Looking at the other side, not to mention the four people of Yin Ren, whether it is Guideng Shuiyue or Chongwu, or Red Lotus, who has the least strength and also has Shangnin, it is really difficult to deal with each one.

Especially that red lotus, until now no one has discovered Jing Dun's weakness, which makes her even more invincible. All the enemy's ninjutsu can be turned into Jing Dun and attacked by her. The difficulty is only difficult. Next to Orochimaru.

"Wake up quickly, Tsunade, you are Tsunade Hime, one of the three ninjas, but the first female ninja who is about to succeed the fifth generation of Naruto 16."

Jiraiya shouted at the other side while parrying Orochimaru and Innobu, hoping to make Tsunade wake up.

His words are not exaggerated at all. Whether it is achievements in medical ninjutsu or as a ninja, Tsunade can be called the number one female ninja in the ninja world. At least the current Terumi Mei can't be compared with her. There is also a premise that it is not the case of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

But unfortunately, psychological problems are the most difficult to treat, especially because Tsunade is a powerful medical ninja. She is most aware of her hyperphobia, which makes it easier to cure this disease. difficulty has been increased.

Just like a hypnotist, he has never heard of a hypnotist who can hypnotize himself. Even if he pretends not to know, he will subconsciously know what he wants to do.

And because hypnotists understand these methods, it makes other hypnotists more difficult.

"A lot of blood."

Tsunade didn't seem to be able to hear the outside world, and his eyes lost the energy. He stared blankly at the front, and muttered something.

"Is this the legendary Tsunade Hime?"

Shuiyue tilted her head and glanced at Tsunade, and finally scratched her hair in confusion, and muttered: "It's really hard to cut down with such a weak appearance."


On the other side, Honglian, who had already met Mute, scolded and shouted, "Did you forget who you were beaten into a puddle of water several times just now?"

The ghost lamp family also has its own bloodline limit, that is, a very high affinity for water escape, and even hydrating their own bodies, they can basically be said to be physically immune to water.

In the previous battles, Orochimaru mainly dealt with Jiraiya, while Chonggo and Shuiyue mainly dealt with Tsunade. The former was resistant to fighting, and the latter was not afraid of fighting, which prevented them from collapsing too violently, otherwise, where would there be this now? scene.

Tsunade Hime's level of violence should not be underestimated, even Chonggo couldn't withstand a few attacks, and even he went berserk, but he was woken up by Tsunade's two punches, and now he is lying in the distance and has not dared to show his face. of balsamic care.

"Quickly kill her."

The four of Yin Ren also hurriedly urged. Naruto was assigned by Mute to help Jiraiya share some pressure. As a result, they felt the pressure. How could they have a good temper.

"I know, I know."

Shuiyue responded with her mouth, but she couldn't cut it down. She glanced at the long knife on her shoulder and muttered: "I just like to cut with others, and I don't like to kill people, it's really embarrassing. ."

Shuiyue's character is really a little weird. He always likes to find someone to cut, but it's really unclear how many people he killed.

But there is one thing, Xianglin, who obviously doesn't have much ability, has been able to bully him many times. After several fights, Xianglin has always bullied Shuiyue. It can be seen that his character is still somewhat gentle, at least he is unwilling to do so. Starting with women, that's why it's so entangled now.

And it was precisely because of Shuiyue's entanglement that Yang Lei, who was standing behind the thick earth wall, did not appear in a hurry to see if he could take the opportunity to cure Tsunade's heart disease.


Jirai didn't know that Yang Lei had ended the battle, and he was very worried that Shuiyue would cut a knife at any time, and then everything would really be over.


Angrily glared at Orochimaru, Jiraiya's breathing was a little rapid, and he was also angry, this was tired, and he was about to die when he roared, his hands quickly formed seals and shouted: "The art of psychic, Toad Immortal help me. ."


In front of Jiraiya, two small toads, Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Zhima, were summoned by Jiraiya with all his chakras.

"Do you want to use that technique?"

The two Toad Immortals glanced at the situation and jumped on Jiraiya's shoulders together, only to see the three of them put their hands together in a seal, and at the same time 'do not move' for a while, and then shouted together: "Toad Immortal Mode, open."


A huge momentum suddenly erupted from Jiraiya's body, and even if Orochimaru had been shooting, it was too late to stop him, and finally let him use his trump card.

"If Tsunade can't stand up."

Glancing at Tsunade who was still shivering, Jirai also took a deep breath and said firmly, "Then let me block all the wind and rain for her."

"Jilai also?"

I don't know when Tsunade became able to hear some outside voices again, because Jiraiya's words showed a touch of emotion in his eyes. In retrospect, although this bastard's behavior made her very contemptuous, sometimes it even made her feel ashamed. , but he really has nothing to say about his own mind, and he has never changed his mind for so many years, which makes Tsunade very touched.

117 Now, he is fighting against five people including Orochimaru alone with his back to him. Although his figure is not tall, it makes her feel surprisingly safe.

"You can't let the lecherous immortal take the limelight alone."

At this moment, Naruto shouted, not to be outdone, everyone looked at him subconsciously, and saw Jirofang, one of the four members of Yin Ren, standing with him, for some reason, he clearly opened the second state of the curse seal. Jirofang seemed to have lost his mobility, and his tall body knelt down in front of Naruto, unable to move.

"Grandma Tsunade."

He only heard Naruto shout at Tsunade, and Yuyin separated a shadow clone and started to scratch on his hand. He quickly condensed a spiral pill. He heard that his body was in a mess and his face was bloody. He was serious. Said: "Don't forget to make a bet with me, I'm going to order your necklace."

After speaking, Naruto turned around quickly, slammed the spiral pill in his right hand into Jirofang's heart, and shouted: "The spiral pill."

"Boom." "Boom."

Jirofang was knocked out by a huge force, but what makes people more strange is why there are two heavy sounds?


Seeing that Shuiyue once again turned into a pool of red lotus satirical 'rotten water' poured down there, in front of him, the shivering 'Little Pity' had stood up, and that valiant figure showed that violence Tsunade Hime is back in the ninja world again. .

0222 Expose the eyes of the ancients


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