"Tsk," Yang Lei smacked his lips unhappily. He hadn't defeated Raiying, but Kirabi behind him couldn't ignore it, so he stretched out his hands and shouted, "Shen Luo Tianzheng."

It's not that he has no other way, isn't he still the avatar of roller skating. The main thing is that now he wants to completely defeat Raikage, so let him 'break free' by the way, and then beat him later.

"Bang." "Bang."

I saw the two brothers Raikage and Kirabi were thrown out by the huge repulsion bullet and fell heavily into the distance.

"Don't move."

Yang Lei looked at the direction of Lei Ying and Kirabi, raised his finger and pointed to the surrounding Yun Ren, and said without turning his head: "I don't have time to talk to you now, you'd better stay still, otherwise it will not help you. Raikage, on the contrary, will become their drag."

0213 Just ask if you have taken it

How could Yun Ren listen to Yang Lei?


Seeing that he didn't frighten them, Yang Lei curled his lips and used roller skating. Detachment, he split into two clones, one left and one right, and rushed towards those Yun Ren.


On the other hand, the main body raised his chin and shouted: "Can the two of you still do it?"

"Double, Thunder Plough Hot Knife."

I only heard the responses of the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi in the distance.


As soon as the words fell, they saw the two rushing back from left to right, blinking in front of Yang Lei with a thunderous momentum, their arms folded up and down, and they were about to give Yang Lei a heavy blow.

"Too slow."

Yang Lei complained about the speed of the two, and disappeared from the spot in an instant, coming behind Lei Ying.

I saw Lei Ying's back of his head had a sigil of the Flying Thunder God technique, which was left quietly when Yang Lei was pumping him just now. At this time, even if Lei Ying and Kirabi increased their speed to the limit, they could not hurt him. It was easily avoided by him.

Raikage and Kirabi's speed at this time is already very fast, even exceeding the speed of sound, otherwise this kind of trick is not too idiotic for ninjas, you think, as long as any ninja can do it, you can dodge past? 243

But their speed is too fast, ordinary people can't react at all, just in the blink of an eye, they will be deceived to the front, there is no chance to seal.

Yang Lei is not an ordinary person, he is an ordinary person. With the open pupil technique, he can easily see all the movements of Raiying and Kirabi, and his own speed can keep up with their speed, so he can seal the seal in time and use the flying thunder god technique to circle around him. After getting behind Raikage, the purpose is not just to avoid, but also to attack while taking advantage of the situation.

"Eat my foot."

Yang Lei greeted him deliberately, and kicked Lei Ying's back when he lifted his foot, which increased his speed a lot, and quickly flew out into the distance.


At this moment, Kiraby on the side made an attack. Although his body still couldn't twist, don't forget that he was a human column force. At this time, he was still in the state of tail beast mode, and popped a few red chakra tails. Took Yang Lei's body.


Yang Lei did not evade, and also used the tail beast mode to condense the chakra coat on his body, and raised his hand to block Kirabi's attack.

It's just that Yang Lei's tail beast pattern is different from Kirabi's. Kirabi's tail beast is a red chakra coat, while Yang Lei's is golden.

Not only (bgdb) is the difference in color, Yang Lei's chakra coat is like a real set of clothes, there is no tail behind him, a golden clothes and black lines appear on his body to draw magical patterns.

Even Chirabi didn't recognize that this was the tailed beast mode at first, or the eight-tailed bull-ghost exclaimed. On Yang Lei's body, he not only felt the one-tailed Shouhe, the second-tailed travel, the three-tailed Isofu, the six-tailed The rhinoceros, the chakra of the nine-tailed Kurama, even has its chakra characteristics. What's going on?

"Is it also the human pillar power of the tail beast?"

Chirabi was stunned for a moment, then was kicked away by Yang Lei.

"Wandering around in battle? It's not a good habit."

Yang Lei at the back said with a smile, turned his head and glanced at the two clones behind him who were fighting with the Zhongyun Ren, seeing that they were just dealing with it at will, and didn't mean to do their best, so they chased forward with confidence. out.

"That goddamn brat."

Raikage got up from the ground, rubbed his lower back, and cursed angrily with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

His age is not too young, he is in his forties, how can he compare to the waist of a young man.

Another one, Yang Lei attacked his waist for the second time, and he was even heavier every time. He doubted whether he could resist Yang Lei's third attack.

"Can't the armor of thunder escape stop his attack?"

Not in a hurry to attack again, Lei Ying's face was full of thought, trying to find the best way to deal with Yang Lei.

But how can there be, this is the first time I have seen a real person, and Yang Lei has only recently emerged. How can I know who he is before, and how could there be any information? I don't know how to deal with him if I want to go crazy. .


At this time, Kirabi, who was also kicked away, also got up. He didn't know what to say to Raikage gesturing from a distance, and then shouted: "I'll go first, you pay attention to the timing."

After finishing speaking, Chirabi turned around and rushed back, just as Yang Lei was also coming this way, the two bumped into each other and fought together halfway.

"What timing do I pay attention to?"

Lei Ying stood still with a thoughtful expression on his face, but instead of thinking about how to deal with Yang Lei before, now he was thinking about the meaning of Kirabi's gesture just now.

Chirabi's ideas are really weird, and some people can't understand some fantastic ideas. Let's put it this way, this guy is not a normal person, and how can he know what he is going to do with a normal person's thinking.

For example, at this moment, Lei Ying was thinking that if it was a normal person's thinking, Kirabi must have wanted to hold Yang Lei back and let him find a chance to give the final blow.

However, it was enough to make two gestures, but Kirabi made a series of gestures one after another, which made Raikage not dare to draw conclusions easily.

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