped on the back, most people could not break free, because he could suck the chakra of the person under his feet, so that he could not gather the strength of resistance .

This is the case with the six-tailed man, and the fourth Raikage is also like this. Once he is stepped on, he will never get up again.

Even if there is no chakra, the strength of the fourth Raikage itself is not small, but don't forget, Yang Lei's physical strength is even more powerful. comparable to him.

"Rescue Raikage-sama."

A group of Yun Ninjas had gathered around for a long time, but they were stunned by what they saw before, and it was only now that they came back to their senses, and quickly organized the organization to rescue their Raikage.

"Get out of the way."

And just at this moment, another person killed him from a distance, and while rushing towards this side, he showed the tail beast mode on the half way. Compare.

Not long ago, Yang Lei agreed to the request of the two Yumu people and had a fight with her at the gate. Not only did some people come to report to Lei Ying, but some also passed the results to Kirabi, which made Kirabi think out of curiosity. Go see who is so powerful that even Ren Zhuli can defeat him.

But before Chirabi arrived at the gate of Yunyin Village, he heard that the person was coming to the Raiying Building on the way. He didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to this side.

It's a pity that he was still a step behind. Lei Ying had already fought against Yang Lei, and Yang Lei stepped on his feet in a face-to-face meeting, and then he cleaned up.

Pain is trivial, the main thing is that Raikage has never been insulted or humiliated like this before.

Yang Lei was able to capture Lei Ying face-to-face, mainly because Lei Ying was too careless.

As a result, Yang Lei can also learn the thunderbolt armor, and he won't learn it from him, so he doesn't need to be afraid of the thunder and lightning on his body. On the body, the battle situation was established in one fell swoop.


Asking others to make way, Kirabi rushed to him from a distance and shouted, "Lei Plough Hot Knife."

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